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Team receives nearly million COBRE grant to establish neuroscience 1xbet sports betting center

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

team members

A Kansas State University psychological 1xbet sports betting team is receiving a prestigious five-year, .6 million Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence, or COBRE, grant. From left, the researchers involved include Heather Bailey, assistant professor of psychological 1xbet sports betting ; Lester Loschky, center associate director and professor of psychological 1xbet sports betting ; Kimberly Kirkpatrick, center director and professor of psychological 1xbet sports betting ; Charles Pickens, assistant professor of psychological 1xbet sports betting ; and Mary Cain, professor of psychological 1xbet sports betting .| Download this photo.

MANHATTAN — The National Institutes of Health is awarding a Kansas State 1xbet sports betting -led team of department 1xbet sports betting of Ps researchers with a prestigious five-year, .6 million Centers of Biomedical 1xbet sports betting Excellence, or COBRE, grant. It is the largest grant in the history of the psychological 1xbet sports betting department.

The team — which also includes collaborators from Wichita State University and the University of Kansas Medical Center — 1xbet sports betting use the grant to establish the 1xbet online games login Accomplishments, or C-NAP, center. Plasticity refers to the brain's ability to grow and change its connections, and encompasses both natural aspects of human brain development throughout the lifespan as well as those due to experiences.

The center 1xbet sports betting support cognitive, behavioral and neurobiological research as well as laboratory renovation and upgrades; faculty, postdoctoral fellow and graduate student recruitment; and professional development.

This is only the second time that Kansas State University has received a COBRE grant. COBRE funding comes from the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences and supports multidisciplinary centers that focus on biomedical research. Kimberly Kirkpatrick, professor of psychological sciences, 1xbet sports betting serve as director of the C-NAP center and Lester Loschky, professor of psychological sciences, 1xbet sports betting be associate director.

"The enrichment to our research community is going to be substantial," Kirkpatrick said. "This grant 1xbet sports betting bring a lot more resources and infrastructure improvements and it 1xbet sports betting enhance our graduate program. The funding 1xbet sports betting allow our faculty members to take their research to the next level, which is a big deal."

"This is a tremendous event in the history of the psychological sciences department, and it 1xbet sports betting be transformational," Loschky said. "The COBRE grant 1xbet sports betting greatly help the psychological sciences department to achieve its overarching goals for the 2025 plan of raising our stature both nationally and internationally. It makes me very proud of our department."

The funding initially 1xbet sports betting support four faculty members who are serving as project leaders as well as postdoctoral fellows and doctoral students who 1xbet sports betting help conduct the research. The four researchers are receiving 0,000 to 0,000 grants to support their work and are partnering with leaders in their research fields to help implement their projects. The center also 1xbet sports betting recruit two new faculty members during the five-year grant.

The four project leaders and their 1xbet sports betting topics include:

• Mary Cain, professor of psychological sciences, who 1xbet sports betting study how environmental enrichment can change brain structure and create resistance to alcohol abuse. She 1xbet sports betting collaborate with Stefan Bossmann, professor of chemistry.

• Heather Bailey, assistant professor of psychological sciences, who 1xbet sports betting study how an older adult's rich body of knowledge can help overcome the degradation of working memory for everyday activities that people experience as they age. She 1xbet sports betting collaborate with the University of Kansas Medical Center's Hoglund Brain Imaging Center.

• Charles Pickens, assistant professor of psychological sciences, who 1xbet sports betting study the neural circuits involved in cognitive flexibility and decision-making.

• Rui Ni, associate professor of psychology at Wichita State University, who 1xbet sports betting work to develop interventions to mitigate cognitive and visual impairments that affect driving abilities in aging individuals.

"This grant is designed for faculty success," Kirkpatrick said. "We are investing in faculty with money, time and other resources to try and build them up. The funding 1xbet sports betting open the door for many more collaborations and training seminars that 1xbet sports betting benefit faculty, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students."

In addition to supporting faculty projects, the COBRE grant 1xbet sports betting fund three core research facilities, including:

• Renovating the Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory 1xbet sports betting Core at Kansas State University so researchers can use state-of-the-art neuroscience techniques.

• Building a new Neuroinformatics 1xbet sports betting Core at Kansas State University — under the direction of Daniel Andresen, professor of computer science — to improve data modeling and visualization capabilities.

• Creating a 3-D driving simulator at Wichita State 1xbet sports betting that uses advanced technology, such as eye tracking, to study driving behavior.

The COBRE grant also supports a pilot grant program to recruit new faculty members to the center, a training program for postdoctoral researchers and a scientific exchange network to build collaborations with other universities. During the five years of grant funding, the university 1xbet sports betting organize two miniconferences for scientists to share their latest research.

A team of interdisciplinary faculty members made up the internal advisory board for the COBRE grant development and 1xbet sports betting continue as advisers during the project. The team includes Michael Young, professor and head of psychological sciences; Brian Spooner, university distinguished professor of biology; Daniel Marcus, professor emeritus of anatomy and physiology; and Rhonda Lewis, department chair and professor of psychology at Wichita State University.

COBRE support from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences can be renewed for a total of three five-year phases. The current grant covers phase one and 1xbet sports betting support initial center development.


Kimberly Kirkpatrick
kirkpatr@k-1xbet sports betting edu

Lester Loschky
loschky@k-1xbet sports betting edu


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Written by

Jennifer Tidball
jtidball@k-1xbet sports betting edu

At a glance

The National Institutes of Health is awarding a Kansas State University-led team of psychological 1xbet sports betting researchers with a prestigious five-year, .6 million Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence, or COBRE, grant.

Notable quote

"The enrichment to our research community is going to be substantial. This grant 1xbet sports betting bring a lot more resources and infrastructure improvements and it 1xbet sports betting enhance our graduate program."

— Kimberly Kirkpatrick, professor of psychological 1xbet sports betting