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Sources: John Grable, 785-532-1486, jgrable@k-state.edu;
and Kristy Archuleta, 785-532-1474, kristy@k-state.edu
Web site: http://www.ipfp.k-state.edu/programs/doctoral/
News release prepared by: Katie Mayes, 785-532-6415, kmayes@k-state.edu

Monday, March 29, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Kansas State University's new distance-based doctorate program in personal 1xbet online games login planning is in demand.

The new program, launched in summer 2009, is receiving inquiries and applications on a daily basis, with much of the interest stemming from a desire to obtain the research skills to help others make better daily household 1xbet online games login decisions, according to program organizers.

"We've seen a very strong interest in the program from 1xbet online games login services practitioners, graduate students and others who are looking for a way to pursue an advanced degree without having to sacrifice their career and family life," said John Grable, K-State professor of personal 1xbet online games login planning. "The demand for the doctorate indicates the respect the 1xbet online games login planning community has for K-State."

Though most course work is conducted online, organizers call the program a hybrid because students come to campus for an intense 10-day course in the summer. The fourth summer of the program, students travel abroad to see firsthand how global markets work and how they affect 1xbet online games login planning in the United States and worldwide. The arrangement enables students to earn their doctorate in as little as five years.

"This method of course delivery meets the special needs of adult learners at various stages in their career and family life," said Kristy Archuleta, K-State assistant professor of personal 1xbet online games login planning.

The degree fulfills the educational requirement for designation as a registered 1xbet online games login consultant, registered 1xbet online games login associate, certified retirement counselor or accredited 1xbet online games login counselor. The program also is registered with the Certified 1xbet online games login Planner Board of Standards Inc., which allows graduates to take the national Certified 1xbet online games login Planner examination.

The program's first group had nine students from across the U.S. The second cohort of students will begin studies in August.

More information on the program, which is part of K-State's School of Family Studies and Human Services, is available at http://www.ipfp.k-state.edu/programs/doctoral/

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