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  1. 1xbet online ga
  2. Media Relations
  3. April news releases

Source: Bill 1xbet online games login , 785-532-6237, billmuir@1xbet online games login edu

Friday, April 24, 2009


MANHATTAN -- Erin Gettler, a senior in biology and gerontology, Louisburg, and 1xbet online games login Lantz, a senior in finance, Town and Country, Mo., are the recipients of the 11th annual William L. 1xbet online games login II and John T. 1xbet online games login Alpha Tau Omega Blue Key Leadership Scholarships.

The scholarships are each worth ,000. They were presented, along with plaques, April 19 at the Blue Key awards banquet. A permanent scholarship plaque is in the 1xbet online games login Student Union.

The scholarships are awarded by the 1xbet online games login Alpha Tau Omega Endowment Fund to one male and to one female member of 1xbet online games login 's Blue Key, the senior leadership honor society. Recipients must have at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average; be of good character and sound academic standing; and have substantially contributed to the quality of student life and outstanding leadership at 1xbet online games login .

This year's recipients were selected by Michael E. Brown, treasurer of the K-State Alpha Tau Omega Endowment Fund; William L. 1xbet online games login III, representing the 1xbet online games login family; and Pat Bosco, K-State vice president for student life and dean of students.

Gettler, a 1xbet online games login honors list student, is president of Blue Key. She also is a member of the 1xbet online games login Student Foundation, Alpha Chi Omega sorority and Alpha Epsilon Delta, the pre-health honorary. She has served as a Wildcat Warm-Up counselor and was a member of Chimes, the junior honorary; Silver Key, the sophomore honorary; and Quest, the freshman honorary. She received the June Sherrid Hull Scholarship from 1xbet online games login 's Terry C. Johnson Center for Basic Cancer Research and was the recipient of the Most Promising Student Award from the Division of Biology. She has participated in medical mission trips to Guatemala, where she combined her passions for service and medicine. After graduating from 1xbet online games login in May, she plans to enter medical school.

Lantz is Blue Key's co-director of Quest, the freshman honorary. He was a resident assistant for two years through 1xbet online games login 's residence halls. He also has been a campus tour guide for more than three years; served as co-director of programming for Wildcat Warm-Up; and was a 1xbet online games login orientation leader. In addition, he was a member of the Student Tribunal and the Student Alumni Board. Lantz plans to graduate from 1xbet online games login in December 2009.

The William L. 1xbet online games login II and John T. 1xbet online games login Alpha Tau Omega Blue Key Leadership Scholarships, donated by the 1xbet online games login family through the K-State Alpha Tau Omega Students' Aid Endowment Fund, were established in 1999 to perpetuate the memory of William "Bill" Lloyd 1xbet online games login II and John Thomas "Tom" 1xbet online games login on the K-State campus.

They also were established to provide educational opportunities and assistance to upper-level students who possess exemplary attributes in leadership, scholarship, fellowship and character. Bill 1xbet online games login , who received the Silver Star during World War II, died in 1943 while serving with the U.S. Army in Italy. Tom 1xbet online games login , a prominent businessman from Norton and Manhattan, died in 1990. Both were members of the K-State chapter of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity and of Blue Key.

"We are very pleased to be able to offer these two scholarship to outstanding Blue Key members who are involved in university leadership activities and programs," Bosco said. "Special thanks to the local Alpha Tau Omega Endowment Fund and the 1xbet online games login family for making this scholarship a reality, and congratulations to both Erin Gettler and John Lantz on being this year's recipients."

"My sister Betty and I are extremely proud to have these scholarships named after our uncle and father," said Bill 1xbet online games login III. "Erin and John are two of K-State's outstanding student leaders, and possess good, all-around qualities that fit the criteria for these scholarships. I know that Dad and Uncle Bill would be proud of them and of this day."

"We are extremely proud to have the opportunity to award these scholarships in memory of Tom and Bill 1xbet online games login to outstanding students like Erin Gettler and John Lantz," Brown said. "The 1xbet online games login Family has been involved with K-State and its programs for more than 60 years. Tom and Bill 1xbet online games login were both members of Alpha Tau Omega and Blue Key. It is very appropriate that we memorialize their lives of service with these scholarships."

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