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1xbet sports betting1xbet sports betting 1xbet sports betting 1xbet sports betting

Source: Joseph Ugrin, 785-532-6184, jugrin@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Olivia Blanco, oblanco@k-state.edu

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Research on the career of 1xbet sports betting has given a Kansas State University College of Business Administration student a special opportunity.

Heber Garcia, senior in 1xbet sports betting , Garden City, presented a research paper about recruitment for 1xbet sports betting careers at the recent American 1xbet sports betting Association Southwest Region Meeting in Houston.

Garcia has been working with K-State's Joseph Ugrin, assistant professor of 1xbet sports betting , on this research as part of Garcia's responsibilities as a McNair Scholar. Specifically, Garcia and Ugrin researched the impact of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants' "Start Here, Go Places" promotional campaign on the general perception of 1xbet sports betting as a career.

"A long line of research shows that the principal reason students don't major in 1xbet sports betting is a general perception that the work is dull, repetitive and boring," Garcia said.

Garcia and Ugrin found that the campaign, which showcases different aspects of an accountant's career, had little impact on the perception of 1xbet sports betting as a possible career choice for students. However, the campaign's reach could be improved by adding media-rich elements that would capture the attention of potential 1xbet sports betting students.

The McNair Scholars Program prepares undergraduate students for successful careers as graduate students, professors and professional researchers. McNair Scholars at K-State are from socioeconomic groups that are underrepresented in graduate programs and college faculties.

Garcia has been accepted into the master of accountancy program at K-State.

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