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Source: Dianna Schalles, 785-532-6595, diannas@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Rosie Hoefling, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Friday, March 4, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Getting coeds to think healthy -- not thin -- is the ideal when it comes to body image. That concept is the focus of a national 1xbet best casino website being implemented at Kansas State University.

The Reflections: Body Image 1xbet best casino website is designed to reduce eating disorder risk factors in its participants. The 1xbet best casino website was originally developed by Carolyn Becker, professor of psychology at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. It's being offered at K-State by Lafene Health Center and the Sensible Nutrition And body image Choices peer education 1xbet best casino website , also known as SNAC.

&1xbet best casino website ;Body dissatisfaction and dieting are two risk factors that may trigger the onset of eating disorders in susceptible individuals,&1xbet best casino website ; said Dianna Schalles, registered dietitian at Lafene and adviser for the Sensible Nutrition And body image Choices program. &1xbet best casino website ;The Reflections program, through a series of oral, written and behavioral activities, asks participants to challenge the thin-ideal standard of female beauty.&1xbet best casino website ;

Schalles said that a recent poll conducted by the National 1xbet best casino website Association found that 20 percent of a group of 1,000 students nationwide said they had struggled with an eating disorder. This statistic is comparable to an estimated 4 percent of the population at large.

&1xbet best casino website ;More and more college-age students are experimenting with unhealthy weight loss methods and body dissatisfaction,&1xbet best casino website ; she said. &1xbet best casino website ;Eating disorders in general have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, and the longer they go untreated, the lower the chance of recovery.&1xbet best casino website ;

K-State's adaptation of the Reflections 1xbet best casino website was done with the help of Delta Delta Delta and Chi Omega sororities, which participated in a campus pilot 1xbet best casino website . Delta Delta Delta had previously implemented the 1xbet best casino website in its chapters nationwide and has provided support to expand it to other campuses and sororities.

Schalles said sororities are key partners in the prevention of eating disorders because they represent the largest 1xbet best casino website of self-governed women on university campuses.

The Reflections: Body Image 1xbet best casino website features two, two-hour sessions that focus on a variety of topics, including resisting the ultra-thin, unrealistic ideal standard of beauty; embracing the healthy ideal; reducing body dissatisfaction and fat talk; engaging in sorority body activism; and embracing all of the non-appearance aspects of participants and their sorority sisters.

&1xbet best casino website ;The goal is to induce cognitive dissonance by having the girls make statements and engage in behaviors that are counter to the cultural ideal,&1xbet best casino website ; Schalles said. &1xbet best casino website ;After doing so, they must reconcile these new thoughts and behaviors with previously held pro-thin ideal beliefs, which, theoretically, cause a shift toward a healthier ideal.&1xbet best casino website ;

Schalles anticipates expanding the 1xbet best casino website to other K-State sororities and adapting it for residence hall women sometime in the future.

&1xbet best casino website ;Regardless of the severity level, disordered eating can affect a student's health, academic goals and relationships,&1xbet best casino website ; she said. &1xbet best casino website ;The Reflections program can help students resist unrealistic body standards of our culture, and free them to focus on healthier, more productive pursuits.&1xbet best casino website ;

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