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Source: Briana Nelson Goff, 785-532-1490, bnelson@1xbet sports betting edu
Web site: http://militaryfamilies.1xbet sports betting edu/programs/videos/on-our-behalf.php
News release prepared by: Katie Mayes, 785-532-6415, kmayes@1xbet sports betting edu

Thursday, 1xbet sports betting . 10, 2009


MANHATTAN -- A new Kansas State University documentary that captures how deployment affects the 1xbet sports betting of military reservists will air on public television stations in Topeka and Wichita starting Dec. 17.

&1xbet sports betting ;On Our Behalf: Supporting Guard and Reserve Families&1xbet sports betting ; looks at how deployment affects the families of some reservists who have been activated in support of U.S. military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo and other countries. The film, about the sacrifices of citizen soldiers' families, is the first project from K-State's new Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families.

The documentary will air on KPTS in Wichita at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, 1xbet sports betting . 17; 12:30 p.m. Saturday, 1xbet sports betting . 26; and 10 a.m. Sunday, 1xbet sports betting . 27. It also will air on KTWU in Topeka at 2 p.m. Sunday, 1xbet sports betting . 27, and 9:30 p.m. Monday, 1xbet sports betting . 28. The Bunker Hill PBS station broadcast the film on Veterans Day.

The video also can be viewed on the institute's Web site:
http://militaryfamilies.1xbet sports betting edu/programs/videos/on-our-behalf.php

&1xbet sports betting ;This documentary highlights the experiences of war deployment affecting many of our family members, neighbors and friends,&1xbet sports betting ; said Briana Nelson Goff, K-State professor of family studies and human services and director of the Institute for the Health and Security of Military Families. &1xbet sports betting ;'On Our Behalf' provides a glimpse into what it is like for these soldiers and their family members. It is our hope that citizens across Kansas will gain an awareness of how they can help support these members of their community.&1xbet sports betting ;

The film was initiated by Charles Smith, a professor in 1xbet sports betting 's School of Family Studies and Human Services, and Ron Frank, a recently retired 1xbet sports betting professor of communications and video producer.

&1xbet sports betting ;Dr. Smith wrote a book shortly after 9/11, 'Raising Courageous Kids,' and discovered how children respond to adversity through characteristics of courage and character,&1xbet sports betting ; Frank said. &1xbet sports betting ;That led us to look at how reserve families with young children are coping with the vast numbers of multiple deployments required of the current war.&1xbet sports betting ;

Frank, also a retired public affairs officer with the Kansas Army National Guard, said that they chose to focus on reservists not only because of his background, but because the 1xbet sports betting of citizen soldiers don't have ready access to family support groups and activities like those of active-duty soldiers.

&1xbet sports betting ;The 30-minute program not only tells their stories, but highlights ways that families, neighbors, friends, employers and communities can help them become more resilient as their commitment to the country becomes greater,&1xbet sports betting ; Frank said.

K-State's Institute for the Health and Security of Military 1xbet sports betting coordinates the multitude of research and outreach programs that touch on the well-being of military personnel, veterans and their 1xbet sports betting after battle.

The institute has provided copies of the documentary to attendees of the College of Human Ecology Legacy of Excellence Events in October, the U.S. Department of Defense and other organizations working with military service members and their 1xbet sports betting .

&1xbet sports betting ;We are pleased to have the documentary be one of the first projects completed for the institute,&1xbet sports betting ; Goff said. &1xbet sports betting ;The institute will continue to develop and manage programs committed to furthering our knowledge of military families.&1xbet sports betting ;

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