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  1. K-State Home
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Source: Lindsay Graber, 620-960-2321, lngraber@k-state.edu

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


MANHATTAN -- The College of Agriculture at Kansas State University has 23 students as its new ambassadors. As College of Agriculture Ambassadors, the students will facilitate visits with prospective high school students and represent the college at various events.

Prior to being named as ambassadors, the students had to complete the college's training program and go through an extensive selections process.

New K-State College of Agriculture Ambassadors include:

Sarah Marten, freshman in agriculture education, Arkansas City; Rheba Howard, freshman in animal sciences and industry, Bremen; Brooke Schultz, 1xbet best casino website in horticulture, Haviland; Kyra O'Brien, 1xbet best casino website in agricultural economics, Hepler; Alex Jost, freshman in agriculture education, Hillsboro; Kate Bormann, freshman in agricultural communications and journalism and in political science, and Caleb Kueser, 1xbet best casino website in animal sciences and industry, both of Louisburg; Kelsey Dertzbaugh, junior in agribusiness, and Robert Munson, 1xbet best casino website in animal sciences and industry, both of Manhattan; Alyson McCall, 1xbet best casino website in pre-veterinary medicine, Minneapolis; Annarose Hart, freshman in agriculture education, Paola; Lauren Nutter, 1xbet best casino website in agricultural economics, Parsons; Larissa Wimbs, junior in animal sciences and industry, Reading; Kyla Clawson, 1xbet best casino website in animal sciences and industry, and Tera Rooney, junior in animal sciences and industry, both of Satanta; Miles Theurer, junior in animal sciences and industry, Wellington; and Kyla Krissek, freshman in pre-veterinary medicine, Wichita.

From out of state:

From Colorado: Hannah Leventhal, junior in animal sciences and industry, Arvada; Tiffany Poet, junior in agriculture education, Flagler; and Katie Samples, 1xbet best casino website in agribusiness, Windsor.

Danielle Hill, 1xbet best casino website in animal sciences and industry, Winnebago, Ill.; Drew Ladd, freshman in bakery science and management, Atlantic, Iowa; and Allie Marks, 1xbet best casino website in agronomy, Norcross, Minn.

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