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Source: David 1xbet sports betting , 785-532-4253, 1xbet sports betting @vet.k-state.edu
Note to editors: Similar stories on 1xbet sports betting 's international efforts are available at:
http://www.1xbet sports betting edu/media/webzine/international/index.html
Photos available. Contact media@1xbet sports betting edu or 785-532-6415.
News release prepared by: Katie Mayes, 785-532-6415, kmayes@1xbet sports betting edu

Monday, July 6, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Going to a country in the midst of a war probably isn't something most people would consider. But Dr. David 1xbet sports betting , a veterinary anesthesiologist at Kansas State University's College of Veterinary Medicine, is not most people.

1xbet sports betting , a professor in K-State's department of clinical sciences, just returned from his third trip to Afghanistan, where he's been working with Kabul University to better prepare the country's future veterinarians.

"The thing that really keeps me engaged in this effort is the enthusiasm the students have and their real desire to learn and develop clinical skills and expertise," 1xbet sports betting said. "If I didn't think that I was having a significant impact, I wouldn't keep going back."

1xbet sports betting first heard about the chance to go to Afghanistan in a hallway at K-State's Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. For some time, he'd been considering serving internationally, going as far as to research the possibility of working with the Peace Corps.

When 1xbet sports betting made his first trip to Kabul University in 2007, he found the students ill prepared and the university's curriculum and textbooks very much out of date. He said much of his first trip was spent encouraging university faculty to update their materials and dealing with a shortage of drugs, supplies and equipment needed to effectively teach the basic diagnosis and treatment of ailments in a variety of animal species.

Friends and co-workers at K-State's College of Veterinary Medicine and the department of clinical sciences helped by donating thousands of dollars in equipment, supplies and current textbooks to the Kabul University Veterinary Clinic. 1xbet sports betting said their constant interest, support and encouragement provided him with a source of strength and a desire to represent them well in the impoverished country. In return, 1xbet sports betting made the students and staff at Kabul University constantly aware of how interested everyone at K-State was in their educational opportunities.

During this last trip, 1xbet sports betting spent his mornings at the veterinary clinic and out in the field teaching current techniques in veterinary medicine appropriate for Afghanistan. In the afternoons he worked with the university's veterinary science faculty, offering help and encouragement for any staff member wanting to update lectures or revise the outdated curricula.

1xbet sports betting said he has learned a lot about cultural differences, but that living in Afghanistan can be challenging. He has been personally faced with security issues, given the activity of the Taliban in and around Kabul. He said that at the beginning of each trip it takes him several weeks to adjust to the food, water and time change in Afghanistan. Reliable access to the Internet and electricity also were daily challenges.

But 1xbet sports betting said the sacrifices he endured were well worth the potential beneficial outcomes for students and staff members.

"The real thing that is going to change Afghanistan is education," 1xbet sports betting said. "The funds that we direct toward education at every level will effect more positive change in this country than money that is directed toward war and further destruction."

1xbet sports betting describes his work in Afghanistan as a calling and said that he will return again next year. He said he wants his students at Kabul University and the people of Afghanistan to know that people in the U.S. care about what they're going through.

"I want them to know that there are people at K-State and in the United States who care that they are making progress and care about the things they want to do to better their living conditions and their future opportunities," 1xbet sports betting said.

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