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  1. 1xbet sports be
  2. News Services
  3. June news releases


* Why was an exit 1xbet sports betting done? A Kansas Board of Regents policy requires an exit review/analysis when there is a change in a university's CEO leadership and involving the CEO's handling of certain non-state funded accounts. The analysis was required because of Jon Wefald's retirement and was not undertaken because of any actions involving the 1xbet sports betting department.

* Who requested 1xbet sports betting ? The Kansas Board of Regents.

* Who conducted 1xbet sports betting ? The Kansas City office of Grant Thornton LLP, an auditing, management consulting, corporate finance, risk management and information technology firm.

* How much did 1xbet sports betting cost? 6,000 paid to Grant Thornton LLP.

* Who paid for 1xbet sports betting ? The Kansas State University Foundation.

* What is covered by the exit 1xbet sports betting ? 1xbet sports betting includes K-State entities that are not audited by the state: the president's office, the KSU Foundation, K-State Alumni Association and the athletics department.

* Does the university anticipate making any additional changes?
President Kirk Schulz and 1xbet sports betting Director John Currie intend to review the exit analysis as soon as possible. After they see the details, they will analyze what actions need to be taken.

* Is the athletic 1xbet sports betting in the red right now; if so, by how much?
Athletics is nearing the end of a very tight budget year. At 1xbet sports betting point it is not clear whether or not athletics will break even 1xbet sports betting year. Like many units, the athletics department owns some restricted endowments which were invested by the KSU Foundation in a pool. With the poor performance of the stock market, many of these funds have lost money.

* 1xbet sports betting there be further follow-up investigations to see if anything else was missed by the audit?
The new administration is considering follow-up reviews, in addition to new policies to ensure strong financial controls.

* Regarding the future of the athletic department: the declining economy slowed down the Wildcat Victory campaign -- will 1xbet sports betting slow it down further?
The entire economic climate has caused us to move forward cautiously and we are working to rebuild the trust and support of the entire 1xbet sports betting fan base.

* 1xbet sports betting the Olathe Innovation Campus be filling the position vacated by Bob Krause?
Not at 1xbet sports betting time; there is a "soft" hiring freeze in effect due to budget cuts from the state.

* Was there any kind of buyout for Bob Krause?

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