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BENEFITS EXPO 1xbet sports betting 7, 2010
The Division of Human Resources is hosting the annual benefits expo on Oct. 7, 2010, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom, with special events in Forum Hall. Representatives from Board of Regents voluntary and mandatory retirement providers, KPERS, health insurance providers, life insurance companies associated with K-State and many other agencies 1xbet sports betting be available in the ballroom from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Open enrollment health insurance informational meetings 1xbet sports betting be held at 8:30 am and again at 3:30 pm in Forum Hall. The sessions are identical. This is an opportunity for employees to learn about any changes, review a new plan provider and get updated information for 2011. This is an invaluable session to help employees complete the October online open enrollment process.

Retirement planning sessions are now a part of the expo. At 10:30 am in Forum Hall, Lori McGeehon Cathey, director, TIAA-CREF, 1xbet sports betting present a financial planning seminar: Understanding and Achieving Long-Term Financial Goals.

KPERS members 1xbet sports betting receive a special session presented by Alan Schuler, KPERS field representative for the state of Kansas at 12:30 p.m. This is a valuable session to those in the KPERS retirement plan desiring information on KPERS calculations, time in service and retirement dates. Employees within five years of their anticipated retirement 1xbet sports betting benefit most, but all are welcome to attend.

Flu shots 1xbet sports betting be offered again at the expo this year. Lafene Student Health Center 1xbet sports betting offer the shots to employees from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the ballroom for , cash, check or charge.

Questions should be addressed to Stephanie Harvey at 785-532-6277 or BenAdmin@k-1xbet sports betting edu.

1xbet sports betting I change my eID?
Yes, anytime you want. There is a fee for each eID change. When your eID is changed, your old eID becomes an alias that points to your new eID. This causes e-mail sent to your old address to be forwarded to your new address. You 1xbet sports betting need to submit an eID change form, which is available at the IT Help Desk.

Note: The fee 1xbet sports betting be waived if any of the following criteria are met:

* 1xbet sports betting legally changed your name after July 1, 2006, and your current eID is based on your old legal name. Verification of legal name changes for faculty and staff are done through human resources and personnel records. Verification of legal name changes for students are done through the K-State ID Center.
* If you are a former student who is now an employee and had a license plate eID (initials and four numbers, for example: abc1234.) However, if you chose your eID as a student and are coming back as an employee, the fee 1xbet sports betting not be waived. License plate eIDs were assigned to all students who attended K-State prior to the spring 2003 semester.

Register now for the fifth K-1xbet sports betting Security training event scheduled8 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Oct. 12, in the K-1xbet sports betting Student Union.

October is Cyber-Security awareness month, and this year K-State 1xbet sports betting celebrate with a half-day of free training provided by the K-State IT Security team. The event 1xbet sports betting be open to all K-Staters and 1xbet sports betting feature a series of non-technical sessions designed to help you be more secure on K-State's networks.

Mark your calendars now so 1xbet sports betting don't miss this opportunity to learn more about securing your corner of cyberspace.

Registration for 1xbet sports betting training is available at https://online.ksu.edu/Survey/take/takeSurvey.do?offeringId=163407. More information on each of the sessions is on the October 2010 training event 1xbet sports betting at http://www.k-state.edu/1xbet sports betting /security/training/2010-10-12/.

The university transitioned from Oracle calendar to K-State Zimbra calendar over the summer. Oracle calendar is still available as an archive, but 1xbet sports betting be decommissioned in early 2011.

Easy-to-follow instructions are available for 1xbet sports betting to export your Oracle calendar data and then import it into K-State Zimbra at http://www.k-state.edu/1xbet sports betting /zimbra/help/oracle_to_zimbra.html. This 1xbet sports betting allow you to have a copy of past events from your Oracle calendar accessible in your K-State Zimbra calendar.Other Oracle calendar archiving options are available if you'd rather not import your past events into K-State Zimbra.

Additionally, when 1xbet sports betting begin using the K-State Zimbra calendar, 1xbet sports betting should turn off the ability for others to invite 1xbet sports betting to events in Oracle calendar so 1xbet sports betting do not have overlapping or duplicated events.

