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Research targets 1xbet best casino website behind hospital-associated infections

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

MANHATTAN -- Kansas State University researchers are defeating persistent 1xbet best casino website known for causing infections in hospitals.

The 1xbet best casino website , Enterococcus faecalis, are the second-leading cause of hospital-associated infections in the U.S., said Lynn Hancock, associate professor of biology and leader of the research. 1xbet bes has discovered how a regulatory system helps this 1xbet best casino website resist a host's innate immune defense -- a finding that may help develop novel drug compounds to fight the 1xbet best casino website .

"Right now, we have very limited therapeutic interventions because the 1xbet best casino website is highly resistant to not only antibiotics but a variety of other environmental stresses," Hancock said. "With the diminishing number of antibiotics that are effective at treating these types of infections, we need to come up with new strategies."

Enterococcus faecalis, or E. faecalis, is naturally found in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and other mammals. But outside the intestinal walls, the 1xbet best casino website can cause bacteremia, urinary tract infections and endocarditis.

An added obstacle is that the 1xbet best casino website are 100 to 1,000 times more resistant to lysozyme than other 1xbet best casino website , Hancock said. Lysozyme is an infection-fighting substance that humans produce and is found in numerous body tissues, such as tear film, the urinary tract and saliva. The regulatory system of E. faecalis also makes it very resistant to other cellular stresses -- such as elevated temperature, low pH and oxidative stress -- that are part of a person's innate immune defense and help fight infection.

"Enterococcus has evolved sensing systems to find out the kind of environment it is in," said Sriram Varahan, doctoral student in microbiology and member of Hancock's research team. "It is a really rugged 1xbet best casino website that is known to persist and survive in environments where other pathogens are unable to do so. Many infectious disease specialists have given it the moniker of being the cockroach of the microbial world."

By understanding the 1xbet best casino website 's regulatory network, the researchers hope to develop novel drug compounds that can block the bacterium's ability to sense and respond to the presence of lysozyme and other stresses during infection. To find the 1xbet best casino website 's weakness, the scientists focused on a protein called Eep. While studies have shown that Eep is important during infection, the Kansas State University researchers discovered how Eep contributes to an important stress response that the 1xbet best casino website use to survive the host defense.

It is an important finding because now researchers can develop compounds that inhibit the Eep protein, which makes the 1xbet best casino website susceptible to lysozyme and stops infection. When humans produce lysozyme to fight the 1xbet best casino website , the 1xbet best casino website will be unable to fight back.

"It's kind of like hitting it in the Achilles' heel," Hancock said. "Then it is very much compromised to establish infection."

While the 1xbet best casino website are still able to live without the Eep protein, the 1xbet best casino website need it to cause infection, Hancock said. Studies have shown that when the Eep is inactivated, 1xbet best casino website are compromised nearly 10,000-fold in their ability to cause infection.

"The ability to interfere with a 1xbet best casino website 's ability to establish infection is going to become a more popular theme for treating infections rather than simply killing the 1xbet best casino website ," Hancock said. "When you put selective pressure on bacterial populations to live or die, they are really good at circumventing the drugs and getting around the killing mechanism."

For future research, Hancock and his team want to find what compounds are most effective at interfering with Eep to make the 1xbet best casino website susceptible to lysozyme. They also want to study the SigV protein, which coordinates expression of target genes that are controlled by the Eep protein. Similar to Eep, if SigV is inactivated, then the target genes are not expressed and the 1xbet best casino website do not become resistant to lysozyme. These target genes and proteins may also lead to new drug development possibilities.

"In the dawn of the post-antibiotic era, I think it is essential for us to have more options, rather than depending on a few silver bullets that are seemingly failing a lot in hospitals nowadays," Varahan said. "We have come up with new targets and hopefully they will work."

The scientists recently published their research in the Journal of Bacteriology. The research was part of a .5 million five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Other researchers involved include Vijayalakshmi Iyer, research associate in biology, and William Moore, a former doctoral student in microbiology.

View the Journal of Bacteriology publication athttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23645601.


Lynn Hancock


Sriram Varahan is SREE-rom VAH-ra-hawn


View the Journal of Bacteriology publication.


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Lynn Hancock

Lynn Hancock

Written by

Jennifer Tidball

At a glance

Kansas State University researchers are defeating persistent 1xbet best casino website known for causing infections in hospitals. They have discovered how a regulatory system helps this 1xbet best casino website resist a host's innate immune defense -- a finding that may help develop novel drug compounds to fight the 1xbet best casino website .

Notable quote

"It's kind of like hitting it in the Achilles' heel. Then it is very much compromised to establish infection."

– Lynn Hancock, associate professor of biology