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Sources: Kristy 1xbet sports betting , 785-532-1474, kristy@k-state.edu;
and Sonya 1xbet sports betting , 785-532-3541, sbritt@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Erinn Barcomb-Peterson, 785-532-6415, ebarcomb@k-state.edu

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010


MANHATTAN -- When a wife is the primary breadwinner, whether 1xbet sports betting 's a big issue or a nonissue in the marriage depends largely on expectations, according to two financial therapists at Kansas State University.

&1xbet sports betting ;If men and women have the expectation that it's OK for a spouse to earn more, it's not going to affect their relationship like it would if they go into the marriage with the expectation that the husband will have the job that pays more,&1xbet sports betting ; said Kristy Archuleta.

1xbet sports betting co-directs K-State's Financial Therapy Clinic, which blends financial counseling with marriage and family therapy. 1xbet sports betting works with Sonya Britt, a financial therapist at the clinic.

Archuleta said she doesn't see wives earning more money as a big problem among couples she works with. But 1xbet sports betting may make a difference how wives end up with greater earning power. If 1xbet sports betting 's always been that way or if 1xbet sports betting 's a temporary solution to make ends meet, she said those expectations may temper any potential problems. Not so much if 1xbet sports betting 's an unexpected and unwanted shifting of roles.

A study released in January by the Pew Research Center showed that 22 percent of men made less money than their wives in 2007 --a shift from 1970 when 1xbet sports betting was just 4 percent of husbands. The Pew researchers have said that the recession following the 2007 study will make that percentage increase.

If couples see the wife's larger salary as a potential minefield, Archuleta and Britt 1xbet sports betting husbands and wives should address any problems from the start.

&1xbet sports betting ;If things aren't laid out in the open, it creates a lot of resentment and distrust, and you start treating the other person with disrespect,&1xbet sports betting ; Archuleta said.

She and Britt 1xbet sports betting some topics couples should discuss include:

* What are the expectations for earning power? If the wife earning more than the husband is a short-term solution to make ends meet, will 1xbet sports betting make a difference if that pattern continues? Archuleta said research shows that men more than women link their self worth with how much money they make.

&1xbet sports betting ;Men sometimes can think it's no big deal if their wife earns more than they do, but in reality it might be causing some underlying problems,&1xbet sports betting ; Archuleta said.

* Will decisions be made differently? If the wife is earning more money, should she have more say in how money is spent, saved and invested? &1xbet sports betting ;Often times couples thinkhat if they both contribute, they both should make decisions about finances,&1xbet sports betting ; Archuleta said. &1xbet sports betting ;If the woman starts making as much money and she thinks she should be getting a little more involved, it makes it difficult if she's still being somewhat shut out.&1xbet sports betting ;

* Will money be managed differently? Britt 1xbet sports betting couples need to decide what to do with a shift in earnings, such as whether the husband is now going to get an allowance or whether accounts will be separate or joint.

* What type of message will be sent to others? If a couple has children, this includes the message that they'll get about their parents. &1xbet sports betting ;If you're OK with it, you're probably not going to care what other people think, and you'll portray to your children that it's OK that mommy makes more money than daddy,&1xbet sports betting ; Archuleta said. &1xbet sports betting ;There's nothing wrong with traditional views, but it makes it harder because then you are more concerned with what other people think. As parents, you might be badmouthing mom without realizing it by saying something like 'I have to stay here and cook dinner, because mom's not home again tonight.'&1xbet sports betting ;

* Will household roles change? If the wife is earning more money because she's spending more time at work, a couple needs to decide whether the husband will step in with household and childcare duties. If mom's bigger salary comes with business travel, for example, is dad comfortable taking on a role as primary caregiver? &1xbet sports betting ;A larger burden may be put on the husband than was there before, and he may or may not be comfortable doing that,&1xbet sports betting ; Archuleta said. &1xbet sports betting ;Talking about your role expectations is important, because it does lead into all areas of your marriage.&1xbet sports betting ;

* Ultimately, what's financially best? &1xbet sports betting ;It doesn't really make sense for the wife to take off an afternoon of work for a sick child if she's the one making more money,&1xbet sports betting ; Britt said. &1xbet sports betting ;It makes financially better sense for the husband to take off, even if that's not the way it's been in the past.&1xbet sports betting ;

For more information 1xbet sports betting K-State's Financial Therapy Clinic, call 785-320-7636 or visit http://ow.ly/10Zfs

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