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1xbet sports betting1xbet sports betting 1xbet sports betting 1xbet sports betting

Source: Jodi Kaus, 785-532-2889, jkaus@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Kayela Richard, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Getting a good grade on the next exam isn't the only score college students need to be thinking about, according to a Kansas State University financial expert.

Jodi Kaus, program director of K-State's Powercat Financial Counseling, says students should also be concerned about their 1xbet sports betting score because it could potentially be used by lenders, landlords, utility companies and employers.

&1xbet sports betting ;We liken it to your financial GPA for life,&1xbet sports betting ; Kaus said. &1xbet sports betting ;The Fair Isaac Corporation credit score ranges from 300 to 850.&1xbet sports betting ;

The higher your score, the better your creditworthiness.

The majority of your 1xbet sports betting score is based on payment history, Kaus said.

&1xbet sports betting ;Not paying on time can have the biggest impact on your credit score and can cost extra fees and charges, so students really need to focus on that,&1xbet sports betting ; she said.

Another common mistake students make is using too much of their 1xbet sports betting limit. Kaus says they should generally use no more than 30 percent.

&1xbet sports betting ;If you have a credit card with a ,000 limit you shouldn't charge more than 0 before paying it off,&1xbet sports betting ; she said. &1xbet sports betting ;Small usage of credit, paid off in full each month in a timely fashion, will help build the best credit score.&1xbet sports betting ;

Having a poor 1xbet sports betting score can be costly and lead to problems in the future.

&1xbet sports betting ;Students might be subject to higher interest rates and extra fees with a low credit score,&1xbet sports betting ; Kaus said. &1xbet sports betting ;It could also impact them negatively in getting additional credit down the road when they'll really need it to buy a car or if they're not able to get the job or apartment they need.&1xbet sports betting ;

If a student is having trouble making payments on time, Kaus suggests setting up automatic payment from your bank account to avoid late fees and higher interest.

&1xbet sports betting ;You still need to review your monthly statements to ensure accuracy, but if you're on vacation you'll know this bill will still get paid on time,&1xbet sports betting ; she said.

Kaus said it's important to monitor your 1xbet sports betting regularly.

&1xbet sports betting ;Everyone is entitled to one free credit report annually from each of the three credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion,&1xbet sports betting ; she said. &1xbet sports betting ;We suggest doing so once every four months, using a different bureau each time to get a free report.&1xbet sports betting ;

To request a free 1xbet sports betting report from these government-approved sites, go to http://www.annualcreditreport.com.

Powercat Financial Counseling provides free information and services to K-State students and has walk-in hours on Wednesdays from 9-11 a.m. The service is located in the office of student activities and services on the ground floor of the K-State Student Union. More information is available at http://www.k-state.edu/pfc.

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