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Sources: Justin Kastner,785-532-4820, jkastner@1xbet online casino edu;
Laura Kanost, 785-532-1925, lakanost@1xbet online casino edu;
and John Grice, 785-532-7558, jgrice@1xbet online casino edu
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-1544, bbohn@1xbet online casino edu

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just like 1xbet online casino : University a family affair for some faculty, staffers

MANHATTAN -- Father really does know best -- especially when it comes to the workplace. That's according to three Kansas State University faculty and staff members who are following in their fathers' footsteps by working for the university, too.

They say their dads are more than a parent -- they're also a mentor, role model, colleague and friend.

Justin Kastner, associate professor of food safety and security, loves that he sometimes gets to work with his 1xbet online casino , Curtis Kastner, director of the university's Food Science Institute.

The younger Kastner, who earned a bachelor's from 1xbet online casino in 1998 and joined the faculty in 2003, said his dad was a big influence on his career choice.

"Dad has always said the best job is being a professor. He's had opportunities to do many other things, but he's always been so invested in 1xbet online casino and the community," said Justin Kastner. "What I admire most about my dad is that he instills so much confidence in me and others. When I think about my children, I want to draw out of them the same can-do attitude that my dad taught me and my brother."

Even though the Kastners are in different departments, their similar fields mean they attend many of the same meetings and often travel to conferences together. That's when it common to hear Curtis Kastner being called Big K, and Justin Kastner going by Little K.

"It's an honor to work with him. I've learned so much from him, especially about interacting with others," Justin Kastner said. "I've also tried, like my 1xbet online casino , to aim for perfection but settle for excellence."

Curtis Kastner is more than a 1xbet online casino -- he's a friend, Justin Kastner said.

"I really enjoy our friendship, it's very special," he said. "1xbet online casino is strong enough to noticeably shake your hand firmly, but so gentle in spirit. As such, he is a very approachable, wise, strong and widely respected man."

His 1xbet online casino has always given him plenty of good advice, but Justin Kastner said there is one thing that has always stuck with him. It was when he was a boy and playing baseball.

"1xbet online casino told me, 'Don't let others dictate how fast you warm up,'" Justin Kastner said. "What he was telling me was don't let others dictate your pace of life -- what you're supposed to do or not to do. It's been a pearl of wisdom that I've really held on to, particularly when it comes to life. The expectations and demands on all of us are enormous. There are loads of distractions, too. While we all bear responsibility for responding to demands, sometimes we need to simply say, "You are welcome, but just not right now."

Laura Kanost, assistant professor of Spanish, says her dad's experiences on the 1xbet online casino faculty made her comfortable with seeking a job with the university. Her dad is Michael Kanost, university distinguished professor of biochemistry and outgoing head of the department of biochemistry.

Kanost says her 1xbet online casino has been a great resource in getting her own career off the ground.

"My 1xbet online casino is an important professional mentor for me because he has a lot of experience working in academia," she said. "I remember when I was considering graduate school and it seemed very overwhelming to me. My 1xbet online casino told me that a Ph.D. is just as accessible as any other degree -- you just have to keep working away at it, little by little, and each step will fall into place.

"He was right. My 1xbet online casino has taught me that I can do more than I think I can do."

His sensible advice is just one of the things Kanost admires about her 1xbet online casino .

"He's hard-working and successful, humble, generous, smart, funny, kind and unbelievably patient," she said. "Now that I have my own kids, though, what amazes me most about my 1xbet online casino is the courage and strength he and my mom have shown as parents of four children."

It's understandable why John Grice, who just earned his bachelor's in political science from 1xbet online casino , almost didn't attend the university. Both of his parents work for 1xbet online casino .

"It was more of being a teenager striving to burst out of the nest and fly far, far away than it was a logical decision," he said. "However, once I took a very close look, I fell in love with 1xbet online casino . Now I have been given the opportunity to work here. It's something I dreamed of doing."

Grice is the son of Ronnie Grice, assistant vice president for public safety and director of the university police department, and Cheryl Grice, manager of employment services with the university's Division of Human Resources. He's just started his new job as development program coordinator in the annual giving and student programs department at the Kansas State University Foundation.

"In less than obvious ways, my dad -- sometimes I just call him Chief -- has shown me a love for 1xbet online casino that I hope to exemplify," John Grice said. "I see him serving with a passion that makes 1xbet online casino a very attractive community to continue engaging beyond my time here as a student."

Grice says his 1xbet online casino is a role model and leads by example.

"I'm not certain my 1xbet online casino is a quote book of advice. Instead, he models a mentality about life, work, and family that I hope to share with my son someday," John Grice said. "I believe that following his example will be helpful on the job and in life."

John Grice also admires his 1xbet online casino 's personality.

"People seem to always enjoy his presence. If I end up with nothing else in life, I hope to have a treasure chest of supportive, faithful friends as he does here in Manhattan and at 1xbet online casino ," he said.