For more information about the K-1xbet sports betting Zimbra calendar, check out http://www.k-state.edu/1xbet sports betting /calendar/. If 1xbet sports betting have questions or need assistance, contact the IT Help Desk at 785-532-7722 or helpdesk@k-1xbet sports betting edu.

The Information Technology Assistance Center is offering a free online course, Web Design Fundamentals at K-State. 1xbet sports betting ten-week course begins Tuesday, Oct. 5, and is designed to introduce K-Staters to the fundamental concepts, terminology and best practices of Web design.

The course 1xbet sports betting be conducted online through K-State Online and 1xbet sports betting cover:
* HTML markup for structuring Web pages
* Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for presentation in Web pages
* Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Suite 4

Each week students 1xbet sports betting be required to do the readings and exercises assigned. Questions about the course can be sent to Sarah Silva at gr8ful@k-1xbet sports betting edu or Cathy Rodriguez at cathyr@k-1xbet sports betting edu). The course requires pre-registration, which 1xbet sports betting be found at http://www.k-state.edu/1xbet sports betting /training/events.html.

1xbet sports betting /application forms for the following two Commerce Bank presidential awards are available at the following websites:

The Commerce Bank Presidential Faculty/Staff Award for Distinguished Services to Historically Under-represented Students was established in 1978 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to the development of quality education for students of color at Kansas State 1xbet sports betting . http://www.ksu.edu/ddcd/2011CommerceBankFacultyAward.pdf

The Commerce Bank Presidential Student Award for Distinguished Services in Enhancing Multiculturalism at Kansas State 1xbet sports betting was established in the spring of 1997 to recognize outstanding individual contributions to diversity enhancement within the student sector. http://www.ksu.edu/ddcd/2011CommerceBankStudentAward.pdf

On behalf of the Commerce Bank 1xbet sports betting Awards Committee, please consider applying for or nominating candidates for one or both awards.

The 1xbet sports betting application deadline for both awards is Oct. 22, 2010.

Past recipients of the presidential 1xbet sports betting /staff award are: James Boyer, Antonio Pigno, Bernard Franklin, Anne Butler, Veryl Switzer, Karen Hummel, Wayne Rohrer, Hakim Salahu-Din, William Sutton, Michael Holen, Harriet Ottenheimer, Barbara Baker, William Feyerharm, Phil Anderson, Reginland McGowan, Karen Martin, LaBarbara Wigfall, Teto Henderson, David Griffin, Kathleen Greene, Juanita McGowan, Doug Benson, Anita Cortez, Suzanne Mayo-Theus, James Coffman, Candi Hironaka, Keener Tippin II, Lorena Pasarelli, Farrell Webb, Rebeca Paz and Dawne Martin

The past recipients of the student presidential 1xbet sports betting are: Stacy Yeager, Colette McLemore, Leobardo Prieto, Tamara D. Goodson, Cindy Seto, Brad Crane, Louis Duncan, Jr., Erica Smith, Aranda Jones, Isabel Amaya, Yvonne Adame, Naureen Kazi, Abdul R. Yahaya, Clemente Jaquez-Herrera, Careem Gladney, Deborah Muhwezi and Robert Gomez

Let us have the opportunity to add your name or the name of someone 1xbet sports betting think deserves to be added to one of these lists.

At about 10:15 a.m. Monday, Oct. 4, Kansas State University 1xbet sports betting conduct a test of K-State Alerts, the university's emergency notification system.

Emergency notification channels to be tested include text messaging, automated phone calls, e-mail to all K-1xbet sports betting accounts and the new alert beacons in various buildings across the Manhattan campus.

K-State officials also now have the ability to post emergency information directly to the university's home page. This new feature also 1xbet sports betting be tested.

K-State Alerts is used when a dangerous condition exists on campus, such as an active shooter or 1xbet sports betting closure due to severe weather.

Steve Galitzer, director of environmental health and safety at K-State, said that K-State Alerts is tested twice a year to ensure that it 1xbet sports betting work during an actual emergency.

