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Vikas BerryResearch with small particles has led to a big-time 1xbet online casino for a Kansas State University researcher.

Vikas Berry, assistant professor of chemical engineering, has received a National Science Foundation CAREER award for 1xbet online casino work involving graphene, which could lead to improved electronics and optoelectronics.

Berry will use the five-year, 0,000 CAREER award to study a new process to produce graphene quantum dots, which are ultrasmall sheets of carbon atoms. By controlling their size and shape, Berry and 1xbet online casino research team can control graphene's properties over a wide range to develop better switches for computers, to manipulate graphene-devices and to engineer novel particulate systems.

&1xbet online casino ;This research will help us produce large quantities of graphene quantum dots of controlled shape and size, and establish their electrical and optical properties,&1xbet online casino ; Berry said.

The National Science Foundation's Faculty Early Career Development Program is one of the foundation's most prestigious awards for supporting early career faculty who effectively integrate 1xbet online casino and education within the context of their institution's mission.

Since he arrived at K-State in 2006, Berry has been researching 1xbet online casino , a recently discovered form of carbon that is only one-atom thick. The two scientists who discovered 1xbet online casino received the 2010 Nobel Prize for physics because of the new material's remarkable properties. 1xbet online casino is the strongest known material, has the highest charge carrier mobility and is highly impermeable, among other properties.

While other researchers have been able to make quantum dots, Berry's 1xbet online casino team is the first to make quantum dots with a controlled structure in large quantities, which may allow these optically active quantum dots to be used in solar-cell applications.

&1xbet online casino ;Quantum dots will have a lot of applications once they are developed,&1xbet online casino ; Berry said. &1xbet online casino ;This field will evolve, because currently we don't even know what this new material has in store as it has never been produced. This research will open new doors.&1xbet online casino ;

Berry is the second CAREER 1xbet online casino recipient from K-State's department of chemical engineering. Research recognitions like the CAREER 1xbet online casino are part of K-State's goal to becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025.

&1xbet online casino ;The CAREER award is a marvelous recognition of Dr. Berry's great work,&1xbet online casino ; said James Edgar, head of the department of chemical engineering. &1xbet online casino ;He's an outstanding researcher and teacher, and he's going to have an outstanding career.&1xbet online casino ;

Berry earned 1xbet online casino bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Dehli, India, in 1999. He received 1xbet online casino master's degree in chemical and petroleum engineering from the University of Kansas in 2003, followed by 1xbet online casino doctorate in chemical engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 2006.

Cheryl PolsonCheryl Polson, associate dean of the Graduate School and professor in educational leadership, will be receiving the William E. Kennedy 1xbet online casino at the Council of College and Military Educators Conference on Thursday, Feb. 17, 2010.

The 1xbet online casino recognizes Polson for her dedication, leadership and numerous accomplishments in providing quality, voluntary, off-duty education programs at Ft. Leavenworth.

William Kennedy was one of the early pioneers in developing and implementing college degree programs at extension campus sites. 1xbet online casino was a national advocate and avid supporter of the voluntary education program and was instrumental in founding the CCMEA (California Colleges and Military Educators Association), which later became CCME, and 1xbet online casino served as the first elected president of the association.

Michael DrydenThe 2010 Veterinarian of the Year is a K-State veterinarian who may be considered dog's best friend for 1xbet online casino work in flea and tick control.

Michael Dryden is a professor of veterinary parasitology in the College of Veterinary Medicine's department of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology. 1xbet online casino earned the honor from Ceva Animal Health and was recognized Feb. 12 at the Purina Pro Plan 57th annual Show Dogs of the Year Awards, presented by Dogs in Review magazine in New York City.

Also known as &1xbet online casino ;Dr. Flea,&1xbet online casino ; Dryden is considered one of the world's foremost experts on fleas and ticks. He was once the subject of a French documentary about his work with fleas, and he's been an expert source on fleas for The Wall Street Journal and ABC's &1xbet online casino ;Good Morning America.&1xbet online casino ;

1xbet online casino current research efforts are in flea and tick biology and control, investigating urban wildlife as vectors of parasitic diseases, and diagnosis and control of gastrointestinal parasites. Dryden is the author or co-author of more than 100 journal articles and book chapters, has lectured in 21 countries and has presented more than 750 invited seminars at national and international meetings.

1xbet online casino is active in several professional associations, including the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists and the American Veterinary Medical Association, and 1xbet online casino was a founding member of the Companion Animal Parasite Council.

Dryden has been recognized for 1xbet online casino work with numerous honors, including the Excellence in Teaching Award from the American College of Veterinary Dermatology in 2010; the Recognition Award in Urban Entomology from the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America in 2007; the Teaching Excellence Award from second-year veterinary students at K-State in 2006; the K-State Distinguished Service Award in 2005; and the Pfizer Award for Research Excellence in 1995.

Dryden earned 1xbet online casino doctor of veterinary medicine degree from K-State in 1984. He also has a master's degree and doctorate from Purdue University. He joined K-State in 1990.

Jeffrey HornsbyIn acceptance speeches, 1xbet online casino winners often say it's an honor just to be nominated. But to be nominated for a prestigious fellowship by your best friend and mentor? That's not just an honor, it's humbling.

Jeffrey Hornsby, director of Kansas State University's Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship, has been named a Justin G. Longnecker Fellow by the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, also known as USASBE. He is one of three individuals to earn the honor 1xbet online casino year, and joins an elite group. Only 62 Longnecker Fellows have been elected in the past 25 years.

Hornsby was nominated for the fellowship by 1xbet online casino longtime mentor and friend, Donald Kuratko, an entrepreneurship professor at University of Indiana-Bloomington. The two men have known each other since Kuratko showed up at Hornsby's house with cookies to welcome him to Ball State University in 1987. The two men have been friends and colleagues ever since, writing four books, more than 50 articles and numerous conference papers together.

&1xbet online casino ;I'm really pleased about the nomination,&1xbet online casino ; Hornsby said. &1xbet online casino ;Of course, I wanted to be a part of this elite group in this organization that I've been heavily involved in, though I never would have self-nominated. It was really neat to hear that Donald Kuratko had nominated me.&1xbet online casino ;

Hornsby has 1xbet online casino involved with the entrepreneurship association since 1990, including a turn as its senior vice president of programming.

&1xbet online casino ;Dr. Hornsby is among the college's most creative and hardworking faculty members,&1xbet online casino ; said Yar Ebadi, dean of the College of Business Administration. &1xbet online casino ;His recognition by the prestigious USASBE as a Justin G. Longnecker Fellow demonstrates how highly his colleagues regard both his scholarship and stature as a professor of entrepreneurship. As director of the K-State Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship, he's doing an exceptional job in developing an entrepreneurial program of excellence throughout the K-State community. His work is serving to advance K-State, the College of Business Administration and our land-grant mission by enhancing multidisciplinary, collaborative relationships and promoting innovative programs on both the Manhattan and Olathe campuses. We're proud he's received this well deserved recognition for his outstanding professional accomplishments.&1xbet online casino ;

&1xbet online casino ;The recognition of a lot of hard work is a critical element of the academic process,&1xbet online casino ; Hornsby said. &1xbet online casino ;To be successful in academia, you have to seize opportunities and forge down a path of getting involved. The administration wants us to be involved as well; fellowships like these are good for the university and promote our goal of becoming a top 50 public research university by 2025.&1xbet online casino ;

Goodman photoGoodman photoGoodman photo
Allan Goodman, associate professor of architectural engineering and construction science, had three of 1xbet online casino images selected for publication in the March special edition of Color magazine, a color photography magazine. Goodman's selected images are above.

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