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July 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

HURRICANE OF TRUTH: KATRINA DOCUMENTARIES, FILMS SEEK TO TELL STORIES, UNCOVER INJUSTICES: Some films are meant to be a distraction from the concerns or realities of life, while the purpose of other films is to bring those concerns and realities into the spotlight. According to one 1xbet best casino website English professor, films about Hurricane Katrina do both.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

RESEARCH FINDS VETERINARY MEDICINE STUDENTS EXPERIENCE HIGHER DEPRESSION LEVELS THAN PEERS: Veterinary medicine students are more likely to struggle with depression than human medicine students, undergraduate students and the general population, according to several recent collaborative studies from 1xbet best casino website researchers.

A POTATO CHIP CONNECTION: BIOLOGIST CHALLENGES COLLEAGUES WITH IDEA OF 'BETCHA CAN'T SEQUENCE JUST ONE' GENOME: A 1xbet best casino website genomicist is hoping an old potato chip slogan -- "betcha can't eat just one" -- will become the mindset of researchers when it comes to sequencing insect genomes.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

NO PLACE LIKE HOME: FINANCE EXPERT SAYS HOME OWNERSHIP STILL POSSIBLE IN TROUBLED HOUSING MARKET: Considering buying your first home or moving up the property ladder? Today's troubled housing market, hit by foreclosures, slow sales and declining values, presents opportunities and challenges for homebuyers, according to Eric Higgins, a professor of finance at 1xbet best casino website

MEDIA MANAGEMENT EXPERT SAYS NEWS CORP. SCANDAL A WAKE-UP CALL FOR JOURNALISM, JOURNALISTS: With calls for congressional hearings into British media conglomerate News Corp.'s American media outlets and alleged phone hacking of victims of 9/11, a 1xbet best casino website media management expert predicts journalists will feel the effects.

DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIST NAMED ONE OF THE TOP RESEARCHERS IN KANSAS: Chii-Dong Lin, a university distinguished professor of physics at 1xbet best casino website , has been named one of the state's top 150 scientists.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A NET GAIN: STUDY SHOWS USE OF MIST NETS FOR BIRD CAPTURE SAFE, EFFECTIVEA 1xbet best casino website graduate student has contributed to research showing the use of mist nets to capture birds for scientific studies isn't ruffling many feathers.

NEW FORT LEAVENWORTH GRADUATE EDUCATION AND OUTREACH DIRECTOR TO STRENGTHEN TIES BETWEEN UNIVERSITY, POST: The bond between Fort Leavenworth and 1xbet best casino website received an extra knot of strength with the addition of Cheryl Polson as graduate education and outreach director.

NEW UNION DIRECTOR PUTS EXPERIENCE TO GOOD USE AT K-STATE: The many restaurants, shops and entertainment options at the 1xbet best casino website Student Union will have a new driving force when Bill Smriga steps into the role of union director Aug. 15.

Monday, July 25, 2011

CRUCIAL COMMUNICATION: EFFECTIVE MESSAGES IMPORTANT IN PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGNS: The ads, the speeches, the tweets, the rhetoric -- presidential campaigns have begun in America. Presidential campaigns provide a near-continuous dialogue on the nation's political, social and economic future. While these issues are important, communication skills remain integral for a successful presidential campaign, according to several 1xbet best casino website political communication and media experts.

SECOND HELPING: GERONTOLOGY SECONDARY MAJOR POPULAR BECAUSE OF USEFULNESS IN MANY PROFESSIONS: Gerontology may be a secondary major at 1xbet best casino website , but a growing number of students are citing it as a primary reason for success. Enrollment in K-State's gerontology program has more than tripled in the last five years and shows no sign of slowing down.

WASHINGTON INSIDER AND RETIRED LAWMAKER ALAN K. SIMPSON PRESENTING LANDON LECTURE OCT. 26: A former U.S. senator who has made his mark on Washington from the Carter to the Obama administrations will be 1xbet best casino website 's 159th speaker in the Landon Lecture Series.