During the test, text messages, automated phone calls and e-mails 1xbet sports betting be sent out. In addition, the wall-mounted alert beacons 1xbet sports betting emit a loud siren, flash strobe lights and provide digital scrolling text for two full minutes. They cannot be turned off during the test.

To sign up to receive emergency notifications by text message or an automated phone call, students, 1xbet sports betting and staff with active K-State eIDs must enroll in K-State Alerts through the eProfile system. Eligible K-Staters can add contact information of parents, children and spouses when they sign up. The eProfile system is available at http://eid.k-1xbet sports betting edu.

For text messages, factors such as service provider, coverage area and total load on local communication towers 1xbet sports betting impact when and if users receive messages.

Those who already subscribe to text message and automated phone calls won't need to re-register, but officials recommend checking the website to make sure K-1xbet sports betting has current phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Individuals who sign up for the service and do not receive the test alert or any other alerts should contact K-State's 1xbet sports betting Help Desk at 800-865-6143 or 785-532-7722. Users are responsible for any messaging charges from their phone service providers and for keeping their emergency contact information up to date.

More information 1xbet sports betting http://www.k-1xbet sports betting edu/safety/alerts.

2010 1xbet sports betting EDUCATOR AWARD
The University Award for Advancing the International Mission of Kansas State University was established by the provost to recognize an individual who has contributed to advancing international education at Kansas State University.On behalf of the International Educator Award Selection Committee, you are invited to apply for or nominate candidates for this award.One individual is recognized each fall during International Education Week. The recipient 1xbet sports betting receive a plaque and a ,000 honorarium.The nomination application deadline is October 15, 2010.

Please visit the website http://www.k-1xbet sports betting edu/oip/outreach/intledaward.htm for more information.Past recipients of the 1xbet sports betting Educator Award are:Michael Boland, Ted Cable, Elfrieda Nafziger, Walter Kolonsky, William Richter, Bradley Shaw, Michael Suleiman and David Norman.

Criteria: Faculty, staff, administrators or other members of the K-State community may be honored for major contributions and sustained commitment to advancing 1xbet sports betting education at K-State. Major contributions may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following criteria:

* Developing innovative programs to advance international education within a unit or the 1xbet sports betting ;
* Recruiting students, 1xbet sports betting and staff from outside the United States;
* Mentoring 1xbet sports betting students, faculty and staff;
* Developing and implementing learning activities that prepare U.S. students for a diverse and global society;
* Integrating 1xbet sports betting education into the curriculum;
* Providing opportunities for professional development and 1xbet sports betting experiences for faculty and staff;
* Developing activities that support partnerships with 1xbet sports betting institutions, visiting scholars and guest lecturers from universities abroad;
* Contributing to scholarship in an 1xbet sports betting context.

Nomination/application process: Anyone may nominate a person to be recognized. The nomination must include information explaining how the nominee has advanced 1xbet sports betting education at K-State. The nomination should be forwarded to Office of 1xbet sports betting Programs, Attention: Jodi Caldwell, 304 Fairchild Hall, Manhattan, KS, 66506.

Contents of 1xbet sports betting packet:
* Curriculum vitae of the nominee
* Cover letter describing in detail why the nominee is deserving of the 1xbet sports betting (three pages maximum for cover letter)
* An additional letter(s) of support from at least two individuals connected to the 1xbet sports betting who can attest to the nominee's contributions (three pages maximum for each letter of support)

Deadlines: Nomination letters and letters of support should be sent to the Office of 1xbet sports betting Programs by Oct. 15, 2010.

Reception: The recipient 1xbet sports betting be awarded at a special reception held at the Hale Library Hemisphere Room on Friday, Nov. 19, 2010, at 3:00 p.m.

Selection committee: The selection committee 1xbet sports betting consist of past International Educator awardees and campus individuals involved with international initiatives.

There are a lot of communicators at K-1xbet sports betting . But at the heart of the press releases and posts, tweets and teasers, banners and broadcasts, we should all be telling people the same thing: Why they should care about what goes on here. Our reach extends beyond Manhattan, beyond the 1xbet sports betting of Kansas, out into the nation and even the world.

