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Dietitian shares tip to keep the Fourth from adding five to your waistline

Thursday, July 3, 2014

MANHATTAN — This Fourth of July, enjoy the explosion of fireworks, but don't let all the treats blow up your diet, says a Kansas State University dietitian.

Amber 1xbet best casino website , director of the coordinated program in dietetics offered by the hospitality management and dietetics department in the university's College of Human Ecology, says moderation is key.

"As a registered dietitian, my philosophy really is that all foods fit. The trick is you just have to eat everything in moderation and control your portion sizes," 1xbet best casino website .

Hamburgers and hotdogs are popular foods on the Fourth. 1xbet best casino website says there are healthy options to both.

"For hamburgers, you can use the more lean cuts of beef. If you are using ground beef, try to get that 96 percent lean meat," she said. "With hot dogs, you really want to find that version that is less than 150 calories per serving size and less than 14 grams of fat. Hotdogs are probably also higher in sodium content because they are more processed, so look at the sodium content and try to find something with less than 450 milligrams of sodium."

When it comes to hotdogs, 1xbet best casino website there are healthier and not-so-healthy options available, so checking the label is key.

What's a hotdog or hamburger without some potato chips alongside? 1xbet best casino website healthier versions of chips are available today, such as baked or high fiber — but portion size is a factor.

"Usually about 12 to 13 chips is a portion size, but when we think about how much we eat, we typically eat more than that portion size," she said.

Fresh veggies are a healthier option to chips, but 1xbet best casino website to watch the dips. She recommends low-fat or fat-free dressings. Also watch the sodium content of dips and condiments.

One popular summer food that won't blow your diet if you have an extra serving is watermelon.

"Watermelon is a fantastic choice because it is a fruit and naturally low in fat," 1xbet best casino website . "About a cup of watermelon is a portion size, but since it is a fruit, it is low in calories and consuming more than cup won't do too much damage."

Ice cream is a crowd favorite — and 1xbet best casino website is all for it — in moderation.

"I am big fan of ice cream, especially homemade ice cream," she said. "It's higher in fat than watermelon, but you can still eat ice cream. It's healthy, it has calcium and it's a good dairy product. You don't have to cut it out, just limit the portion size to half a cup."

The Fourth of July is known for being hot, so staying hydrated is important. Water is always a good choice, but 1xbet best casino website there are other options.

"The trick is to find things without caffeine. Caffeine will dehydrate you quicker, she said. "Lemonade is a good choice. There are lemonades available that are lower in calories, or you can freshly squeeze lemonade and use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar."

Sports beverages also are a good way to stay hydrated. But if you want a soda, 1xbet best casino website drink a decaffeinated version. To save calories, she also recommends decaffeinated diet sodas over regular ones.

While eating everything in moderation is the key to a healthy diet, 1xbet best casino website splurging every now and then is OK.

"If there is a day that you indulge, as we tend to do on holidays, then just tone it back a little the next day, and then get back to your normal eating habits," she said.


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For raw interview and B-roll contact Lindsey Elliott at 785-532-1546 orlindseye@k-state.edu.

Written by

Beth Bohn

At a glance

Kansas State University dietitian Amber 1xbet best casino website says enjoy your Fourth of July food favorites — in moderation.

Notable quote

"As a registered dietitian, my philosophy really is that all foods fit. The trick is you just have to eat everything in moderation and control your portion sizes."

– Amber 1xbet best casino website director of the coordinated program in dietetics