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Leading 1xbet online games login executives visit College of Business Administration for Commerce 1xbet online games login Days

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MANHATTAN -- 1xbet online games login in the 1xbet online games login at Kansas State University will learn from executives at 1xbet online games login Bancshares Inc., which has been called one of America's best banks by Forbes magazine.

The executives will be at the college as part of Commerce 1xbet online games login Days, March 28 and 29. The event features lectures, networking opportunities and workshops to benefit students and is part of the college's Corporate 1xbet online games login program.

Tom Giller, community 1xbet online games login president, and Rich Jankovich, senior vice president, both with Commerce 1xbet online games login Manhattan, will lead the lecture, "A Day in the Life of a Banker." A panel discussion with Tanna Thompson, retail group manager at Commerce 1xbet online games login Manhattan, and other Commerce 1xbet online games login branch managers will teach students about practical management. An interviewing skills seminar, mock interviews, and a recruiting and personal finance booth will also be part of the event.

"We are thrilled to have Commerce 1xbet online games login on campus and are looking forward to the lessons these experienced executives will teach our students," said Olivia Law-DelRosso, director of Professional Advantage, a professional development program in the college, and responsible for the Corporate Days program. "Commerce 1xbet online games login has a long-standing relationship with our college. Through Commerce 1xbet online games login Days, we expect students to become even more familiar with the 1xbet online games login 's career opportunities."

Corporate Days are an opportunity for companies to come to campus and network with students and faculty of the 1xbet online games login . Companies are invited to participate in the program, giving them the opportunity to interact with students through lectures, workshops and networking receptions, as well as get to know faculty and learn about their applied research.

"As longtime supporters of Kansas State University and the only on-campus 1xbet online games login , we are particularly proud to support the College of Business Administration with Commerce 1xbet online games login Days," Giller said. "Many of our Commerce 1xbet online games login colleagues are proud Kansas State University graduates, so we know the caliber of student the university helps grow. We look forward to getting to know some of these students at our many Commerce 1xbet online games login Days events."

Commerce 1xbet online games login and the William T. Kemper Foundation are the sponsors of the well-known College of Business Administration Distinguished Lecture Series, which brings highly successful executives to the college every semester.

Commerce 1xbet online games login Days events at the College of Business Administration include:

* Thursday, March 28 -- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Recruiting/Personal Finance Booth, first floor, Calvin Hall; 11 a.m. to noon, Interviewing Skills Seminar, 102 Calvin Hall; and 1:30 to 4 p.m., Mock Interviews, 307 and 308 Calvin Hall.

* Friday, March 29 -- 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Recruiting/Personal Finance Booth, first floor, Calvin Hall; 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., Practical Management, a panel discussion with Commerce 1xbet online games login branch managers, Big 12 Room, K-State Student Union; and 3 to 4 p.m., Networking Reception, third floor, Calvin Hall.

To find out more, go to http://www.cba.k-1xbet online games login edu/corporatedays.

Written by

Olivia Blanco
oblanco@k-1xbet online games login edu

At a glance

Students in the College of Business Administration at Kansas State University will learn from executives at Commerce Bancshares Inc., which has been called one of America's best banks by Forbes magazine. The executives will be at the college as part of Commerce 1xbet online games login Days, March 28 and 29. The event features lectures, networking opportunities and workshops to benefit students and is part of the college's Corporate Days program.

Notable quote

"We are thrilled to have Commerce 1xbet online games login on campus and are looking forward to the lessons these experienced executives will teach our students. Commerce 1xbet online games login has a long-standing relationship with our college. Through Commerce 1xbet online games login Days, we expect students to become even more familiar with the 1xbet online games login 's career opportunities."

-- Olivia Law-DelRosso, director of the Professional Advantage program and responsible for the Corporate 1xbet online games login program.