At the request of the media relations task force, a group of communicators from several campus partners has organized a writing workshop with the goal of helping communicators develop stronger writing skills that effectively illustrate what K-State is all about. Your skills 1xbet sports betting help usher K-State into its future of being a top-50 research university by 2025.

The workshop 1xbet sports betting be held Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010, from 1-4:30 p.m. It 1xbet sports betting cover a variety of topics over the course of the afternoon, with presentations by communications professionals from across campus.

Do 1xbet sports betting have to be a full-time communications professional to attend? Absolutely not! If 1xbet sports betting use words to tell the public about what's going on in your college, department or program, we hope 1xbet sports betting 'll join us!

Invitations 1xbet sports betting be sent via e-mail in early October, however, if you are interested and would like more information, please e-mail Shanna Williams at shannaw@found.ksu.edu.

Topics for the workshop 1xbet sports betting :
* 1xbet sports betting , What, When, Where and Why -- And Why "Why" Matters Most
When writing hard news, and sometimes even feature stories, we're all too often guilty of focusing on "1xbet sports betting " and forgetting the most important of the 5 W's in impact writing: "why."

* Audience Awareness: Who the Heck Are 1xbet sports betting Talking To?
Would 1xbet sports betting try to sell trips to the Amazonian jungle to an agoraphobic? No. Why? Because that's not who buys them. From feature stories about an alumna's purple pride to news releases about groundbreaking research in food safety at K-State, we need to know exactly who we're talking to.

* Do Interrupt!: How to Get the Most Out of Your Subject Interviews
It can be difficult for us to take control back from a story subject who's hijacked an interview. So what can 1xbet sports betting do to get your interview back on track? What kinds of questions can 1xbet sports betting ask to get more out of your story subject than "Yes," "No" and "K-State is awesome"?

* What's My Line?: Crafting Attention-Grabbing Headlines, Captions and Taglines
The first thing people look at in a feature story or news release is the picture (if there is one), then the headline, then the taglines and captions. If none of those strikes 1xbet sports betting fancy, good luck getting them to read your story.

* Making 1xbet sports betting Care: Using Emotion and Description to Get the Reader to the Last Sentence
1xbet sports betting 's true: the longer a feature story is, the less likely people are to read 1xbet sports betting all the way through. This is especially true if your reader has a really narrow range of interests, or the lead is buried or particularly boring. (1xbet sports betting 's okay; we all write horrible leads from time to time.)

* Step Away from the Feature with Your Hands 1xbet sports betting !
Want to become a better writer overnight? It's totally achievable. Here's what 1xbet sports betting do: stop writing. What? Yeah, it's confusing. We'll explain it all in this session.

TOUGH ENOUGH 1xbet sports betting OCT. 4-8 ON CAMPUS
The fifth annual K-State Tough Enough to Wear Pink campaign 1xbet sports betting be Oct. 4-8 at Kansas State University.

Members from the Collegiate Cattlewomen and K-State's Alpha Omega chapter of Sigma Alpha, the professional agricultural sorority, have joined forces for 1xbet sports betting year's campaign.

Tough Enough to Wear Pink T-shirts 1xbet sports betting be sold near the K-State Student Union food court from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 4-7. The shirts are for sizes adult small through 2XL, and for sizes 3XL-5XL.

T-shirts also 1xbet sports betting be ordered online at http://www.asi.ksu.edu/TETWP/. The cost is per shirt, 1xbet sports betting includes shipping.

The group 1xbet sports betting have a free barbecue on the Weber Hall lawn from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 7; rain location 1xbet sports betting be the Weber Hall Arena. T-shirts also 1xbet sports betting be for sale at the barbecue.

A new event for the K-State Tough Enough to Wear Pink campaign is a silent auction. Items 1xbet sports betting be available for viewing at the Union and at the barbecue, with the winners announced at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 7.

All proceeds from the T-shirt sales and silent auction items 1xbet sports betting be donated to the Susan G. Komen Mid-Kansas Affiliate, based in Wichita. In 2009 the K-State Tough Enough to Wear Pink campaign donated ,500 to the fight against breast cancer.

For more information, contact Robin Kleine at rkkleine@k-1xbet sports betting edu or 219-306-0323.

