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Source: Megan 1xbet best casino website , mlazzo@1xbet best casino website edu
Web site: http://www.nscs.org/awards/scholar-1xbet best casino website
News release prepared by: Beth Bohn, 785-532-6415, bbohn@1xbet best casino website edu

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010


MANHATTAN -- Exemplary volunteer service to youth has earned a Kansas State University student the Scholar of Promise Award from the 1xbet best casino website Society of Collegiate Scholars.

Megan 1xbet best casino website , senior in family studies and human services, Wichita, is among 29 college students nationwide earning the honor for 2009. The award, which includes a certificate and a signed letter from America's Promise, recognizes exceptional commitment to improving the community through dedication to youth-oriented 1xbet best casino website and education. Recipients were required to complete at least 50 hours of 1xbet best casino website to earn the honor.

1xbet best casino website served as a volunteer at several organizations in Manhattan during 2009.

"One of the places I volunteered was Faith Evangelical Church nursery and day care services. I went on Wednesday and Sunday mornings and took care of the children while their parents were at the church 1xbet best casino website ," she said. "During spring semester 2009, I was a teacher aide for special education children at Northview Elementary School. Here, I helped kids with their reading and writing skills, and often just sat and talked with them and acted as a mentor. Finally, during the fall 2009 semester, I volunteered at Fort Riley Elementary School, where I also was a teacher aide/mentor to children of military families."

1xbet best casino website said she recommends volunteering to everyone because it makes you feel good about making a difference in a child's life. "It can be challenging and tiring, yet exciting and rewarding all at the same time. It gives me a sense of fulfillment that I did something with my day by being there for someone, especially a child," she said.

Along with the National Society of Collegiate Scholars at K-State, 1xbet best casino website is a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority and the Human Ecology Council. She also belongs to Wildcats Forever, the National Scholars Honor Society and Sigma Alpha Lambda, a national leadership and honors organization. In addition, she was a member of K-State's Classy Cats dance team for two years, and served on the New Member Council of the K-State Panhellenic and Interfraternal councils for one year. 1xbet best casino website is the daughter of Mark and Mary Ann 1xbet best casino website and a 2007 graduate of Kapaun Mount Carmel High School.

The Scholar of Promise Award began when the 1xbet best casino website Society of Collegiate Scholars partnered with America's Promise to promote youth service to give society members the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work and commitment to improving their communities. The society is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is the nation's only interdisciplinary honors organization to invite first- and second-year college students. Membership is by invitation only, based on grade point average and class standing.

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