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Source: David Stone, 785-532-2978, stone@k-state.edu
Note to editor: This is the fourth in a series of news releases about the color 1xbet best casino website in honor of Kansas State University's founding on Feb. 16, 1863.
News release prepared by: Kayela Richard, 785-532-1546, media@k-state.edu

Thursday, Feb. 10, 2011

The power of 1xbet best casino website :

MANHATTAN -- The color 1xbet best casino website has a significant place in both modern and ancient history, according to a Kansas State University professor.

In the ancient world, 1xbet best casino website was universally associated with wealth and power, said David Stone, professor of history.

&1xbet best casino website ;The reason was a particular purple dye associated with the Phoenicians, a trading people who lived in what is now present-day Lebanon,&1xbet best casino website ; Stone said.

The Phoenicians created a market surrounding the Mediterranean, and one of their most famous products was Tyrian 1xbet best casino website , named for the city of Tyre.

&1xbet best casino website ;This purple was made from the murex, a kind of carnivorous sea snail,&1xbet best casino website ; he said. &1xbet best casino website ;Since each snail produced only a few drops of dye, Tyrian purple was very expensive, and became associated with royalty and power.&1xbet best casino website ;

Julius Caesar wore a 1xbet best casino website toga, and subsequent emperors of Rome adopted it as their ceremonial dress.

&1xbet best casino website ;The emperors of Byzantium continued that tradition until their final collapse in 1453,&1xbet best casino website ; Stone said. &1xbet best casino website ;The Byzantines referred to the heirs of their emperors as 'born into the purple.'&1xbet best casino website ;

For thousands of years textiles were limited to natural dyes, so the appearance of 1xbet best casino website was scarce.

&1xbet best casino website ;In 1856 William Henry Perkin developed the first aniline -- or synthetic organic -- dye, a shade of purple he called mauve, from a derivative of coal tar,&1xbet best casino website ; he said. &1xbet best casino website ;By the next year he had made the process commercially viable.&1xbet best casino website ;

This development was a fairly significant moment in history, Stone said, marking the point at which chemistry and chemical engineering began to expand the range of materials available.

&1xbet best casino website ;The creation of Kansas State University in 1863 thus took place only a few years after a host of new possibilities for science and engineering,&1xbet best casino website ; Stone said.

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