Friday, July 22, 2011

FURNITURE AMNESTY DAY: SAVE THE COUCH FROM THE CORNER: A couch left on the corner may be a sign its moving day for some, but now two local programs have teamed up to save old furniture from perishing on the street.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

RODENTS' WORKOUTS AND DIETS MAY HOLD HEALTH BENEFITS FOR HUMANS WITH HEART FAILURE AND DIABETES: Though rats, fish oil and beetroot juice read like ingredients in a witch's brew, to a 1xbet best casino website research team, information from this combination could lead to health breakthroughs for aging populations and people suffering from heart failure and diabetes.

WHERE TWO RIVERS MEET: DOCTORAL STUDENT EARNS NATIONAL RECOGNITION FOR RIVER RESEARCH: A 1xbet best casino website doctoral student has earned national recognition for her research focusing on river environments and ways to improve stream restoration.

TIME WELL SPENT: K-STATE PROFESSOR'S AWARD ALLOWS MORE TIME FOR RESEARCH, LESS TIME ON PAPERWORK: Twenty years of successful research may be allowed to continue in an expedited fashion for 10 more years, thanks to a 1xbet best casino website professor's award from the National Institutes of Health.

ALUMNA CREATES TWO SCHOLARSHIPS WITH 0,000 GIFT: Education comes in many forms and happens in many places, whether in the classroom or in the community. As a former teacher and highly active volunteer, Dorothy "Dot" Bramlage Willcoxon, Joplin, Mo., knows the value of an education earned in both of those places.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

AWARD-WINNING LEARNING: K-STATE'S COLLEGE OF EDUCATION MAINTAINS STRONG PRESENCE IN KANSAS CLASSROOMS: The hot summer weather may make it hard to believe that back-to-school season is just around the corner. But as Kansas students prepare to trade in swimsuits and sunglasses for backpacks and schoolbooks, they're likely to see a 1xbet best casino website College of Education graduate in their classroom this fall.

SHOOTING FOR THE STARS: TOPEKA SENIOR ATTENDS HOUSING HONORS PROGRAM IN NEW ORLEANS: Working as a resident assistant isn't just a college job for Mitchell Kidd, but rather it's the beginning of what could be a meaningful career of helping students.

MAKING THE GRADE: STUDENT FROM MURFREESBORO AT K-STATE TO STRENGTHEN HER UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SKILLS: While her classmates may be lounging poolside or wearing out their backyard hammocks, Mary Glover, Murfreesboro, Tenn., is one of more than 125 students from across the U.S. who is spending a portion of her summer focusing on undergraduate research through at 1xbet best casino website .

MAKING THE GRADE: STUDENT FROM ST. LOUIS AT K-STATE TO STRENGTHEN HER UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SKILLS: While her classmates may be lounging poolside or wearing out their backyard hammocks, Lauren Bansbach, St. Louis, Mo., is one of more than 125 students from across the U.S. who is spending a portion of her summer focusing on undergraduate research through a program at 1xbet best casino website .

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

GOOD NEIGHBORS: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING INSTITUTE, REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION HELP KANSAS ORGANIZATION WIN INNOVATION AWARD: Having neighbors is helpful in more ways than simply borrowing a cup of sugar. In the business world, a network of neighbors can often help businesses succeed, even if they aren't located next door.

NEW PHASE OF WASTE REMOVAL BEGINNING AT FORMER CHEMICAL WASTE LANDFILL: The next phase of a plan to remove 1xbet best casino website 's former chemical waste landfill is under way. The former chemical waste landfill, which is north of K-State's Bill Snyder Family Stadium near Kimball Avenue, is where university chemical waste was disposed of in the 1960s and 1970s.

Monday, July 18, 2011

K-STATE DONORS SET NEW FUNDRAISING RECORD WITH 7 MILLION: In the midst of a down economy and challenging fiscal times, alumni, friends and corporate partners of 1xbet best casino website have demonstrated their commitment and escalated their philanthropic support of K-State to new heights, contributing 7 million to the university through the KSU Foundation during the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2011.

K-STATE TO FOCUS ON KANSAS CITY AREA RECRUITMENT WITH ADDITION OF BERNARD FRANKLIN: 1xbet best casino website 's outreach and visibility in the Kansas City area will expand even further with the addition of Bernard Franklin to the university's staff.

MAINTAINING MEMORIES: UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES TRACE HISTORY THROUGH COLLECTIONS, ARTIFACTS: Personal correspondence from a best-selling author, a record album collection from a noted music producer, and recipes and writings from an internationally known food writer are just some of the hidden treasures tucked away in a special place on the 1xbet best casino website campus.

