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Source: Myra Gordon, 785-532-6276, mygordon@1xbet online casino edu
Website: http://www.1xbet online casino edu/ddcd/SummitLinks.htm
News release prepared by: Rachel Skybetter, 785-532-1566, rskybett@1xbet online casino edu

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Women's History Month is drawing to a close, but the office of diversity and dual career development at Kansas State University is making sure to give it a proper send-off.

K-State's eighth annual Diversity Summit will be Friday, April 1, and will feature presentations to recognize the achievements and advancement of women at K-State and in the community. The event is open to the public. The title of this year's summit is &1xbet online casino ;Celebrating the Phenomenal Women of K-State: Purple, Powerful and Passionate.&1xbet online casino ; Past themes have included American Indians, civil rights and racial and ethnic awareness.

&1xbet online casino ;This is a not-to-be-missed event,&1xbet online casino ; said Myra Gordon, K-State associate provost for diversity and dual career development. &1xbet online casino ;We've put so many things in place for women's empowerment and affirmation. And of course, men are welcomed and encouraged to attend as well.&1xbet online casino ;

The Diversity Summit will take place from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. in the 1xbet online casino Student Union Ballroom and includes a catered lunch.

Presentations include a video salute to the phenomenal women of K-State; &1xbet online casino ;Passionistas on Parade,&1xbet online casino ; where guests will have the opportunity to introduce themselves; &1xbet online casino ;In View at K-State,&1xbet online casino ; with a cast of local hosts, talent segments and special guests discussing contemporary issues; Monica Biernat, professor and associate chair of research and graduate studies at the University of Kansas, will present &1xbet online casino ;The Subtleties and Complexities of Gender Bias&1xbet online casino ;; &1xbet online casino ;M.O.M,&1xbet online casino ; men on their mothers, featuring Tim de Noble, dean of the College of Architecture, Planning and Design; Denis Medeiros, associate dean of the College of Human Ecology; and David Griffin Sr., assistant dean of the College of Education; &1xbet online casino ;Our Mothers, Ourselves&1xbet online casino ; to honor guests' mothers; and &1xbet online casino ;Match Me if You Can,&1xbet online casino ; a fun audience-participation guessing game involving guests' childhood photos.

Rounding out the afternoon will be a professional development workshop with Ruth Hensley-Taylor, a life coach, motivational speaker and international author.

Registration is and covers a continental breakfast and lunch. To register and get more information, visit http://www.1xbet online casino edu/ddcd/SummitLinks.htm.

Other summit-related events include the Third Diversity Tea at 1xbet online casino Salina at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 30, in the College Center cafeteria, and a women's wellness fair from noon to 3 p.m. Thursday, March 31, on the concourse and lower levels of the Union on the Manhattan campus. The fair will feature many local female entrepreneurs and vendors specializing in women's services and products.

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