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Source: Melissa 1xbet online casino , 785-532-7771, mbopp@k-state.edu
News release prepared by: Rosie Hoefling, 785-532-6415, media@k-state.edu

Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009


MANHATTAN -- The holiday season can add many social and cultural challenges to a one's diet and exercise regimen, according to Kansas State University's Melissa 1xbet online casino , assistant professor of kinesiology.

1xbet online casino describes the holiday season as a double-edged sword because of the calorie-dense foods often served at social gatherings and the lack of time for exercise due to busy schedules and lack of access to exercise facilities when traveling.

To avoid packing on the pounds this holiday season, 1xbet online casino suggests adding physical activities into family holiday activities.

&1xbet online casino ;For people who are really interested in continuing to be active over the holidays, sometimes it just takes a little bit of recognition,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;Maybe you don't get to go to the gym four days of the week over the holidays, but maybe when you're visiting your family you can take a walk together or visit the step-aerobics class your sister normally goes to. Recognize that you're not going to be in your normal routine.&1xbet online casino ;

In terms of extreme exercise plans such as those seen on television shows like &1xbet online casino ;The Biggest Loser,&1xbet online casino ; Bopp said that while they may be effective, they are not realistic for the common person.

&1xbet online casino ;If you do extreme workouts, you're going to burn a lot of calories and things like that,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;But whether it is realistic for members of the general public who don't have one, two or three hours a day to devote to exercise, or even the capability of doing exercise at that level, is probably a whole other question unto itself.&1xbet online casino ;

According to 1xbet online casino , current recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a healthy lifestyle and to maintain weight is 30 minutes of moderate physical 1xbet online casino five days a week or 25 minutes of vigorous 1xbet online casino three days a week. To lose weight, the Institute of Medicine recommends 60 to 90 minutes of moderate physical 1xbet online casino five days a week with some form of healthy diet or caloric restriction.

For people who have a sedentary lifestyle but want to become more active as a New Year's resolution, 1xbet online casino recommends starting low and going slow.

&1xbet online casino ;There are people who struggle with walking around the block once, so obviously a 60-minute exercise session would be rather difficult for them,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;But, starting at a low intensity and going slow, they may be eventually able to walk around the block twice, then three times and on.&1xbet online casino ;

As for diet during the holiday season, 1xbet online casino suggests healthy habits such as eating a small meal before going to a holiday gathering to avoid eating in excess at the event and drinking water instead of calorie-laden alcohol and other festive drinks.

Bopp said her best advice for the holiday season is &1xbet online casino ;something is better than nothing.&1xbet online casino ; She said rather than setting unrealistic diet and exercise goals, people should recognize that any little thing that can be done to implement physical activity and healthy diet into their holiday schedule is better than not doing anything at all.

&1xbet online casino ;Whether it's somebody who's active now and recognizing going into the holidays that they might not get a chance to be as active as they normally are, something is better than nothing,&1xbet online casino ; she said. &1xbet online casino ;Or somebody who wants to get a head start on their New Year's resolution, even a little bit of activity and sensible eating is a good start. It's all about making behavioral habits -- things that are going to be able to be sustained over a long period of time.&1xbet online casino ;

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