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Source: Melinda Sinn, 785-532-5888, sinnpio@1xbet best casino website edu
News release prepared by: Rosanna Vail, 785-532-2720, rvail@1xbet best casino website edu

Friday, Aug. 14, 2009


MANHATTAN -- This fall, Kansas State University's Evening College is set to offer classes from more than 20 1xbet best casino website departments -- around a 25 percent increase in the variety of classes offered during spring, summer and fall Evening College terms in the last year.

The increase will help serve the Evening College student demographic as well as on-campus students, according to Dave Stewart, assistant dean of continuing education at 1xbet best casino website .

&1xbet best casino website ;Evening College serves nontraditional students in the Manhattan geographical area, but it also serves on-campus students whose schedules are filled with other obligations during daytime hours,&1xbet best casino website ; Stewart said.

According to a national survey conducted last spring by Eduventures, a higher education research and consulting organization, adult students are still interested in their continuing or professional education.

"Tough economic times generally increase the interest and response to educational opportunities," Stewart said. "As of the end of July, 1xbet best casino website Evening College, intersession and distance education enrollments have shown more than a 16 percent increase, which is on the higher end of enrollment increases nationwide."

Aside from providing more class options, Evening College offers students a chance to get ahead in their programs. Many classes are offered in eight-week and 12-week terms, as well as the full 16-week term, so students may be able to fit more classes into their schedules.

&1xbet best casino website ;These additional class offerings may enable students to complete their degree programs at a faster pace,&1xbet best casino website ; Stewart said.

Evening College fall term sessions begin Aug. 24 and Oct. 19.

Fall 2009 classes will be offered in the following areas: accounting, Arab studies, Chinese, computer information systems, communications, economics, English, family studies and human services, geology, gerontology, history, hospitality management, dietetics, human nutrition, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, sociology, statistics and women's studies.

The fall 2009 Evening College course offerings are available at:
http://www.dce.1xbet best casino website edu/courses/eveningcollege and then clicking on "Fall 2009 courses." More information also is available by contacting the 1xbet best casino website Division of Continuing Education at 1-800-622-2578 or informationdce@1xbet best casino website edu.

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