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Study: Re-enrolling and completing a bachelor's 1xbet online games login has positive effect on annual income

Friday, Jan. 7, 2022

MANHATTAN — Returning to college to earn a bachelor's 1xbet online games login leads to both an immediate increase in annual income after graduation and an increase in annual income growth each year after graduation, according to a Kansas State University economics researcher.

Amanda 1xbet online games login , assistant professor of economics in the College of Arts and Sciences, found that students who return to college and finish a bachelor's 1xbet online games login earn on average ,294 more immediately after graduation and experience an extra income growth of ,121 per year, on average. The Economics of Education Review recently published the 1xbet online games login .

"No matter how I looked at the data, those who returned and finished a bachelor's 1xbet online games login see an economically meaningful increase in income after 1xbet online games login completion," Gaulke said. "The average age at graduation for this sample is 27, so they certainly have a lot of working years left to experience improved labor market outcomes."

While current economic literature mainly focuses on the traditional college student — those who graduate high school, go to college, earn a 1xbet online games login , and then start a career — Gaulke wanted to determine if returning to finish a bachelor's 1xbet online games login resulted in improved economic outcomes compared to both those who never returned and those who returned to complete a bachelor's 1xbet online games login but dropped out again.

"This information is important for people who are wondering if they should return to school," Gaulke said. "When thinking in terms of weighing costs and benefits, it is important for those people to know that there are real economic benefits of going back and completing a bachelor's 1xbet online games login ."

Gaulke's study also shows students who re-enroll and earn a 1xbet online games login are significantly more likely to be employed, work more weeks and work more full-time weeks each quarter. Additionally, those students who return but do not complete a 1xbet online games login also realized slight income gains.

Ultimately, businesses and the U.S. economy also benefit from having a trained workforce.

"To maximize economic output, we have to use resources efficiently," Gaulke said. "If employees are not as productive or skilled because they are unable to make well-informed decisions about re-enrolling and completing their 1xbet online games login degrees, this reduces worker productivity."

Gaulke said another benefit of this study is that many institutions of higher education have concerns about enrollment numbers and are expanding their recruitment efforts beyond students coming straight from high school. Many private sector companies now offer services to help colleges and universities re-enroll students who left without completing their degrees. The results of this study suggest that colleges and universities that develop or implement policies to help students re-enroll and finish a bachelor's 1xbet online games login can potentially improve enrollment numbers and also help improve economic outcomes for these students as well.

Individuals interested in returning to K-State to finish a 1xbet online games login can discover more information about the university's admission process for returning students and apply online today.


Amanda 1xbet online games login
1xbet online games login @k-state.edu

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Economics of Education Review


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Amanda Gaulke

Amanda 1xbet online games login , assistant professor of economics.

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Michelle Geering

Notable quote

"This information is important for people who are wondering if they should return to school. When thinking in terms of weighing costs and benefits, it is important for those people to know that there are real economic benefits of going back and completing a bachelor's 1xbet online games login ."

— Amanda 1xbet online games login , assistant professor of economics