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The following K-State faculty presented at the 147th American Veterinary Medical Association annual convention, July 31-Aug. 2, Atlanta, Ga.:

Hans Coetzee, &1xbet best casino website ;Pain Management in Food Animals&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Antimicrobial Resistance in Cattle&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Therapy for Bovine Respiratory Disease&1xbet best casino website ;; and &1xbet best casino website ;Treating and Preventing Anaplasmosis.&1xbet best casino website ;

Greg Grauer, &1xbet best casino website ;Azotemia in Small Animals&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Proteinuria in Small Animals&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Chronic Kidney Disease in Two Cats&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Proteinuria, Hypertension and CKD,&1xbet best casino website ; &1xbet best casino website ;Hyperthyroidism and the Urinary Tract&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;NSAIDs in Dogs with Liver and Kidney Disease&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Acute Kidney Injury&1xbet best casino website ;; and &1xbet best casino website ;Cats, Calcium and Kidneys.&1xbet best casino website ;

An interview with Doug Powell is included in the new book &1xbet best casino website ;Cooking for Geeks&1xbet best casino website ; by Jeff Potter.

Karin Westman presented &1xbet best casino website ;Art in Harry Potter/Harry Potter as Art,&1xbet best casino website ; Infinitus 2010: A Harry Potter Conference, July 17, Orlando, Fla.

Richard A. Marston and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Downstream Effects of Urbanization on Stillwater Creek, Oklahoma,&1xbet best casino website ; Physical Geography, Vol. 31, No. 2.

Amy Rosine performed solo vocal recitals as part of the 19th International Music Festival, July 23, Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. Rosine also performed July 24, Dobrichovice, Czech Republic. Dobrichovice is the sister city of Manhattan.

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