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Source: Pat 1xbet best casino website , 785-532-2210, patpesci@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Nellie Ryan, 785-532-6415, media@k-state.edu

Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009

Getting ready for Valentine's 1xbet best casino website :

MANHATTAN -- The perfect Valentine's 1xbet best casino website dinner is all about planning, and with the big 1xbet best casino website right around the corner, the planning should start now, according to Pat Pesci, head of Kansas State University hotel and restaurant management program.

Pesci, who also is a dining etiquette expert and known as K-State's &1xbet best casino website ;Mr. Manners,&1xbet best casino website ; has some tips on making a Valentine's Day dinner special and romantic.

"When going out to eat for such a big occasion like Valentine's Day, 1xbet best casino website want to make it extra special," Pesci said. "1xbet best casino website need to plan ahead and form a relationship with the restaurant. This will help 1xbet best casino website receive excellent service and make the whole experience more enjoyable."

One main reason why planning is so important is because dining choices become more limited as Valentine's 1xbet best casino website approaches. When choosing a restaurant for a Valentine's 1xbet best casino website dinner, Pesci suggests visiting the restaurant ahead of time, checking out the food and drink menus and getting to know the staff.

"Work very closely with the restaurant and start early," Pesci said. "Get to know the staff by name. They want to help 1xbet best casino website , and they want 1xbet best casino website to have a nice event. Choose a restaurant that has prices 1xbet best casino website can afford and food 1xbet best casino website know your date will love."

Another important aspect of a Valentine's Day dinner is wine. Pesci said that one way to impress your date is to know their favorite type of wine and have it waiting at the table when 1xbet best casino website are seated. This will show your date that 1xbet best casino website really made an effort to plan for this event, and it makes them feel special.

To create a romantic and personalized atmosphere, Pesci suggests to have flowers waiting at the table or even set out a framed picture of 1xbet best casino website and your significant other together.

&1xbet best casino website ;When making a dinner romantic, it's all about those little extra touches that can make your date feel special,&1xbet best casino website ; Pesci said.

Want to impress your date at the end of the meal? Pesci suggests that 1xbet best casino website should pay the bill away from the table. He said to let the wait staff know that 1xbet best casino website will be paying the bill and for them not to bring the bill directly to the table.

"When 1xbet best casino website tell your date that the bill is already taken care of and they didn't even see 1xbet best casino website pay, it is really impressive," Pesci said. "That really adds class to an event like Valentine's Day."

Pesci also suggested calling the restaurant a few days before Valentine's 1xbet best casino website to double-check your reservation and make sure all your requests are in order.

One problem with Valentine's 1xbet best casino website is that it can be expensive, but Pesci offers several ways to make the 1xbet best casino website special on a budget. He suggests:

* Share your Valentine's Day with two or three other couples and have a progressive dinner. Pesci said 1xbet best casino website could start off at one couples' house for appetizers, then move on to the next couple's house for entrees and finally end at the last couple's home for dessert. "Sharing Valentine's Day with other couples can be really fun and it cuts a tremendous amount of cost," he said. "1xbet best casino website can still have a romantic atmosphere with minimal costs."

* Have a pre- or post-event at your house with dinner in between. For example, 1xbet best casino website could start the night off with appetizers at your home then go to the restaurant for entrees. Or 1xbet best casino website could head to the restaurant first then end the night at home with dessert.

Whether 1xbet best casino website decide to do part of the dinner at home or have a full meal at a restaurant, planning can make all the difference for a successful romantic evening on Valentine's Day. Most restaurants are more than willing to help 1xbet best casino website prepare for this event, but planning early is the best way to ensure that the dinner runs the way 1xbet best casino website wan it to, Pesci said.

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