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Source: Travis 1xbet sports betting , twl@1xbet sports betting edu
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-6415, bbohn@1xbet sports betting edu

Monday, Feb. 15, 2010


MANHATTAN -- An ,500 grant from the National Science Foundation will help Kansas State University's Travis Linnemann, doctoral student in sociology, with his dissertation 1xbet sports betting .

Linnemann, Manhattan, is receiving the grant through the foundation's Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Program. The title of his dissertation is &1xbet sports betting ;Pushed to the Margins: Methamphetamine, Crime and Inequality in Rural Kansas.&1xbet sports betting ; His major professor and the principal investigator for the grant is L. Susan Williams, professor of sociology and criminology.

Williams said Linnemann's 1xbet sports betting improvement grant is the first received by a graduate student from K-State's sociology program in at least 20 years.

&1xbet sports betting ;My adviser at the University of Connecticut sponsored me when I received the same NSF award as a graduate student, so I know and value the importance of mentorship,&1xbet sports betting ; Williams said. &1xbet sports betting ;It is especially rewarding that I can pass it forward; it is a nice second-generation moment. Travis is most deserving of this award.&1xbet sports betting ;

The National Science Foundation's sociology program dissertation improvement grants are awarded to support high quality doctoral dissertation 1xbet sports betting in sociology. The suitability of a 1xbet sports betting idea is based on the extent to which the 1xbet sports betting contributes to sociological theory and knowledge, not on specific topics. Grants are for direct 1xbet sports betting costs associated with either original data collection or the analysis of existing datasets.

&1xbet sports betting ;The NSF panel reviewed roughly 50 proposals,&1xbet sports betting ; Linnemann said. &1xbet sports betting ;According to the NSF Web site, I was one of six recipients of the grant this cycle, earning an award along with students from such schools as the University of California at Los Angeles, University of California-Berkeley, Cornell and Duke.&1xbet sports betting ;

Linnemann's research has already earned him several honors. The American Society of Criminology's Division of People of Color and Crime presented him with its Outstanding Graduate Student Award in November 2008 for his research on the connection between race, gender and incarceration. His paper &1xbet sports betting ;Mad Men, Meth Moms, Moral Panic: Gendering Meth Crimes in the Midwest,&1xbet sports betting ; a content analysis of newspaper coverage of people in the Midwest arrested for methamphetamine-related offenses, will be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Critical Criminology. The paper received the American Society of Criminology's Critical Criminology Graduate Student Paper Award in 2008 and Linnemann was invited to present it at the first Crime and Popular Culture Studies Conference at Indiana State University in October 2009.

Linnemann earned his master's from K-State in 2006 and plans to finish up his doctoral degree this year. He would then like to teach and do 1xbet sports betting at the university level. Linnemann, originally from Marysville, has 10 years of experience working in the U.S. justice system, including as a prison guard, child welfare worker and probation officer.

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