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1xbet online sports betting1xbet online sports betting 1xbet online sports betting 1xbet online sports betting

Source: Masaaki Tamura, 785-532-4825, masaakit@k-state.edu
Pronouncer: Masaaki is Ma-SOCK-ee and Tamura is TAH-mu-ra
News release prepared by: Jennifer Tidball, 785-532-0847, jtorline@k-state.edu

Monday, Aug. 22, 2011


MANHATTAN -- A Kansas State University professor is trying to create a patient-friendly treatment to help the more than 220,000 people who are diagnosed with lung 1xbet online sports betting each year.

Masaaki Tamura, associate professor of anatomy and physiology, and his research team are working on several projects that use nanoparticles to treat and directly target the "bull's-eye": 1xbet online sports betting cells.

It's estimated that nearly 156,940 people will die from lung-related 1xbet online sports betting this year, according to the American 1xbet online sports betting Society. Lung 1xbet online sports betting -related deaths are higher than the next three common 1xbet online sports betting -related deaths combined: colon, breast and pancreatic cancers.

Given lung 1xbet online sports betting 's high mortality rate, Tamura has focused his research on peptide nanoparticle-based gene therapy, which is the process of treating diseases by introducing therapeutic genes. His research team is collaborating with University of Kansas researchers to develop a way to treat 1xbet online sports betting other than current chemotherapy practices.

"We want to generate a safe patient-friendly therapy," Tamura said.

1xbet online sports betting develops from our own bodies, Tamura said, which makes it very difficult for traditional chemotherapy to distinguish 1xbet online sports betting cells from healthy cells. As a result, chemotherapy often kills both 1xbet online sports betting cells and healthy cells, which is why patients often experience whole body reactions to treatment, such as hair loss, diarrhea and vomiting. If the chemotherapy treatment damages intestines, it often has fatal consequences for patients.

Tamura has found the potential for safer therapy in cationic peptide nanoparticles. This small peptide helps transfer an important gene called angiotensin II type 2 receptor, which helps to maintain cardiovascular tissue. By attaching this receptor gene to peptide nanoparticles, Tamura hopes to create a form of treatment that can directly target 1xbet online sports betting cells without damaging healthy cells.

"The peptide itself is a very safe material and it has no harmful effects," said Tamura, who is one of the first researchers to use the peptide for 1xbet online sports betting treatment. "The gene is actually already expressed in our body -- everybody has this gene."

Here is how the 1xbet online sports betting treatment works: The receptor gene containing the nanoparticles spreads to only 1xbet online sports betting tissue since the blood vessels in 1xbet online sports betting tissues are flimsy. The nanoparticles help the receptor gene kill the 1xbet online sports betting cells. The immune system is then stimulated to prevent the 1xbet online sports betting from growing back.

"This is very exciting because our own immune system can prevent 1xbet online sports betting growth," Tamura said.

While the receptor gene works well for tumors that are easier to reach in the body, cancers that are deep within the body, such as gastric or pancreatic cancers, are more difficult to treat. Sometimes the gene needs help targeting and reaching the cancerous cells. That's where the peptide comes in. It can guide the receptor gene directly to the 1xbet online sports betting cells so treatment can begin.

Working with lungs also provides a special advantage. If the researchers can develop some sort of spray that contains the 1xbet online sports betting , it can help the 1xbet online sports betting go straight into the lungs. It's noninvasive to go through the lungs and makes it easier for the 1xbet online sports betting to enter the circulatory system and travel to other cancerous tissue.

The cationic 1xbet online sports betting was developed by a KU research team led by Cory Berkland, an associate professor of pharmaceutical chemistry. After developing the 1xbet online sports betting , they turned to Tamura and his team for help evaluating, testing and developing the 1xbet online sports betting nanoparticle therapy. The two schools have been working together on the project for three years. Researchers hope to develop their targeted 1xbet online sports betting procedure into a treatment that humans can use.

"It has really been nice for the two schools to work together on this project because Kansas is such a hotbed for the biomedical industry right now," Tamura said.

Tamura is also involved in K-State research of the 1xbet online sports betting therapeutic possibilities of umbilical cord matrix stem cells. He is on a team of university researchers who have received a patent addressing procedures used to gather stem cells from umbilical cords -- a less controversial source of stem cells that are effective at treating 1xbet online sports betting . These stem cells do not generate any additional tumors and can travel deep inside the inflammatory tissue where 1xbet online sports betting is located.

The research team has been supported by a 0,000 grant from the Kansas Bioscience Authority to help develop the stem 1xbet online sports betting as a therapeutic agent. Other K-State researchers involved in the project include Mark Weiss and Deryl Troyer, both professors of anatomy and physiology.

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