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Sources: LeAnn Brazeal, 785-532-6789, lbrazeal@1xbet sports betting edu;
and Bonnie 1xbet sports betting , 785-532-0778, blynn@1xbet sports betting edu
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-6415, bbohn@1xbet sports betting edu

Monday, March 23, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Two Kansas State University faculty members are receiving grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities for projects to help students understand the importance of free speech and to create an online home for stories about the &1xbet sports betting ;lost&1xbet sports betting ; communities of Kansas.

The grants to LeAnn Brazeal, associate professor of communication studies, and Bonnie Lynn-Sherow, associate professor of history, are among the 197 selected by the National Endowment for the Humanities for million in grant funding. Both projects also have been designated as &1xbet sports betting ;We the People&1xbet sports betting ; projects by the agency because they encourage and enhance the teaching, study and understanding of American history, culture and democratic principles.

Brazeal is receiving ,800 for her project, &1xbet sports betting ;Protecting Dissent: Integrating Freedom of Speech into the Public Speaking Course,&1xbet sports betting ; while Lynn-Sherow will receive ,987 for her project, &1xbet sports betting ;Lost Kansas: Recovering the Legacy of Kansas Places and People.&1xbet sports betting ;

Brazeal's grant award also is a Teaching Development Fellowship, a 1xbet sports betting program from the National Endowment for the Humanities where professors do advanced study in a specific subject area and bring that 1xbet sports betting knowledge into the classroom.

&1xbet sports betting ;My project focuses on free speech and its role in the democratic process. My goal is to help students better understand what free speech is really all about and how it's applied in real life,&1xbet sports betting ; Brazeal said. &1xbet sports betting ;Everybody's in favor of free speech in the abstract, but it gets more complicated when the speech is unpopular. Americans tend to support free speech when they agree with it, but they tend to favor government censorship of speech they don't like. That defeats the purpose of free speech in a democracy.&1xbet sports betting ;

Brazeal said her new vision of the public speaking course 1xbet sports betting address two needs.

&1xbet sports betting ;First, it will teach students the speaking and critical listening skills they need to participate effectively in a democracy. And two, it will help students better understand the right to speak, with its responsibilities and occasional limitations,&1xbet sports betting ; she said.

&1xbet sports betting ;I've always been passionate about helping students learn to speak with integrity about issues that really matter,&1xbet sports betting ; Brazeal said. &1xbet sports betting ;I see lots of students out there with something to say and I want to help them say it in a way that moves people. I also want to see them develop a deep respect for a democratic system that allows us to discuss and debate our differences in meaningful, respectful ways. For me, it doesn't get any better than that.&1xbet sports betting ;

Lynn-Sherow, who is director of the Chapman Center for Rural Studies in K-State's department of history, is the principal investigator on a grant that 1xbet sports betting find a new online home for the stories of forgotten Kansas communities and teach K-State students new, advanced methods in the collection, organization and distribution of historical data.

Assisting with the project 1xbet sports betting be Rebecca Gould, director of K-State's Information Technology Assistance Center, and M.J. Morgan, assistant professor of history. Gould and Morgan 1xbet sports betting help develop a pilot e-space class project for students working in the history of Kansas.

&1xbet sports betting ;Unlike most digitization grants that pay for scanning and uploading historical documents, the 'Lost Kansas' project will collect materials through student field work, organize the material into searchable databases, and then generate narratives to share with the members of the Kansas communities the students have worked with,&1xbet sports betting ; Lynn-Sherow said. &1xbet sports betting ;These materials will then be shared with the Kansas State Historical Society's new 'Kansas Memory' database for even wider accessibility.&1xbet sports betting ;

Lynn-Sherow said the Chapman Center for Rural Studies and the Information Technology Assistance Center 1xbet sports betting team up to bring specialists in the area of digital humanities to the K-State campus to train faculty, librarians and archival specialists in the latest concepts and software. Information specialists from Boulder, Colo., and the Center for History and New Media 1xbet sports betting lead workshops on campus in fall 2009 and 1xbet sports betting continue to consult on the project throughout spring 2010.

&1xbet sports betting ;Students will learn historical digitization methods by enrolling in one of the history lab classes that will be offered in fall 2010 in a new classroom space in Leasure Hall specially designed for this purpose,&1xbet sports betting ; Lynn-Sherow said. &1xbet sports betting ;The renovation of the classroom is being underwritten by Mark Chapman, a K-State alum.&1xbet sports betting ;

Lynn-Sherow 1xbet sports betting that the new classroom, combined with the K-State's reputation in providing high-technology classrooms, made for a winning combination in the highly competitive grant process.

&1xbet sports betting ;We were very fortunate to have been selected by National Endowment for the Humanities for this pilot grant, and we will definitely be submitting a larger phase II grant at the conclusion of this project to make sure what we learn is fully implemented,&1xbet sports betting ; she said.

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