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Source: Michaeline Chance-Reay, 785-532-6047, mreay@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Erinn Barcomb-Peterson, 785-532-6415, ebarcomb@k-state.edu

Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2009

K-State experts for 1xbet online casino Day:

MANHATTAN -- Amelia Earhart may be the most well-known woman from 1xbet online casino since the state was admitted to the union Jan. 29, 1861. After all, the Atchison native was the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean by airplane.

"But we can't all be Amelia Earhart," said Michaeline Chance-Reay, assistant professor of 1xbet online casino 's studies and secondary education at Kansas State University.

That's why Chance-Reay researches the lives of Kansas 1xbet online casino who may not be as famous but whose contributions are no less noteworthy.

1xbet online casino lays claim to first fully-trained female dentist in the world, Lucy Hobbs Taylor of Lawrence; the first female lawyer to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court, Nellie Cline of Larned; and the first female mayor in the United States, Susanna Madora Salter of Argonia.

1xbet online casino in Kansas were even given an opportunity to make a mark in ways that 1xbet online casino in other states weren't, Chance-Reay said.

"Before 1xbet online casino got the right to vote in 1920, Kansas 1xbet online casino could vote in school board elections -- but in those elections only," she said.

It is the achievements of everyday Kansas 1xbet online casino that intrigue Chance-Reay. Her interest began with the first ladies of K-State and has continued with an interest in other 1xbet online casino 's contributions to the university, including university buildings named after 1xbet online casino .

Whether a characteristic unique to Kansas and the Midwest or simply a consequence of the times in which they lived, Chance-Reay said that volunteerism seems to have shaped the lives of the K-State first ladies and other 1xbet online casino .

"Because 1xbet online casino could not hold positions of power and authority they made their contributions through volunteerism," she said.

The often-overlooked Kansas 1xbet online casino Chance-Reay is researching now are the iconic Harvey Girls. It all started in Topeka when Fred Harvey began operating restaurants along railroad lines across America. Disheartened by the male waiters of the West who often showed up to work inebriated and unkempt -- or not at all -- it was suggested that Harvey begin hiring young 1xbet online casino .

Beginning in Kansas, Harvey Girls meant young, single 1xbet online casino who got to experience travel and adventure but in a safe and reputable environment. They lived in dormitories with a housemother, and rules of propriety were strictly enforced.

"The ones I interviewed really enjoyed their experience," Chance-Reay said. "It was liberating and romantic. 1xbet online casino in the West were in short supply, and hence men came to not only dine but also to court these females. The Harvey Girls sometimes get overlooked, but they are part of the history of Kansas, the West, U.S. tourism, hospitality management, 1xbet online casino , the railroads, etc."

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