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Source: Doug Powell, 785-317-0560, dpowell@k-state.edu
Photo available. Contact media@k-state.edu or 785-532-2535.
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-2535, bbohn@k-state.edu

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


MANHATTAN -- News accounts of 1xbet online sports betting agriculture and 1xbet online sports betting food are more likely to be positive than negative and inaccurately claim 1xbet online sports betting food is safer, according to Kansas State University's Doug Powell.

Powell, an associate professor of food safety, is the co-author of "Coverage of 1xbet online sports betting agriculture in North American newspapers: Media -- linking food safety, the environment, human health and 1xbet online sports betting agriculture," just published in the British Food Journal.

The paper is based on a study Powell conducted from 1999-2004 with two colleagues at the University of Guelph in Canada, Stacey Cahill and Katija Morley. Cahill was one of Powell's students at the time.

The team explored how topics of 1xbet online sports betting food and agriculture were discussed in five North American newspapers. Using the content analysis technique, the 618 articles collected were analyzed for topic, tone and theme regarding food safety, environmental concerns and human health.

The prominent topics of the articles were genetic engineering, pesticides and 1xbet online sports betting farming, Powell said.

The analysis found 41.4 percent of the articles had a neutral tone toward 1xbet online sports betting agriculture and food, 36.9 percent had a positive tone, 15.5 percent were mixed and 6.1 percent were negative, Powell said.

"We concluded that articles about 1xbet online sports betting production in the selected time period were seldom negative," he said. "1xbet online sports betting agriculture was often portrayed in the media as an alternative to allegedly unsafe and environmentally damaging modern agriculture practices. That means 1xbet online sports betting was being defined by what it isn't, rather than what it is."

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has repeatedly stated that the 1xbet online sports betting standard is a verification of production methods and not a food safety claim, Powell said.

"Food safety was the least important in the media discussion of 1xbet online sports betting agriculture," Powell said. "The finding that 50 percent of food safety-themed statements in news articles were positive with respect to 1xbet online sports betting agriculture, while 81 percent of health-themed statements and 90 percent of environment-themed statements were positive toward 1xbet online sports betting food, indicates an uncritical press."

Analysis of articles over time, among media outlets and by topic, allows for understanding of media reporting on the subject and provides insight into the way the public is influenced by news coverage of 1xbet online sports betting food and agriculture, Powell said.

The article is available at:

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