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Source: Joseph 1xbet online casino , 785-532-0442, jku@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Tyler Sharp, 785-532-2535, media@k-state.edu

Thursday, Feb. 17, 2011


MANHATTAN -- Divided government is often the recipe for political gridlock, and the 112th 1xbet online casino will be no exception, according to a Kansas State University congressional expert.

&1xbet online casino ;I just don't see this Congress accomplishing much of anything unless President Obama just caves,&1xbet online casino ; said Joseph Unekis, associate professor of political science. &1xbet online casino ;He's really gearing up to get himself re-elected.&1xbet online casino ;

Since the 112th 1xbet online casino convened in early January, one of the significant actions taken by the Republican-led House of Representatives was to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Jan. 19. Thus far, no vote has occurred in the Senate despite the efforts of the body's Republican members. Unekis believes the efforts are in vain.

&1xbet online casino ;You won't get rid of the act unless it's invalidated by the Supreme Court,&1xbet online casino ; he said.

Along with the health care debate, economic issues continue to dominate the political dialogue. Limiting government spending has been a rallying cry for many new members of 1xbet online casino , particularly Republicans. This issue lacks substance, according to Unekis.

&1xbet online casino ;They talk about cutting waste but only to the social programs,&1xbet online casino ; he said. &1xbet online casino ;They know these cuts won't be made because the Democrats control the Senate and the presidency, and they'll protect their constituents from these cuts. The Republicans are responding to their constituents' demands that they cut government spending, but it's interesting to note that there's been no mention of cutting farm subsidies, which are dear to the hearts of their rural constituents.&1xbet online casino ;

The economic effects of congressional action or inaction will have political ramifications for the 2012 elections.

Attempts to compare the 112th 1xbet online casino to those of the past are inexact at best, Unekis said. Variables such as quality of the leadership, the country's mood and congressional priorities carry different amounts of influence.

&1xbet online casino ;With so many variables, each Congress stands alone,&1xbet online casino ; he said.

Members of 1xbet online casino who intend to run for re-election in 2012 based on their record must prepare for everything. If they decide to act as trustees and support, in their judgment, the policy that is best for the country instead of acting as delegates who put their constituents' interests first, then they have to remember that no good deed goes unpunished in American politics, Unekis said.

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