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Raising a child: Kansas State University physical activity scientist suggests strategies to keep 1xbet online sports betting on the move

Monday, April 13, 2015

Mother and kids

1xbet online sports betting at Hoeflin Stone House Early Childhood Education Center on the Kansas State University Campus embrace David Dzewaltowski's advice to go out doors and play. Dzewaltowski is professor of physical activity and public health in the College of Human Ecology. | Download the following photo.

MANHATTAN — Send the 1xbet online sports betting outdoors to play.

"We find that the more time 1xbet online sports betting spend outdoors the more active they are," said David Dzewaltowski, professor of physical 1xbet online sports betting and public health in the Kansas State University College of Human Ecology.

He called the lack of physical activity in 1xbet online sports betting today a national problem, adding, "We think 1xbet online sports betting are physically active, but studies show us that most are not."

Adults, he said, may do more to limit movement that to promote movement.

"It's natural for most kids to move. That's how they learn and how they develop," he said.

Dzewaltowski directs the Youth Physical 1xbet online sports betting and Nutrition Motivation Lab in the kinesiology department. His research focuses on environmental and psychosocial influences on childhood physical 1xbet online sports betting and on interventions to prevent childhood obesity.

Nationally, more than a third of 1xbet online sports betting and adolescents were overweight or obese, according to 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention statistics. Obesity can result in immediate and long-term health, social and psychological problems.

Studies show that obese 1xbet online sports betting are likely to be obese adults, Dzewaltowski said. Physical activity is one answer to what has been called a national epidemic.

"We live in a toxic environment that does not promote physical activity in 1xbet online sports betting , or anyone," he said. "From birth to death, it is important to be physically active. We know that physical activity improves quality of life and helps avoid chronic illness."

Dzewaltowski recommends placing young 1xbet online sports betting in an environment where they will be active. His suggestions:

  • For outdoor play, provide small portable items such as balls and tricycles. Studies have found that this type of playground equipment promotes physical 1xbet online sports betting better than large stationary equipment such as jungle gyms and swing sets.

  • Clear the child's room of video games and television sets. Look at other practices at encourage sedentary behavior. Ask yourself, "Am I using television as a behavior management technique?"

  • Create a play environment where a child can use lots of muscle groups. Running, climbing, jumping and hopping are large physical 1xbet online sports betting motions.

  • Make a space indoors that allows free play if possible. Provide toys that encourage active play: balls, hula hoops, hopscotch and ping pong. "You don't want to be the parent that says no balls in the house," he said. Get a house-friendly ball.

  • Allow bandages. "Evidence shows that some parents are overly concerned with safety," he said. "Allow 1xbet online sports betting to fall and learn to regulate their own behavior. If not allowed to fall and get scratches and bruises, how are they going to learn to play and be safe on their own?"

A new area of research is looking at natural play environments such as trees, the professor said. "We have so sanitized the play environment that we have taken some of the fun away. We have to find a balance of safe, challenging and engaging."

The scientist advises against over structuring playtime. Evidence shows that 1xbet online sports betting are more active when allowed to make their own choices, instigate play and interact on their own.

Dzewaltowski sees a problem with rushing 1xbet online sports betting into adult models of sports activities. He cautions parents about organized sports for 3- to 5-year-olds who should be learning fundamental motor skills.

"We are seeing more organized programming for 1xbet online sports betting being delivered to younger ages. It is mythology that a child must been enrolled in a structured sport activity to be physically active. It is mythology that kids have to compete," he said.

Programs should be age appropriate. An 1xbet online sports betting and program for an 8-year-old may not work for 5-year-olds.

"There is some evidence to suggest that 1xbet online sports betting should have a wide range of moving activities – not specialize in one activity or sport," he said.

The adult model of sports and exercise does not apply to 1xbet online sports betting , he said. "Kids move in quick spurts, not the adult way of exercise and continuous movement."

To select a child care setting that encourages 1xbet online sports betting , Dzewaltowski suggests asking these questions:

  • Is there an outside play area?
  • How much time 1xbet online sports betting spend outdoors?
  • Is there small portable toys, not just large stationary playground equipment?

Week of the Young Child, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young 1xbet online sports betting April 12-18, focuses on the foundation for a child's success in school and later life.

Through research, scholarship, teaching and outreach, the faculty in the College of Human Ecology continually seek ways to nurture healthy 1xbet online sports betting and families. Through his community-based research and public health work, Dzewaltowski reaches families throughout the state.

(Part 3 in the series on Raising a Healthy Child will focus on the importance of parent-child playtime.)


David Dzewaltowski


College of Human Ecology

Written by

Jane P. Marshall

At a glance

This is the second in a series celebrating Week of the Young Child, April 12-18. In the stories, Kansas State University researchers and scholars suggest how to raise a healthy child who will grow into a competent, capable adult: building foundations in healthy food choices, physical activity, empathy and tolerance, mental health, listening and language. This story looks at 1xbet online sports betting and exercise.

Notable quote

"We live in a toxic environment that does not promote physical activity in 1xbet online sports betting , or anyone. From birth to death, it is important to be physically active. We know that physical activity improves quality of life and helps avoid chronic illness."

— David Dzewaltowski, professor of physical 1xbet online sports betting and public health in the Kansas State University College of Human Ecology