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Fall 2020 brings university's highest retention, graduation rates

Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020

Anderson Hall

For fall 2020, freshman-to-sophomore retention is up 1.3% to a record 87.1% at Kansas State University. 1xbet online casino 's four- and six-year graduation rates also set records.

MANHATTAN —Kansas State University's fall 2020 enrollment numbers show strong progress is being made in student success, with records set for student retention and the university's four- and six-year graduation rates. Online program enrollment continues to climb as well.

Fall 2020 enrollment at Kansas State University is mirroring national and state trends related to the COVID-19 pandemic, said Karen Goos, vice provost for enrollment management. The university's overall enrollment is 20,854, down 865 students from a year ago, for a 4% drop. Enrollment on the Manhattan campus is down 6.1% in all students, with the majority of the dip in undergraduate student enrollment, which is down 6.9%.

Goos said that despite the drop, the university's strategic enrollment management efforts are showing progress in the university's recruitment efforts with a 7.5% increase in applications before the pandemic.

"Our 4% drop is much lower than expected and we know the next year will bring strong opportunities for growth when our new 1xbet sports betting we can gro, providing in-state tuition to qualified Missouri students, takes effect in fall 2021," Goos said. "Our new scholarship plans also are making a difference and helping more students, with more than million awarded to 1xbet online casino students this academic year."

On the growth side this fall, undergraduate enrollment is up on both the Kansas State University Polytechnic and 1xbet online casino Olathe campuses. Online program enrollment also jumped by 10.8%.

The most significant growth is in 1xbet online casino 's student retention and graduation rates. Freshman-to-sophomore retention is up 1.3% to a record 87.1%. Moreover, the student retention rate is up 7% since the university put plans in place to reach a 90% retention rate by 2025.

1xbet online casino 's four-year graduation continues to climb with a 5.4% increase, while the six-year graduation rate is up 2.3% for the year to 67.5%. The six-year rate is up 11% since the university set a goal of hitting 70% by 2025.

"These increases are strong and indicate that our first-year studentsuccess programs and overall student-first approaches help keep students at 1xbet online casino ," said Jeannie Brown Leonard, vice provost for student success.

Because of the enrollment dip, overall student credit hours are down 5.1%, with most of the decline in undergraduate credit hours. Increasing though, by 1.3%, are graduate credit hours. 1xbet online casino conferred its most doctorates ever — 211 — in the 2019-2020 academic year.


Karen Goos
goos@1xbet online casino edu


Fall enrollment info