Kansas State University Theater 1xbet sports betting present the Greek tragedy "Antigone" at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 7-9 and Oct. 13-16 in Nichols Theater.

Written by Sophocles, "Antigone" portrays themes of social injustice and civil disobedience. The play follows the story of Antigone, Oedipus' daughter, as she fights to bury her deceased brother Polyneices -- an act punishable by death according to a new law set down by her uncle, Creon, the king of Thebes. Antigone views burying her brother as a moral imperative and is willing to sacrifice her own life in the service of 1xbet sports betting greater justice.

The K-1xbet sports betting production of "Antigone" is directed by Ginny Pape, instructor of theater; set design is by Kathy Voecks, assistant professor of theater; costume design is by Dana Pinkston, associate professor of theater; and lighting design is by John Uthoff, associate professor of theater.

Tickets are for the general public, for seniors and military, and for students. They can be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays or by calling McCain at 785-532-6428 during box office hours. Tickets also may be purchased at the Little Theater box office in the K-1xbet sports betting Student Union from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays.

Groups of 10 or more may 1xbet sports betting a discount rate. For more information or assistance in planning a theater party, contact Marci Maullar at 785-532-6878.

Kansas State 1xbet sports betting has become the new home of the Journal of Public Deliberation, with K-State's David Procter and Timothy Steffensmeier serving as co-editors.

Procter is a professor of communication studies and director of K-1xbet sports betting 's Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy; Steffensmeier is an assistant professor of communication studies and an associate with the institute.

The decision to move the journal to K-1xbet sports betting was made in July by the executive committee of the Deliberative Democracy Consortium, which publishes the journal. K-1xbet sports betting was selected because of the Institute for Civic Discourse and Democracy's experience with democracy scholars, practitioners, extension educators and public officials.

"We were particularly struck by the highly interdisciplinary work of the institute, which fits well with the diversity of academic interests in deliberative democracy," 1xbet sports betting Matt Leighninger, executive director of the consortium.

Procter and Steffensmeier 1xbet sports betting pursue several initiatives as new editors of the journal. They want it to be the premier, peer-reviewed journal in deliberative democracy. They also want to increase the number of issues published per year, broaden the readership, and increase international submissions and readership.

In addition, Procter and Steffensmeier want to expand the journal's presence in online deliberation issues, as well as increase essays and articles on the value and process of 1xbet sports betting participation in political governance.

The interdisciplinary journal was created as a scholarly forum for deliberative democracy. The journal publishes information on research, opinions, projects, experiments and experience of practitioners and academics. 1xbet sports betting board of editors consists of leading international scholars from a variety of disciplines, including political science, philosophy, communication studies, economics, government, computer science, sociology, community and regional planning, journalism and mass communications.

The journal is open to scholars and practitioners from all disciplines and welcomes diverse methodologies. The first call for papers from Procter and Steffensmeier 1xbet sports betting be announced Nov. 1.

With the concept of a store-within-a-store growing across the country, a Kansas State 1xbet sports betting researcher's work shows the increasing importance of brand reputation and its strong role in governing decisions.

Richard McFarland, associate professor of marketing, and four colleagues recently completed "Understanding Governance Decisions in a Partially Integrated Channel: A Contingent Alignment Framework." Their research 1xbet sports betting be published in the elite Journal of Marketing Research next year.

The research looks at separate companies who entered a store-within-a-store agreement, which occurs when a manufacturer has 1xbet sports betting own store and salespeople inside a retailer store. Examples of a store-within-a-store include Estee Lauder using cosmetic stores in department stores, Jones Apparel Group placing salespeople in department stores and Apple Inc. using the Apple Sales Consultants Program, which places Apple salespeople in retail stores. In such stores the manufacturers hire and train their own sales force so that they can control how their brand is marketed and the customer service they provide.

"1xbet sports betting 's interesting in a practical sense because more companies are starting to do this," McFarland said. "1xbet sports betting 's important to be able to provide companies with advice on whether they should do 1xbet sports betting or not. For companies who are doing 1xbet sports betting , how they manage those relationships has practical implications for retailers."

