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Source: Ray Buyle, 785-532-5964, rbuyle@k-state.edu
Note to editor: Matthew Baldridge is a graduate of Olathe North High School.
News release prepared by: Rosie Hoefling, 785-532-6415, media@k-state.edu

Thursday, March 4, 2010


MANHATTAN -- The Kansas State University student chapter of the Associated General Contractors has received a ,950 grant from Target to help with disaster relief efforts in New Orleans during an alternative spring break trip March 13-21.

According to K-State's Ray Buyle, instructor of architectural engineering and 1xbet best casino website and a faculty adviser to the chapter, more than 20 students from the chapter, along with Buyle and his wife, will make the trip. This is the first year Target has donated funds for the trip. The chapter also participated in a community service alternative spring break trip to New Orleans last year.

"Our budget is significantly greater this year because we're taking more students than we did last year," Buyle said. "So, we needed to come up with additional funding. We are very fortunate and grateful that Target stepped up and agreed to sponsor us."

K-State students participated in two projects during last year's trip that included renovation of an existing home and construction of new a home. Participants will not know what projects they will be working on until a few days before they leave.

Buyle said that students will be working eight- to 10-hour days over the course of the week, but that it will be a very beneficial experience.

"I think it's just one more opportunity for them to participate and to see how they can have an impact not just locally but also globally," Buyle said. "Just by being involved, they will see that we have a responsibility both as individuals and as members of the construction industry to do what we can to help."

Buyle credits Leo Hernandez, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Hooker, Okla., and president to the K-State student chapter of the Associated General Contractors, as the driving force behind the 2009 and 2010 alternative spring break projects. He said that Hernandez helped organize, plan and implement both of the trips.

In addition to Buyle, the chapter is advised by Eric Bartholomew, assistant professor of architectural engineering and 1xbet best casino website at K-State.

Along with Hernandez, members of the K-State student chapter of Associated General Contractors that will be participating in the Target-funded alternative spring break trip include:

Bart Eck, junior in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management, Goddard.

From Greater Kansas City: Derek Timler, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Leawood; Shane Evans, sophomore in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management, Lenexa; Matthew Baldridge, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Olathe; Laura Geiger, senior in architectural engineering, Overland Park; and Henry Specht, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Shawnee.

David Pottroff, junior in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management, Horton.

From Manhattan: Matthew Johnson, sophomore in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management; Brandon Ming, junior in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management; and Colin Newbold, senior in political science and 1xbet best casino website and management.

Tyler Oblinger, junior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Mulvane; William Brooks, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Perry; Jake Herrstrom, junior in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management, Tonganoxie; Emily Enneking, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Topeka; Juan Barron, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Ulysses; Jacob Cox, junior in 1xbet best casino website and management, Wamego; and Jeff Parsons, senior in 1xbet best casino website and management, and Karen Reiboldt, senior in pre-professional architectural engineering, both from Wichita.

From out of state: Ben Meyer, junior in arts and sciences-open option, West Des Moines, Iowa; Kyle Marquart, sophomore in pre-professional 1xbet best casino website and management, Washington, Mo.; and William Tam, freshman in pre-professional architectural engineering, Sugar Land, Texas.

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