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This fall is the time to reap new degree 1xbet sports betting at Kansas State University at Salina.

When the fall semester begins in August, 1xbet sports betting Salina will offer a bachelor's degree in social work and add the personal financial planning option to its bachelor's in family studies and human services.

&1xbet sports betting ;These degree programs provide more opportunities on the K-State Salina campus that allow us to meet the needs of students in the community and the central Kansas region,&1xbet sports betting ; said Dennis Kuhlman, dean of K-State Salina.

&1xbet sports betting ;As Kansas State University continues to look forward, we'll continue to look at bringing additional programs to the Salina campus,&1xbet sports betting ; said Kirk Schulz, K-State president. &1xbet sports betting ;K-State Salina offers students big university programs with a small campus environment.&1xbet sports betting ;

&1xbet sports betting ;The courses and requirements for these degrees at K-State Salina are the same as for those programs on the Manhattan campus,&1xbet sports betting ; said April Mason, K-State provost and senior vice president.

Social 1xbet sports betting offers the chance to 1xbet sports betting with and for people in all kinds of settings, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, gender or age. Social workers practice in a variety of settings, including hospitals, schools, mental health clinics, psychiatric hospitals and public agencies. They often oversee child welfare, elder care and special needs populations. Other opportunities are available in criminal justice and with organizations that help employees solve personal problems and employers resolve personnel issues.

&1xbet sports betting ;We're very excited to offer our social work program at the Salina campus,&1xbet sports betting ; said Betsy Cauble, head of the department of sociology, anthropology and social work. Cauble, an associate professor, is also president of the K-State Faculty Senate.

&1xbet sports betting ;It provides an expanded opportunity in the central Kansas region for students who are interested in becoming social workers or improving their skills for helping people,&1xbet sports betting ; Cauble said. &1xbet sports betting ;We know that there will be an increased need for social workers in many fields, including child welfare and geriatric care.&1xbet sports betting ;

The social work program is accredited through the Council on Social Work Education. Graduates are eligible for licensure by the state of Kansas at the bachelor's level and for advanced placement in master's degree programs in social work. More information is available at http://salina.1xbet sports betting edu/socialwork/index.html.

Students in the personal financial planning program earn a bachelor's degree in family studies and human services with a personal financial planning emphasis. The program is registered with the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, so graduates can take the certification examination and 1xbet sports betting as certified financial planners.

The interdisciplinary program combines courses in human ecology, business, and economics, including personal finance, family relationships, consumer rights, insurance, investments, taxation, retirement and estate planning, economics, and accounting. The program focuses on understanding financial products and how they 1xbet sports betting , as well as the role of family in financial decisions.

&1xbet sports betting ;The personal financial planning major will create career opportunities for students in the growing area of personal and financial planning at a time when improved financial management is critical to the future of our economy,&1xbet sports betting ; said Maurice MacDonald, director of K-State's School of Family Studies and Human Services.

Graduates 1xbet sports betting in the insurance, banking, credit union, retirement, estate planning, personnel benefits and investments industries; as consumer affairs professionals in business; and with local, state and federal consumer protection agencies. To find out more, go to http://salina.1xbet sports betting edu/fshs/index.html.

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