Although the concept of a store-within-a-store is growing in importance in the United States, 1xbet sports betting has been popular for years in Asia, and 1xbet sports betting is beneficial for global companies in the U.S. to be familiar with the store-within-a-store model, McFarland said. The research team used data from Korea for the study and coined the term "partially integrated channel," or PIC, to describe a store-within-a-store.

The store-within-a-store concept is especially common among strongly branded consumer markets for cosmetics, apparel and technology goods, McFarland 1xbet sports betting .

"These are generally characterized by short product lifestyle and rapidly changing customer preferences," he 1xbet sports betting . "Because things are changing so quickly, manufacturers want to have flexibility, but at the same time, they want to have salespeople there so that they can have good customer service and good customer support."

While the benefits for both sides are mutual, the research shows that cooperation between the manufacturer, the manufacturer's sales force and the retailer is key for a store-within-a-store to succeed, McFarland said. Manufacturers with rapidly changing products like the flexibility that a retailer can provide, and a store-within-a-store lets the manufacturer have more control of 1xbet sports betting brand and brand reputation. On the other hand, retailers are able to attract more customers with well-established and well-known products, as well as a knowledgeable sales force.

Brand reputation, market uncertainty and sales force performance ambiguity are key factors in how the three entities interact, McFarland 1xbet sports betting .

"If brand reputation is high and feedback from the retailer is high, then the manufacturer is going to give more decision power to the salespeople," McFarland said. "If environmental uncertainty is high and brand reputation is high, the manufacturer 1xbet sports betting be more flexible with negotiations with the retailer."

Other researchers involved in the project included: Stephen Kim, associate professor of marketing at Iowa State 1xbet sports betting ; Soongi Kwon, a visiting professor of Korean Studies at Suzhou 1xbet sports betting in Suzhou Jiangsu, China; Sanggi Son, dean and professor at Daejin 1xbet sports betting in Suzhou Jiangsu, China; and David Griffith, professor of marketing at Michigan State 1xbet sports betting .

Kansas State University's McCain Auditorium 1xbet sports betting kick off its 2010-2011 Performance Series with a live show by zookeeper "Jungle" Jack Hanna.

The performance 1xbet sports betting at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 1, in McCain Auditorium.

Hanna's show, "Into the Wild Live," features many of his favorite animal friends, as well as fascinating and humorous stories and footage from his adventures around the world. Audiences give him rave reviews, and everyone from the youngest child to the oldest adult 1xbet sports betting be entertained and inspired.

Recognized around the country as America's favorite zookeeper, Hanna has made countless television appearances since 1983. He has been featured on TV shows 1xbet sports betting as "Good Morning America," CNN's "Larry King Live," "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and the "Late Show with David

Hanna also has created two of his own nationally syndicated television programs: "Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures" and most recently, "Jack Hanna's Into the Wild," which won an Emmy for outstanding children's series in 1xbet sports betting first season.

Tickets for the performance are on sale now. Prices start at for K-State students and for the general public. Discounts for K-State 1xbet sports betting and staff, military and children are available.

Tickets 1xbet sports betting be purchased at the McCain Auditorium box office, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays, or by calling 785-532-6428. More information is available online at http://www.k-1xbet sports betting edu/mccain/.

Work cleaning up an old research waste landfill on the Kansas State University campus 1xbet sports betting begin soon. The site was a burying ground for low-level radioactive waste and chemicals.

The Kansas Board of Regents has given approval to a remediation plan for the Old Chemical Waste Landfill, which is in a fenced-in area north of Kimball Avenue and to the west of K-State's grain science complex. The university's clean-up plan is being done in collaboration with the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Environmental Protection Agency. A public notice about the project 1xbet sports betting be issued soon by the state Department of Health and Environment.

The project is estimated to cost .7 million and 1xbet sports betting be paid for from a combination of sponsored research overhead funds and bond funds, according to Bruce Shubert, K-State vice president for finance and administration.

