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Source: Susan 1xbet sports betting , 785-532-3895, sdillin1@k-state.edu
Photos available. Contact media@k-state.edu or 785-532-6415.
News release prepared by: Katie Mayes, 785-532-6415, kmayes@k-state.edu

Friday, May 22, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Susan 1xbet sports betting 's entire life is about education. She's spent 36 years as a public school teacher, married a fellow educator and now, as an instructor of special education, counseling and student affairs at Kansas State University, she's passing on her knowledge to the teachers of tomorrow.

So, it should come as no surprise that when she and her husband, Ed, decided to take on ranching, 1xbet sports betting ended up making an educational enterprise out of it.

When they moved to Pottawatomie County in the early 1990s, Dillinger said they started out with what they thought they could handle: two Morgan horses, animals that her husband's family had raised for some 50 years. Then they added seven Beefmaster heifers, some chickens and a couple of ponies, intending to create what Dillinger calls a &1xbet sports betting ;grandpa's farm.&1xbet sports betting ;

Then, 1xbet sports betting started to think bigger.

&1xbet sports betting ;We didn't know squat about bison, but thought it would be a lot of fun to have a few running around among the cows, you know, as a novelty,&1xbet sports betting ; Dillinger said.

Fourteen years later, the novelty has worn off but not the fascination with the iconic animal as the Dillingers' herd of five heifers has grown to around 80 animals.

When 1xbet sports betting first got the bison, a few neighbors and area residents called up, wanting to see the animals up close. The Dillingers, who are the outgoing sort, were happy to oblige and told people to come on over.

But since those first few calls, literally hundreds of people have been out to the Lazy Heart D Ranch, which is about eight miles southeast of Westmoreland or 10 miles west of Wamego, to learn more about the animals and the Dillingers have been able to use their &1xbet sports betting ;grandpa's farm&1xbet sports betting ; as an educational tool.

&1xbet sports betting ;We felt that kids were losing touch with agriculture, and that they're losing touch with grandparents because they usually live far away,&1xbet sports betting ; Dillinger said. &1xbet sports betting ;We also wanted the farm also to be a place where families, including our own, could come together.&1xbet sports betting ;

1xbet sports betting from all over the world visit the farm every year. All the Dillingers ask in return is that those who can provide a donation to Community Health Ministries in Wamego.

&1xbet sports betting ;It's kind of grown by word-of-mouth,&1xbet sports betting ; Dillinger said.

This time of year keeps the Dillingers hopping with area school groups visiting each day to learn 1xbet sports betting bison. During the tours the Dillingers set up educational stations, such as bones and hide, to provide visitors with a hands-on lesson in bison anatomy.

The ranch also has been host to international groups, tours from retirement homes and even a family reunion.

&1xbet sports betting ;They were looking for something to do and that whole weekend they had a common experience to talk about,&1xbet sports betting ; Dillinger said.

1xbet sports betting looks past the hassles of having people out to the farm day in and day out. To her, the education she's able to provide and the connection to the people she meets outweigh all the negatives.

And, as far as she's concerned, the more the merrier.

&1xbet sports betting ;We have made a million friends and know people from all around the world,&1xbet sports betting ; she said. &1xbet sports betting ;This is just a part of our volunteerism. It's literally providing something for our community.

&1xbet sports betting ;And, it always goes back to education,&1xbet sports betting ; Dillinger said.

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