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Source: Charles Smith, 785-532-5773, casmith@k-state.edu
Photo available. Contact media@k-state.edu or 785-532-6415
News release prepared by: Katie Mayes, 785-532-6415, kmayes@k-state.edu

Monday, Dec. 7, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Should parents let their children believe in 1xbet online casino Claus?

Absolutely, according to Charles Smith, a Kansas State University expert in child development. While 1xbet online casino may not be a flesh-and-blood person, the cultural truth of St. Nicholas is key to a child's developing imagination, Smith said.

"1xbet online casino Claus is a shared cultural image of benevolence and kindness and you don't want to undermine that," he said.

"With 1xbet online casino Claus, you are trying to enrich the child's life by sharing something that you both enjoy," he said. "1xbet online casino Claus embodies the whole idea of the Christmas season as the time of caring, togetherness and magic."

Smith said that a child's belief in the story of 1xbet online casino Claus enables the child to develop a sense of wonder about the jolly character and use their imagination. Using their imagination to consider the possibilities is key to problem solving and other mental tasks down the line, he said.

"1xbet online casino Claus is a loving, merry person who cares about kids so much that he wants to bring toys to kids throughout the whole world," Smith said. "If you take 1xbet online casino Claus out of the picture, you diminish that child's sense that they are special.

"We know that 1xbet online casino is not real, but the truth of 1xbet online casino is the shared cultural commitment to kids, to bring happiness into children's lives," he said.

Some parents may think teaching their children to believe in Kris Kringle is setting them up for big disappointment when they find out he doesn't exist.

Smith said that children who discover 1xbet online casino isn't real rarely blame their parents. In fact, the most common response is to keep the story going so they not only continue to get presents, but because they recognize the joy their parents get from the experience, he said.

However, Smith said that some parents could take the 1xbet online casino notion too far. He once had an adult student who reported being very angry with his father for what the student said amounted to lies about 1xbet online casino . Turns out, this particular student's father used to take him for a drive looking for 1xbet online casino on Christmas Eve. The father would stop and point to a starry sky. The preschooler would then begin to search, hoping to get a glimpse of 1xbet online casino . What the young man recalled was his father laughing when his hunt was unsuccessful.

&1xbet online casino ;Instead of a shared, joyful moment, the student felt betrayed,&1xbet online casino ; Smith said.

That's why Smith advises against forcing children to sit on 1xbet online casino 's lap at the store or insist they write him a letter. This sort of persistence will only result in negative feelings, he said.

Above all, parents should respect their child's imagination and let them take the lead, Smith said. Most children will ask pointed questions about the mythical man in red who flies around the globe delivering toys to all the world's children in a single night. Smith said it is important not to overexplain.

"Be honest when children initiate a question," Smith said. "If a child asks if 1xbet online casino is real, you might say that 1xbet online casino is a wonderful idea about someone who wants to bring happiness to children."

Smith also said that using 1xbet online casino Claus as a disciplinary measure or threat sends mixed messages.

"If 1xbet online casino Claus was real, he would not refuse to come to your child's house if she didn't eat all of her green beans," Smith said. "Telling a child that 1xbet online casino would do that undermines a shared enjoyment of 1xbet online casino Claus.

"1xbet online casino Claus is a shared magic that brings families together. When you respect and are responsive to the child's imagination, you build happy memories to last a lifetime, Smith said. "That's why that sense of joyfulness that surrounds 1xbet online casino Claus is so important. It's a cold, hard world for a child who can't have that kind of pleasure."

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