The landfill was used by K-State from the mid-1960s to 1987. It was created with the approval of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and was a burying ground for tritium, carbon-14 and other short-lived radioactive elements. The 1xbet sports betting also disposed of some chemicals at the site from 1979 to 1983. The 1xbet sports betting has been monitoring the site since 1990 to ensure there are no problems with contamination to the community.

Steve Galitzer, director of the department of environmental health and safety at K-State, said burying such waste was a common practice for research universities at the time, and that K-State followed all government regulations on hazardous and radioactive waste disposal. Galitzer also said that by having its own site, the 1xbet sports betting was not disposing of radioactive waste and chemicals in the Riley County landfill.

"The times and regulations on handling of hazardous wastes have changed," Galitzer said. "K-State no longer buries such waste; all of 1xbet sports betting now goes to a treatment storage or disposal facility, as required by law."

Galitzer said the 1xbet sports betting has a detailed record of the radioactive waste that was buried at the site, along with a general idea of the chemical waste that was buried.

"1xbet sports betting 's time to get 1xbet sports betting cleaned up for good," Galitzer said. "We have spent about 0,000 a year since 1990 to monitor the site, with costs expected to escalate in the future."

The clean up 1xbet sports betting begin in October or November with groundwater remediation. Galitzer said monitoring, done several times a year for the past 20 years, has shown groundwater at the site does not go off campus.

The remediation plan starts with building a 100-foot by 4-foot trench on university property to capture a plume of contaminated groundwater and then clean it with a treatment system. By July 2011 sampling of the landfill soil 1xbet sports betting start. Workers 1xbet sports betting begin digging up the landfill in January 2012, removing its contents, sorting and screening them, and then shipping them to the proper facility for disposal. Workers involved 1xbet sports betting wear hazardous materials suits, and signs 1xbet sports betting be placed on the site to inform the public of the project.

A final assessment of the remaining soil at the landfill, to ensure that it is clean according to KDHE and EPA standards, 1xbet sports betting be done by April 2013. The landfill 1xbet sports betting then be filled and the site restored.

Galitzer encourages anyone with questions about the 1xbet sports betting , the remediation plans or other concerns to contact him at 785-532-5856 or galitz@k-1xbet sports betting edu.

A Kansas State 1xbet sports betting professor who was a standout student-athlete in college and a coach at the collegiate level is K-State's new faculty athletics representative.

BeEtta "Be" Stoney, associate professor of curriculum and instruction, has been appointed to the position by Kirk Schulz, K-State president. Stoney 1xbet sports betting work closely with the K-State athletics department and Big 12 Conference on issues related to academic integrity, rules compliance and student-athlete welfare.

Stoney replaces Mike Holen, dean of K-1xbet sports betting 's College of Education, who stepped down in June after serving 11 years in the position.

"Dr. Stoney's background makes her ideal for the role of K-State's faculty athletics representative," said Kirk Schulz, K-State president. "As a hall-of-fame women's basketball player at the 1xbet sports betting of Texas at El Paso, where she also served as an assistant coach, and as an award-winning faculty member, she has a well-rounded perspective on the issues confronting both faculty and student-athletes when it comes to collegiate athletics and academics."

John Currie, director of athletics at K-State, 1xbet sports betting Stoney is the right person for the job.

"We look forward to working with Dr. Stoney in her new role as 1xbet sports betting athletics representative," Currie said. "She brings great perspective to the position, understands the challenges and issues that face all students, including our student-athletes, and is a perfect fit to represent the 1xbet sports betting and ensure that our student-athletes are successful both on the field and in the classroom."

Stoney, a K-State 1xbet sports betting member since 1999, has been indirectly involved in athletics as a mentor to student-athletes at K-State and other institutions. She is about to start her eighth year as a Big 12 Conference evaluator of basketball officials. She also has coached and been a basketball official at all levels.

Stoney teaches classes on multicultural issues and was promoted to associate professor in 2005. She is a K-State Tilford Fellow and served as special assistant to the provost in 2006-2007. She is the author of several book chapters. She has been president-elect of the Research Association for Minority Professors and is active with K-State's Black 1xbet sports betting Staff Alliance, including serving as chair of the organization. She currently serves as a member of the President's Advisory Committee on Intercollegiate Athletics.

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