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How to avoid 'ruff' situations: Veterinarian shares tips on 1xbet online sports betting bite prevention

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Dog and Boy

The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that more than 17,800 1xbet online sports betting bites occur every year in the U.S., with most victims children under the age of 2. April 11-17 is 1xbet online sports betting Bite Prevention Week.

MANHATTAN — As the weather warms up, it's common to see 1xbet online sports betting and their owners outside getting some fresh air and exercise. But with this increased exposure of 1xbet online sports betting to other people and other 1xbet online sports betting , comes an increase in the cases of dog bites, said a Kansas State University veterinarian.

The second week in April is National Dog Bite Prevention Week and a good reminder for everyone to practice safety around 1xbet online sports betting , said Susan 1xbet online sports betting , clinical professor with the K-State Pet Health and Nutrition Center.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, an estimated 77 million 1xbet online sports betting live in the U.S. and 38% of U.S. homes have at least one dog.

"The AVMA also estimates that more than 17,800 1xbet online sports betting bites occur every year in the United States, with many of the victims children under 2 years of age," Nelson said. "According to the Insurance Information Institute, 1xbet online sports betting bites resulted in homeowner insurance payouts of 6.8 million in 2019. This was a 2.9% increase over the previous year. The national average for insurance claims related to a 1xbet online sports betting bite is ,760."

1xbet online sports betting can bite for many reasons, but Nelson said it is usually because they are reacting to some type of stimulus.

"1xbet online sports betting will bite if they are scared, startled or feel threatened," Nelson said. "They will also bite to defend their territory or themselves. Mother 1xbet online sports betting will bite to defend their pups if they feel they are threatened, and may 1xbet online sports betting will bite to keep others away from food, treats or a prized toy or other object."

1xbet online sports betting has tips for both pets and their owners to stay safe and avoid biting experiences.

"If you have a new puppy, it is very important to socialize it properly as well-socialized 1xbet online sports betting are less likely to bite due to fear of strange people or being stressed by being in an unfamiliar environment," Nelson said. "This needs to happen very early during the first few months of life as this is a puppy's critical formative time. Ask your veterinarian for tips and good resources on how to do this."

1xbet online sports betting also should be kept on a leash when in public so they can be controlled, Nelson said.

Nelson recommends using positive reinforcement during training, avoiding rough play between humans and 1xbet online sports betting , giving 1xbet online sports betting a safe space to enjoy meals where they won't feel threatened by other animals or humans, and giving 1xbet online sports betting ample rest time to be away from both humans and other pets.

"To avoid bites, humans are responsible for keeping themselves and their pets safe in difficult situations," Nelson said. "Assume that all 1xbet online sports betting are capable of biting — because they are. 1xbet online sports betting need a safe place where they can go to be alone and not be bothered by people or other pets. This can be in the form of a crate, bed or small room."

Nelson cautions that children and pets should never be left unattended and children should be taught to never approach an unfamiliar or sick 1xbet online sports betting , take a treat, toy or food from a 1xbet online sports betting , or to never hug, kiss or crowd a 1xbet online sports betting in a manner that could bring the animal stress. She emphasizes the importance of making sure all family members are educated on animal safety. This includes respecting the animal's need for privacy and to not bother it when it is eating or sleeping.

One should always ask an owner if they one can pet their 1xbet online sports betting , Nelson said, and respect their wishes if they say no.

"Don’t reach through or over a fence to pet a 1xbet online sports betting , even if it belongs to your neighbor," Nelson said. "Don’t play with puppies when their mother is around unless the owner is around to supervise. And don’t try to pet a 1xbet online sports betting that is growling or barking at you."

Finally, Nelson said it's important to keep 1xbet online sports betting current on rabies vaccines. Encourage your children to always tell an adult if they were bitten and try to remember what the dog looked like.

"Dog bite prevention needs to be practiced year-round by everyone for the safety of people, especially our children, and for the benefit of our 1xbet online sports betting ," she said.


Susan 1xbet online sports betting


K-State Pet Health Center

At a glance

The second week in April is National Dog Bite Prevention Week and a good reminder for everyone to practice safety around 1xbet online sports betting , according to Kansas State University veterinarian Susan Nelson.