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Urban 1xbet sports betting expert comments on 1xbet sports betting pollution in cities, Rio de Janiero

Friday, July 31, 2015

MANHATTAN— A recent Associated Press investigation shows that the Rio de Janiero waters where Olympic athletes will compete are extremely polluted and present serious health risks.

Stacy Hutchinson, interim director of Kansas State University's Urban 1xbet sports betti, discusses the dangers of urban 1xbet sports betting pollution and way to remedy polluted systems.

The Urban 1xbet sports betting Institute is a center of knowledge, research and engagement that focuses on sustainable 1xbet sports betting management in urban environments.

Name: Stacy Hutchinson, interim director of Kansas State University's Urban 1xbet sports betting Institute and professor of biological and agricultural engineering
Link to website: Stacy Hutchinson bio
Description of expertise: Research focuses includethe use of vegetated systems for the mitigation of non-point source pollution, including erosion control, and the remediation of contaminated soil and 1xbet sports betting .


How does urban 1xbet sports betting become polluted?
There are two types of pollution that cause 1xbet sports betting quality problems. The first is called point source pollution, which is pollution that is added to 1xbet sports betting in a concentrated area, or at one point. An example is the discharge from a wastewater treatment plant or an industrial facility. The second type of pollution is called non-point source pollution, which occurs as stormwater runoff washes across the landscape picking up pollutants such as excess nutrients from fertilized lawns, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons from our cars, and fecal coliform bacteria from our pets and septic systems. Because of the number of people and various activities that take place in urban areas, there is the potential to greatly increase the amount of pollution in 1xbet sports betting around cities from both point and non-point sources.

What are the dangers of polluted 1xbet sports betting ?
Polluted 1xbet sports betting can cause serious health risks — both immediate and long-term. The immediate concerns center on bacteria and viruses that are transported with human and animal waste and can cause serious gastrointestinal infections and illnesses resulting in diarrhea, fevers, severe cramping and vomiting. Poor 1xbet sports betting quality also can cause skin irritations if people are in direct contact with the 1xbet sports betting . Under certain conditions — including increases in 1xbet sports betting temperature and high levels of fertilizer — algal growth increases can cause a decrease in dissolved oxygen, which can cause fish kills and loss of other aquatic life. Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are a type of photosynthetic bacteria that produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals. Long-term effects of polluted 1xbet sports betting result in an overall decline in ecosystem function, which results in continued decline in 1xbet sports betting quality, aquatic habitat and increased health risks.

What are some ways to remedy polluted 1xbet sports betting ? How long does this remediation take?
The best way to treat polluted 1xbet sports betting is to prevent the pollution from occurring. For point sources of pollution, this means to treat the 1xbet sports betting before allowing any discharge into surface 1xbet sports betting bodies. An example is using wastewater treatment systems. These types of treatment systems are typically heavily engineered to remove a relatively well-defined group of pollutants, such as the excess organics, nitrogen, phosphorus and bacteria in wastewater or specific industrial chemicals from industrial waste. While these systems can be costly, they are extremely effective in protecting our 1xbet sports betting .

For non-point source pollution, it is best to reduce the potential for pollutants to be washed off the land. Ways to reduce non-point source pollution potential include carefully managing lawn fertilizers and chemicals, fixing all leaking fluids from cars and preventing spills, and picking up pet waste. We also can help reduce 1xbet sports betting pollution by encouraging 1xbet sports betting to infiltrate and move through the soil where soil microorganisms help to degrade pollutants, such as fertilizers, and bind heavy metals to the soil to reduce the potential for the pollutant to enter the 1xbet sports betting .

What else should we know about 1xbet sports betting pollution?
The most important thing to remember when considering 1xbet sports betting quality and quantity is that 1xbet sports betting is a finite resource. 1xbet sports betting moves around the globe changing from 1xbet sports betting vapor to liquid and solid forms through the processes of evaporation, condensation and precipitation as part of the hydrologic, or 1xbet sports betting cycle. Because all 1xbet sports betting is connected, we need to carefully consider our actions across the landscape to ensure that excess pollutants are not introduced into the 1xbet sports betting , which results in both human and environmental health risks.


Stacy Hutchinson


Stacy Hutchinson bio


Jennifer Tidball