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Source: Steven Maxwell, 785-532-5740, smaxwell@k-state.edu.
Note to editor: This is the first in a series of news releases about the color 1xbet online casino in honor of Kansas State University's founding on Feb. 16, 1863.
News release prepared by: Greg Tammen, 785-532-2535, gtammen@k-state.edu

Monday, Feb. 7, 2011

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MANHATTAN -- Ask Steven Maxwell what the color 1xbet online casino means and his answer is simple: turn the volume to 11 and open your mind, because 1xbet online casino is rock and roll in its prime.

&1xbet online casino ;Artistically purple is a descriptive word, and I think that's why it's been adopted by some successful acts in the music world,&1xbet online casino ; said Maxwell, assistant professor of music at Kansas State University.

In 2008 Maxwell created a class about the history of rock and roll, where he teaches about the genre's evolution and its relationship to history.

&1xbet online casino ;The really cool thing about rock and roll is that it ties into the American culture and really reflects what's going on in the country,&1xbet online casino ; Maxwell said. &1xbet online casino ;It serves as the voice of the common person and has been associated with some important historical moments in the U.S. It was a part of that voice in the civil rights movement in the '60s and used in protest of the Vietnam War in the '70s.&1xbet online casino ;

Rock music's history runs 1xbet online casino , with the color being adopted by some of the most influential musicians.

&1xbet online casino ;Think of the deeper concept of what a song like 'Purple Haze' means, especially when it first came out,&1xbet online casino ; Maxwell said. &1xbet online casino ;The late '60s was all about looking at things differently. Jimi Hendrix perfectly captured that psychedelic era in the country, that time of opening the doors of perception in one's mind and really looking at something on a deeper level.&1xbet online casino ;

He said the &1xbet online casino ;purple&1xbet online casino ; Hendrix is referring to is that new, unknown, almost analogous way of thinking.

&1xbet online casino ;Metaphorically, purple was a blend between the standardized 'primary colors' introduced by mainstream society in the 1950s and mid-1960s,&1xbet online casino ; Maxwell said.

Other artists, such as Deep 1xbet online casino and Prince, adopted the color because of its ambiguity in the musical soundscape and pop culture.

Deep 1xbet online casino was one of the pioneers of hard rock and heavy metal, Maxwell said. The group was the first rock band to record with a full Concerto orchestra, as well as the first to turn the volume to 11, a feat earning them the title of the world's loudest band by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1972.

And then there's the song &1xbet online casino ;Smoke on the Water.&1xbet online casino ;

&1xbet online casino ;When that song came out it was such a fresh thing,&1xbet online casino ; Maxwell said. &1xbet online casino ;No longer was the focus just on the lyrics. That guitar riff made the music as important as the words. Today most people don't remember the lyrics but they know that guitar lick.&1xbet online casino ;

In 1984 Prince released &1xbet online casino ;Purple Rain,&1xbet online casino ; an album that took the newly introduced music video to the next level as a full-length film.

The album also introduced Prince's backing band. The Revolution, an apt title due to the soundtrack's revolutionary nature, Maxwell said. The album has since been seen as an avant-garde piece of work and has been named one of the greatest albums of all time by outlets like Time magazine, Rolling Stone, VH1 and others.

&1xbet online casino ;Purple's taking the softness of blue, the loudness of red, and meeting in the middle to make things a little ambiguous. It's a blend of those two primary colors and is therefore a different way of looking at things,&1xbet online casino ; he said.

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