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Psychology and English GTAs earn graduate student 1xbet online sports betting excellence awards

Friday, Nov. 8, 2019

MANHATTAN —Two graduate students have been awarded the GSC Award for Graduate Student 1xbet online sports betting Excellence, sponsored by Kansas State University's 1xbet online sports betting Student Council.

The master's graduate 1xbet online sports betting assistant award winner is Katie Cline, master's student in English, Jacksonville, Alabama. Her adviser is Phil Nel, university distinguished professor of English. The doctoral graduate 1xbet online sports betting assistant award winner is Tucker Jones, doctoral candidate in psychology, Alamosa, Colorado. His adviser is Mark Barnett, professor of psychological sciences.

The GSC Award for Graduate Student 1xbet online sports betting Excellence recognizes graduate 1xbet online sports betting assistants who have excelled in classroom 1xbet online sports betting . The awards promote the important contributions graduate students make to the scholarship of the university. Cline and Jones will represent the university for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools, or MAGS, Excellence in 1xbet online sports betting Award, with a winner selected at both the master's and the doctoral levels. Since the 1xbet online sports betting award was established in 2011, K-State has had six winners, the most from any university.

Both Cline and Jones receive a 0 scholarship and their names and departments are engraved on a perpetual plaque displayed in their departments until the next awards are given.

"Katie and Tucker are outstanding examples of the quality of 1xbet online sports betting and mentoring that our graduate 1xbet online sports betting assistants provide K-State undergraduates," said Carol Shanklin, dean of the Graduate School. "Our GTAs contribute to enhancing the undergraduate experience while gaining valuable experiences that will increase their competitiveness for future positions. I am honored that they will be representing our GTAs as K-State's nominees in the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools competition this spring."

"1xbet online sports betting is important to me because it isn't just time spent in a classroom; we remember our school experiences, for better or for worse, and we carry those experiences with us for the rest of our lives," Cline said. "Some of the most influential people in my life have been teachers, and I strive to bring their sincerity, kindness, spirit and even their corny jokes to every classroom I enter."

Cline said that 1xbet online sports betting English allows her to share her passions with her students while helping them develop important writing and critical thinking skills that they can then use to cultivate their own interests.

"For some of my students, I will be their last experience in a writing class, and I want them to leave with confidence that they can apply skills learned in my class to papers they may write in the future and that they each have the ability to be a good writer," she said.

Jones said 1xbet online sports betting provides him with an opportunity to have a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

"I have had some amazing teachers throughout my life and I owe so much to these incredible individuals," he said. "1xbet online sports betting provides me with an opportunity to pay homage to those who have contributed to my educational journey as well as pay it forward to the next generation of learners."

Jones said he enjoys sharing with his students all of the fascinating principles of psychology that initially drew him to the field.

"Seeing my students' enjoyment as they learn about my field is an incredibly rewarding experience and I am truly grateful for the students I have had the opportunity and the privilege to teach," he said.

Cline said her 1xbet online sports betting philosophy can best be summed up by Helga Hufflepuff, one of the founders of Hogwarts in the "Harry Potter" book series: "I'll teach the lot and treat them all the same."

"As a graduate 1xbet online sports betting assistant for ENGL 100, I have the joy — and challenge — of 1xbet online sports betting students from a variety of cultural backgrounds — from first-generation college students to nontraditional students to international students and students from across the nation — all with a wide range of experience with English classes," Cline said. "Overall, I believe that the most effective teachers bring palpable energy to the classroom and are genuinely invested in their subject and their students' success, and I believe that knowing each student's name is the best way to show them that they matter."

Jones believes that when his students use their voices, everyone benefits.

"Not only are my students contributing to their own learning when they voice their thoughts and perspectives, they are also contributing to their peers' learning as well," Jones said. "The primary focus of my 1xbet online sports betting philosophy is to establish an active dialogue within my classes. I nurture my students' voices by incorporating activities designed to provide them with an opportunity to join in the day's conversation."

Cline and Jones will compete for a 0 honorarium that will be presented at the 76th annual Midwestern Association of 1xbet online sports betting Schools meeting, April 1-3, 2020, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. One master's student and one doctoral student are selected for the award.

The Midwestern Association of 1xbet online sports betting Schools is a regional affiliate of the Council of 1xbet online sports betting Schools. The association's member colleges and universities are accredited institutions of higher education in the central U.S. that offer 1xbet online sports betting programs leading to masters, specialist and doctorate degrees.


Carol Shanklin

News tip

Jacksonville, Alabama, and Alamosa, Colorado


GSC Award for Graduate Student 1xbet online sports bet


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Katie Cline
Katie Cline, master's student in English, is the winner of the Kansas State University GSC Award for Graduate Student 1xbet online sports betting Excellence at the master's level.

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Tucker Jones
Tucker Jones, doctoral candidate in psychology, is the winner of the Kansas State University GSC Award for Graduate Student 1xbet online sports betting Excellence at the doctoral level.