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Source: Kristy Archuleta, 785-532-1474, kristy@k-state.edu
Web site: http://www.ipfp.k-state.edu/

Monday, June 15, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Couples should have a talk about an important issue that will affect their future before exchanging their &1xbet online casino ;I dos,&1xbet online casino ; according to Kristy Archuleta of Kansas State University's Institute of Personal Financial Planning Clinic.

&1xbet online casino ;Couples need to talk about money before getting married,&1xbet online casino ; Archuleta said. &1xbet online casino ;If you are already married, start talking now. Many couples know that talking about money is important but either fail or put off talking about it because money can be an emotionally charged issue.&1xbet online casino ;

Archuleta is a licensed marriage and family therapist who teaches in K-State's personal financial planning program. She's also part of the program's Institute of Personal Financial Planning Clinic, which blends financial counseling with marriage and family therapy to help individuals, couples and families struggling both financially and emotionally. The institute is part of the K-State College of Human Ecology's School of Family Studies and Human Services.

Archuleta offers the following tips on what newly engaged couples or newlyweds should discuss when it comes to 1xbet online casino :

* Talk about each other's family history about money. &1xbet online casino ;Families are often looked upon as the single most influential source of how to manage money,&1xbet online casino ; Archuleta said. &1xbet online casino ;Understanding your own family's money history is helpful in understanding why you manage money the way that you do. Equally important is understanding your spouse's family's money history. You will be better able to understand why he or she manages money the way that they do.&1xbet online casino ;

* Discuss money management expectations. &1xbet online casino ;Because families, friends, colleagues, media and schools have influenced how we think and feel about money, we develop differing expectations about how money should be handled,&1xbet online casino ; Archuleta said. &1xbet online casino ;Having differing views or expectations about money is OK, but you have understand and respect why the other thinks and feels about money the way that they do.&1xbet online casino ;

* Develop strong communication skills. If you are unable to talk about 1xbet online casino effectively, you will have a difficult time resolving conflict about 1xbet online casino , discussing family 1xbet online casino histories and 1xbet online casino expectations. These are key strategies to manage 1xbet online casino together successfully, Archuleta said.

* Develop effective conflict management skills. &1xbet online casino ;Most couples will argue about money,&1xbet online casino ; Archuleta said. &1xbet online casino ;Arguing about money is normal because couples have different experiences with money and have received different money messages from family, friends, media, colleagues and schools. A recent study showed that couples believe that money may not be the most argued about topic within the relationship, but it is the most intense issue fought about.&1xbet online casino ; The study, by Lauren M. Papp, E. Mark Cummings and Marcie C. Goeke-Morey, appeared in the February 2009 issue of the journal Family Relations.

* Create a safe environment to talk about money. Timing is important, Archuleta said. &1xbet online casino ;Don't try to discuss an important money issue while your spouse's favorite show is on television. Set a time and place to talk about money issues. Have your emotions in check, set fair fighting rules, and be respectful of the other's points of view. Most all, listen,&1xbet online casino ; she said.

* Talk regularly about money and your budget. &1xbet online casino ;Some individuals who manage the day-to-day budget do not include their spouse in on where they stand financially,&1xbet online casino ; Archuleta said. &1xbet online casino ;This can cause extreme anxiety and stress for both spouses.&1xbet online casino ;

* Set an annual date to review and update financial goals and objectives. Archuleta said setting financial goals are key to staying on track with a budget and achieving financial success. She recommends setting short-term goals for one year or less, mid-term goals for two to five years, and long-term goals for beyond your first five years together. &1xbet online casino ;This makes it important to review goals each year,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;Other goals may change or the strategies in which to achieve those goals may have also altered.&1xbet online casino ;

* Decide together about joint versus separate accounts. &1xbet online casino ;Couples often ask the question about which is better: choosing joint or separate accounts. The answer is not a one size fits all; it depends upon the couple,&1xbet online casino ; Archuleta said.

* Most financial decisions are not set in stone. &1xbet online casino ;If the decision or strategy is not working, try something different,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;It is easy to be narrow-minded when financial stress is encountered, so it is important to take a step back and look at alternatives to solving the problem.&1xbet online casino ;

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