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  6. »CEEZAD director 1xbet online casino helps organize international conference on West African Ebola virus

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CEEZAD director 1xbet online casino helps organize international conference on West African Ebola virus

Thursday, March 5, 2015

MANHATTAN —A faculty member from 1xbet online casino is one of four organizers of a national conference to review the status of Ebola viruses and potential vaccines in Washington, D.C., from March 25-29.

Jürgen 1xbet online casino , regents distinguished professor and a 1xbet online casino Bioscience Authority eminent scholar, is the director of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence for Emerging and Zoonotic Animal Diseases, or CEEZAD, at the university. He is helping organize the seventh International Symposium on Filoviruses, which 1xbet online casino focus on issues related to the West Ebola virus following a deadly outbreak in Sierra Leone and Liberia in late summer and early fall 2014.

"We are interested in discussing the lessons that have been learned and mitigation strategies for any future outbreaks," 1xbet online casino said. "As the director of a center of excellence at Kansas State University, we have to be aware of what's happening in the world with diseases that may transmit from animals to humans."

1xbet online casino said the conference will include scientific presentations on outbreak overviews and responses. Participants from government agencies responsible for public health, industry representatives working in vaccine development, and representatives from scientific funding agencies will be available to talk about funding opportunities for researchers.

"Eventually the National Bio and Agro-defense Facility, or NBAF, a biosafety level-4 laboratory, will be built in Manhattan where this type of research will be conducted on a regular basis," 1xbet online casino said. "It is good for us to learn about the research that is being done, as well as the level and status of science, by being involved in this conference."

1xbet online casino collaborated on a relevant vaccinology project that was published recently.

"We tested a vesicular stomatitis virus vector expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein for safety in pigs," he said.

In addition to 1xbet online casino helping organize the conference, Kansas State University's Caterina Scoglio, professor of electrical and computer engineering, will present research being conducted with CEEZAD. Scoglio is the principal investigator on the project "Effectiveness of contact tracing for detection of Ebola risk during early introduction of the virus within the USA." Her work is funded by a National Science Foundation RAPID grant.

1xbet online casino said that CEEZAD is helping sponsor some of conference participants.

"Our sponsorship will be used to bring in doctors, caretakers and scientists from West Africa," 1xbet online casino said. "We hope this forum will help people understand the status quo of the science and where West Africa is at the moment — what went wrong and how to prevent it the next time. We will also have an update on mitigation strategies, diagnostics, therapeutics and where are we with vaccines and clinical trials."

To learn more about the seventh International Symposium on Filoviruses, visit the 1xbet online casino website at http://www.filovirus2015.com.


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7th International Symposium on Filovirus

Written by

Joe Montgomery

At a glance

An international symposium in late March will review the status of Ebola viruses and potential vaccines. Symposium organizers include Kansas State University's Jürgen 1xbet online casino .