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K-State grad student explores links between gut microbes and effective colon 1xbet online games login care

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Tanner Richie and Sonny Lee

Tanner Richie, left, pictured above with faculty mentor Sonny Lee, is conducting research about gut microbes and their relationship to better colon 1xbet online games login care through personalized medicine. | Download this photo.

MANHATTAN — Colorectal 1xbet online games login is the third most common 1xbet online games login worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, and a Kansas State University graduate student is doing research to identify and improve effective colon 1xbet online games login care.

Many 1xbet online games login drugs are known to interact with the microbes that inhabit the human gut. Each person's microbes are unique to them — almost like a fingerprint composed of healthy microbes and disease-associated microbes. This diversity of microbes can cause challenges; microbial interactions with treatment drugs can lead to adverse reactions or drug inefficiencies.

Customizing a colon 1xbet online games login care plan based on these and other factors is known as personalized medicine, and it provides the best possible chance of winning the battle with 1xbet online games login . This is why scientists like Tanner Richie, K-State doctoral student in biology, Salina, work diligently to improve personalized medicine by identifying all the factors that influence colon 1xbet online games login outcomes.

Measuring microbial changes in the gut can help identify chronic inflammatory diseases that may lead to colon cancers. Richie's thesis project, "Maintaining balance in the microverse: Investigating microbial impacts on host gut inflammation," examines how the many different types of intestinal 1xbet online games login interact with each other and with the human body.

For years, scientists have known that these microbes can make us sick, keep us healthy or appear to do nothing at all. Richie's work suggests that certain gut microbes influence the likelihood of someone getting colon 1xbet online games login and explores how the microbes are driving colon inflammation and outcompeting healthy microbes.

"Continuing this research into how 1xbet online games login can lead to colon inflammation and compete with us for resources is really exciting and will help people with colon cancers by personalizing their medicine," Richie said.

Richie is first author on the article "Limitation of amino acid availability by bacterial populations during enhanced colitis in IBD mouse model," which was published in mSystems, a journal from the American Society for Microbiology.

She has contributed to three other scientific publications, and she is also the author of "Precision prescribing for colon 1xbet online games login based on gut microbes," a general audience article published by the National Association of Science Writers.

Richie is mentored by Sonny Lee, assistant professor of biology and member of the Johnson 1xbet online games login Research Center at Kansas State University.

The Johnson 1xbet online games login Research Center advances 1xbet online games login research with competitive award programs funded by its supporters. Their donations allow students and scientists to work together to create hope for a brighter future in 1xbet online games login care.

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Written by

Nicholas Wallace
nwallac@1xbet online games login edu