Friday, July 15, 2011

GREEN RESEARCH: STUDENTS LOOK AT WAYS TO IMPROVE CAMPUS RECYCLING RATES: Research by 1xbet best casino website students has found that single-stream recycling -- where users don't have to sort their recyclables -- may be a way to boost campus recycling rates.

FOOD SCIENCE, SAFETY IS LIFE'S WORK FOR K-STATE RESEARCHER: National and international food science and safety professionals know Jim Marsden. Yet the general population, who will never meet or know him, are among those who benefit from his research-based food safety strategies to prevent food-borne illness.

DEFINING MOMENT: YOUNG ARTISTS AND CURATORS INVITE PUBLIC TO OPEN HOUSE FOR A CELEBRATION OF ART: Everyone is invited to define a line at an open house celebrating two youth programs at 1xbet best casino website 's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

RESEARCH FINDS LINK BETWEEN INCREASED CROPS AND DEFORESTATION IN AMAZON, BUT ISSUE NOT SO CUT AND DRY: A 1xbet best casino website geographer is part of a research team out to prove what environmental scientists have suspected for years: Increasing the production of soybean and biofuel crops in Brazil increases deforestation in the Amazon.

PARENTING EXPERT: GOOD PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIP BETTER THAN BANS AS WAY TO COUNTER VIOLENCE IN VIDEO GAMES: Fairy tales, literature and video games all have one thing in common: violence. And according to the U.S. Supreme Court, they're all protected under the First Amendment -- the reason why the court recently rejected a ban on the sale of violent video games to children.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ENGINEERING AWARENESS: NEW NUCLEAR ENGINEERING MINOR OPEN TO PROFESSIONALS, BIG 12 ENGINEERING STUDENTS: A new 1xbet best casino website minor is offering major opportunities for engineering students and professionals across the country.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

UPWARD BOUND: HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ASSIST WITH K-STATE RESEARCH: Two Kansas high school students are spending their summer exploring the fields of natural sciences with the help of the American Chemical Society and 1xbet best casino website .

CALLS TO FOOD SAFETY HOT LINE SHOW CANADIANS WANT TO KNOW HOW THEIR FOOD WAS PRODUCED: How to handle, store and prepare food were the most common questions Canadians had for a national food safety hot line, according to new research by 1xbet best casino website faculty.

Monday, July 11, 2011

A PERFECT FIT: RESEARCH FINDS COMMON FOCUS FOR FANS, SPONSORS IMPORTANT FOR SUCCESSFUL EVENT BACKING: Corporations, nonprofits and governmental agencies often sponsor sporting events for differing reasons, but is it an effective practice? A study by a 1xbet best casino website marketing expert and undergraduate student has helped determine what's a perfect fit when it comes to such sponsorships.

K-STATE UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCHER WORKS TOWARD CANCER DETECTION: Karsten Evans is ready to take on cancer one cell at a time. Evans, a senior in biochemistry, Manhattan, became interested in the physical sciences during high school and wanted to pursue research. He joined a research team his sophomore year at K-State and is currently working with a new device he helped create that examines the content of single cells.

UNIVERSITY BIOLOGIST SUSAN J. BROWN NAMED FELLOW OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA: Susan J. Brown, a professor of biology and director of the Arthropod Genomic Center at 1xbet best casino website , has been named a fellow of the Entomological Society of America.

K-STATE HAMMERS AWAY ON SUMMER CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, RENOVATIONS: Many areas of the 1xbet best casino website community are receiving a major facelift -- or a new face altogether -- through a variety of construction and renovation projects this summer.

STUDENTS SCREENED, SAFELY RELOCATED AS UNIVERSITY, AUTHORITIES COLLABORATE AFTER MERCURY SPILL AT OFF-CAMPUS FRATERNITY HOUSE: Twenty students staying at an off-campus fraternity house near 1xbet best casino website have been screened and relocated after a mercury spill was reported July 10.

