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Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
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Source: Dana 1xbet online games login 785-532-6516, danat@k-state.edu
News tip: For Manhattan and Salina
News release prepared by: Stephanie Jacques, 785-532-0101, sjacques@k-state.edu

Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012

For the love of teaching: 1xbet online games login preparing both Wildcats and Jayhawks for health professional careers

MANHATTAN -- It's what working professionals dream: when their hard work is so highly regarded that their reputation precedes them. That's the case for Kansas State University's Dana 1xbet online games login , instructor in the Division of Biology.

For 15 years Townsend has taught Structure and Function of the Human Body, an in-depth course she developed on human anatomy and physiology. The course has gained the reputation for effectively preparing 1xbet online games login for the challenges of medical school. Administrators at the University of Kansas caught wind of Townsend's talents, and recruited her to teach the anatomy lab to first-year medical 1xbet online games login at the school's new satellite campus in Salina. The job is in addition to her position at K-State.

"The way Dana Townsend prepares our K-State 1xbet online games login for the health professional programs is legendary," said Pat Bosco, vice president of student life and dean of 1xbet online games login . "Generations of doctors, nurses and most importantly, patients, have directly benefited from this incredible teacher."

With the consent of her supervisors in the Division of Biology, 1xbet online games login will balance a full teaching load for Kansas State University's human body course while also teaching quarter time at KU in Salina starting in the upcoming spring semester.

The fall semester gave 1xbet online games login the opportunity to prepare the new lab in Salina and shadow the current anatomy instructor at the KU School of Medicine in Kansas City so that she can match her teaching to create identical programs between the two locations.

"I wanted to give it a try because for the first time I feel like I have anatomist colleagues whom I can learn from," 1xbet online games login said. "These are people who have been teaching in a medical school for 12-15 years and I have access to all of their medical resources. KU has said that I can use anything from there for class at K-State, so I have already started incorporating more clinical things into my K-State class."

Townsend views this as an opportunity to not only improve her own knowledge of the human body, but also that of her 1xbet online games login at Kansas State, which is part of her effort to constantly improve the course. Her efforts and hard work are evident to many individuals, including faculty, 1xbet online games login and health professionals across the state of Kansas.

"Because of her unwavering, tireless work and dedication, the Structure and Function of the Human Body course is known across the state of Kansas as one of the best courses, if not the best course, to take in preparation for academic success in anatomy and physiology at professional programs in the health professions," said Susan Watt, K-State health professions adviser. "I know this from talking with prospective 1xbet online games login , their parents, former 1xbet online games login who are in professional school and admissions representatives at professional schools across the state."

"I'm so impressed with the way that she generally wants to help us," said Melanie Lee, senior in pre-nursing, about 1xbet online games login . "She gave us a speech before a cadaver dissection exam where she told us she shows her love the most when she challenges us because she wants us to be learning."

Townsend's grueling eight-credit-hour course at Kansas State University requires undergraduate 1xbet online games login to spend 15 hours in class every week and an additional 25-30 hours a week studying the material to keep up with the difficult agenda. Some 1xbet online games login even opt for additional workload by serving on the course's Cadaver Dissection Team. Despite the added work, 1xbet online games login are grateful for the challenge of serving on the team because of the knowledge they gain, Townsend said.

"Dana's course is extremely demanding, requiring 1xbet online games login to manage their time well, prioritize studying, learn and retain an enormous amount of information, and to think critically when applying the information on examinations," Watt said.

"I feel it is part of my responsibility to not send 1xbet online games login out to be your nurse or doctor if they are not ready," Townsend said. "I want this course be the cutoff line that says to a professional school, 'This is a person you can count on to be able to handle the workload you are going to give them, or this person is not ready.'"

In addition to common review sessions, Townsend has created peer tutoring groups, which are practicum-led groups in which nearly every student in the class participates. She personally seeks out 1xbet online games login who are excelling in the class to tutor struggling 1xbet online games login , and she is also a firm believer in teaching her 1xbet online games login how to study difficult and time demanding material effectively.

"I've seen through the years that what separates the good from the excellent student is often not intellect -- it's habits and academic skills," 1xbet online games login said.

Even though the class is not required for all pre-health 1xbet online games login , some take the course because they have heard that it will teach them more than anatomy; it will push them to succeed, Townsend said. The class consists of 160 1xbet online games login , yet the average course grade for the past three years is between 80-82 percent.

"I always envision that the two things that I am best at are that I push my 1xbet online games login hard but I am always underneath to lift them up," Townsend said. "I am a challenger but I also support really strongly."

1xbet online games login has been recognized for her teaching by her colleagues in the Division of Biology, the College of Arts and Sciences, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Mortar Board Senior Honor Society and Blue Key Student Honor Society. Her many awards include the William L. Stamey Award for Excellence in Teaching from the College of Arts and Sciences in 2001 and the Women in Engineering and Science Making a Difference Award in 2005 and 2008.

"Dana has a sincere concern for her 1xbet online games login ' success in the classroom, in their pursuit of a career in the health professions and in their lives in general, an uncompromising rigor and fairness in teaching and evaluation, and a work ethic second to none," Watt said.