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Where you live may be putting you at risk for foodborne illness, researcher finds

Thursday, Aug. 28, 2014

MANHATTAN — Improving education 1xbet online sports betting risky food handling behaviors would reduce the amount of foodborne illness and help improve food security around the world, according to Kansas State University research.

For their study, the university's Kadri Koppel, assistant professor of human nutrition, and Edgar Chambers IV, university distinguished professor and director of the Sensory Analysis Center, worked with around 100 1xbet online sports betting from India, Korea, Thailand, Russia, Estonia, Italy, Spain and two cities in the United States. The 1xbet online sports betting completed questionnaires about their purchase, storage, handling and preparation practices of poultry and eggs. It is one of the only studies to use the same questionnaire to collect data between different countries and is part of a larger project to develop science-based messages for 1xbet online sports betting about food safety practices.

The study produced the article "Eggs and Poultry: Purchase, Storage and Preparation Practices of 1xbet online sports betting in Selected Asia which was published in the journal Foods.

"We really wanted to know how 1xbet online sports betting in different countries are actually handling raw eggs and poultry because these products are the source of two main bacteria: salmonella and campylobacter,” Koppel said. "These bacteria lead to many cases of foodborne illness and we need a better understanding of food handling practices to find the risky behaviors that may lead to contamination."

Food safety regulations vary by country. The research found that most 1xbet online sports betting purchase their eggs from the supermarket, with the exception of Argentina, where 1xbet online sports betting get their eggs from the regular open-air market. However, the way the eggs were stored at the supermarkets varied. While some countries kept the eggs refrigerated, most eggs in Thailand, India, Spain, Italy and Colombia were stored at room temperature.

"When you think 1xbet online sports betting the range of countries that we had and you compare the annual average temperatures in those countries, they can vary by 1xbet online sports betting 50-degrees Fahrenheit — and that's a pretty big range," Koppel said. "A lot can happen to eggs if they're stored at room temperature in a country where the climate may be somewhat tropical."

The researchers found the majority of 1xbet online sports betting store their eggs in the refrigerator once they brought them home.

Another similar finding was that the majority of 1xbet online sports betting in these countries buy raw poultry and meats, but how they store those meats varies. Fifty percent or more of the 1xbet online sports betting in Russia, India, Thailand, Colombia and the U.S. would freeze the meat right away, although these 1xbet online sports betting often would improperly store the meat.

"If you think 1xbet online sports betting the typical refrigerator and the air movement within the fridge, warmer air typically rises higher," Koppel said. "If you put the meat in a place where the temperature is warmer, then it's more likely to spoil. Raw meats also may have juices that leak and there is a possibility that the juices may cross-contaminate ingredients on lower shelves."

The safest place to store raw meat in the refrigerator is on the bottom shelf. The research found mixed results on this, with most of the 1xbet online sports betting in Argentina and Colombia storing meat on higher shelves, putting them at a higher risk for contamination.

The riskiest behavior was exhibited in preparing the eggs and poultry. About 90 percent of 1xbet online sports betting in Colombia and 70 percent of 1xbet online sports betting in India washed these products in the sink before preparation. In the U.S., about 40 percent did.

"If you think 1xbet online sports betting washing something in the sink, typically water splatters on the surface around the sink," Koppel said. "If you have some other ingredients near the sink that you're 1xbet online sports betting to use for your meal, all that water splattering around the sink could cross-contaminate the other ingredients you are 1xbet online sports betting to use."

The researchers found 1xbet online sports betting also need to improve their cutting board cleanliness. About 40 percent of Colombian 1xbet online sports betting reported using the same cutting board for multiple ingredients without washing or wiping it down between each use. While most other 1xbet online sports betting reported cleaning the board between ingredients, Koppel said that not all forms of cleaning are effective.

"This may seem like a safe behavior, but it really depends on the wiping agent," Koppel said. "If you're using a kitchen towel, it may not remove a lot of the material that's come into contact with the cutting board. If you use the sponge that you use to wash dishes, research has shown that those sponges actually contain a lot of other bacteria and that may contaminate your other ingredients in addition to what's already on the cutting board."

The safest practice is to use a different cutting board for different ingredients, she said.

photo credit: JaBB via photopincc


Kadri Koppel

Written by

Lindsey Elliott

At a glance

Research from one of the only studies to use the same questionnaire in multiple countries finds that food safety education is lacking. Kansas State University researcher says improving education 1xbet online sports betting food-handling practices may decrease foodborne illness, thus improving food security.