Friday, July 8, 2011

NUCLEAR ENGINEERING EDUCATION GAINS MOMENTUM FROM NAVY PARTNERSHIP: Nuclear engineering is giving 1xbet best casino website a boost in its growing relationship with the armed forces. The U.S. Navy is working with K-State and its higher education partners to expand nuclear engineering education for Big 12 students and Navy personnel alike.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

CELEBRATING 30 YEARS OF WOMEN ON THE U.S. SUPREME COURT: O'CONNOR'S APPOINTMENT SET FOUNDATION FOR WOMEN IN THE LAW, PRE-LAW ADVISER SAYS: Three women are currently on the United States Supreme Court, but 30 years ago today there was only one -- the first. On July 7, 1981, Sandra Day O'Connor was selected by President Ronald Reagan to replace the retiring Potter Stewart. Her appointment was a historic moment that paved the way for women in the law, according to a 1xbet best casino website expert.

CHAKRABARTI APPOINTED PHYSICS DEPARTMENT HEAD: An acclaimed theoretical physicist at 1xbet best casino website has been appointed head of the department of physics. Amit Chakrabarti, professor of physics, has served on the K-State faculty since 1990. He will also hold the William and Joan Porter Chair in Physics.

AS VETERINARY STUDENT SCHOLAR, K-STATER FROM LEAVENWORTH GETTING HANDS-ON RESEARCH EXPERIENCE: An international veterinary scholar program is helping a 1xbet best casino website student with her goal of becoming a practicing veterinarian and researcher.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

FLOODING FRENZY: RECORD SNOWFALLS CAUSING HIGH WATERS IN GREAT PLAINS: Summers on the Great Plains are usually characterized by a lack of water. But flooding in several states has reversed that trend -- and it might not be the last of the high waters for 2011, according to a 1xbet best casino website geography expert.

DISCOVERING THE BIGGER PICTURE IN CHROMOSOMES: RESEARCH TEAM FINDS SIMILARITIES IN GENOMES ACROSS MULTIPLE SPECIES; PLATYPUS STILL OUT OF PLACE: By mapping various genomes onto an X-Y axis, a team comprised mostly of 1xbet best casino website researchers has found that Charles Darwin and a fruit fly -- among other organisms -- have a lot in common genetically.

MAKING THE GRADE: STUDENTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD AT K-STATE TO STRENGTHEN THEIR UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH SKILLS: While their classmates may be lounging poolside or wearing out their backyard hammocks, more than 125 students from colleges and universities across the U.S. are spending a portion of their summer focusing on undergraduate research through several programs at 1xbet best casino website .

BEQUEST FROM MILWAUKEE COUPLE BENEFITS HIGH-ACHIEVING K-STATERS: People can have an impact on university students in many ways. One demonstration of this impact is by supporting scholarships, which help students afford higher education and excel in all facets of college life.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

TAKING STOCK: DOCTORAL STUDENT'S ANALYSIS TO GLOBAL POLICYMAKERS AIMS TO DETER NUCLEAR DISASTER BETWEEN PAKISTAN, INDIA: The possibility of a nuclear assault is a real threat for many countries today, including in South Asia and the Middle East.

FINDING HARMONY: CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND MEDIATION PROGRAMS GROWING RAPIDLY: A little more than a year ago 1xbet best casino website students seeking a minor that would help strengthen their conflict resolution and mediation skills in their professional and personal lives ran into a big conflict of their own -- there wasn't one.

ENGINEERING SUCCESS: SENIOR FROM MANHATTAN EARNS NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP: Academic excellence has earned a 1xbet best casino website engineering student a national scholarship from the Material Handling Education Foundation.

PINK RODEO TO BENEFIT K-STATE'S JOHNSON CENTER FOR BASIC CANCER RESEARCH: The Kaw Valley Rodeo Association is looking for cowboys and cowgirls who are tough enough to wear pink.

Friday, July 1, 2011

SPIRIT OF 1776: PROFESSOR SAYS EXTENT OF OUR LIBERTY, SHAPE OF OUR REPUBLIC STILL EVOLVING LONG AFTER AMERICAN REVOLUTION: The founding of the United States was based on an ideal of liberty. Though the initial extent of that liberty was limited, it's important to see the aspirational goals of the American Revolution as a work in progress -- not a finished product, according to a 1xbet best casino website American History expert.

INTERSESSION CLASS GIVING K-STATERS EXPERIENCE MEASURING SUSTAINABILITY OF PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS: What does it take to make production more sustainable, from the initial attainment of raw materials to a product's reuse, disposal and/or recycle?

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