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Veterinarian says keep 1xbet sports betting pets indoors for Fourth of July

Wednesday, 1xbet sports betting 2, 2014

MANHATTAN — You may be looking forward to the fireworks this Fourth of July, but chances are 1xbet sports betting pet is dreading it, says a Kansas State University veterinarian.

"Fourth of July tends to be a fun holiday for people, but not so fun for our 1xbet sports betting ," said Susan 1xbet sports betting , clinical associate professor in clinical sciences at the university's Veterinary Health Center. "Many 1xbet sports betting are very scared of the loud noises and flashes from the fireworks."

If 1xbet sports betting dog or cat flees from the loud noises, Nelson has some suggestions on how to soothe their fears:

• Pull the blinds.

• Run a white noise machine or turn up the TV to drown out the noise of the firecrackers.

• Keep the 1xbet sports betting in its carrier, crate or a dark room.

• Consider taking the 1xbet sports betting to a relative or friend who lives in an area with no fireworks.

• Use an antianxiety wrap to help lessen the 1xbet sports betting 's anxiety.

• Consult with 1xbet sports betting veterinarian about medication to calm 1xbet sports betting pet and test the medicine first before the holiday to make sure 1xbet sports betting dog does not have any adverse reactions to it.

Nelson recommends keeping 1xbet sports betting pet indoors for its own safety.

"This season has the highest incidence for pets running away," 1xbet sports betting said. "They're also more likely to get hit by a car because they're so frightened and they're not paying attention to what's going on around them."

Even if 1xbet sports betting pet doesn't fear fireworks, Nelson says indoors is the best place for 1xbet sports betting pooch on the Fourth of July. Some brave dogs will attempt to retrieve the lit fireworks, causing damage to their mouths. And there are other dangers to dogs that you may overlook.

"They can get burns on their feet from stepping on hot things," Nelson said. "Citronella candles have oil that can be toxic to animals if they get it on their paws and lick it off. Human insect repellants are not formulated for pets, so spraying the repellant on 1xbet sports betting animal could produce a dangerous reaction."

1xbet sports betting says dogs with firework phobias often have thunderstorm phobias as well — and they often don't develop the phobia until they are older.

"Younger dogs don't usually have noise phobias," Nelson said. "A lot of these noise phobias develop as they mature and get a little bit older, so you may not have noticed this in 1xbet sports betting dog when it was younger. As they're approaching middle-age and older, that is often when the phobias develop."

While you may want to share some leftovers with 1xbet sports betting dog, Nelson warns that Fourth of July food can be harmful to pets. These foods are often higher in fat and could lead to pancreatitis. Dogs that get a hold of chicken or rib bones or the cob from corn could require surgery to remove it. Wooden skewers that are used for barbecuing can puncture the gastrointestinal tract of 1xbet sports betting pet if consumed.

In fact, 1xbet sports betting said you may be surprised what dogs can get their paws on if it smells like food.

"One summer, I had a dog that ate the metal scouring pad that was used to clean off the grill because it contained all the flavorings from the chicken," 1xbet sports betting said. "The dog did require an emergency surgery to remove the clumps of metal bristles from its intestinal tract."

Additionally, alcoholic beverages of any kind should never be given to 1xbet sports betting pet.

For more information, contact the Kansas State University Veterinary Health Center at 785-532-5690.

photo credit: [JP] Corrêa Carvalho - يوحنا بولس via photopincc


Susan 1xbet sports betting


Susan 1xbet sports betting 's online bio

Written by

Lindsey Elliott

At a glance

Whether 1xbet sports betting pet has a firework phobia or not, a Kansas State University veterinarian says it is best to keep 1xbet sports betting pets indoors on the holiday.