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Celebrity chef Jet Tila 1xbet best casino website demonstrate his signature pad thai, reveal the secrets of rolling sushi and share his award-winning recipe for tom yum soup during a culinary workshop March 10 at K-State.

&1xbet best casino website ;A Taste of Asia,&1xbet best casino website ; the seventh annual department of hospitality management and dietetics' Culinary Enhancement Workshop for professionals and alumni, begins at 10 a.m. in the Gold Room at Derby Dining Center. Registration deadline is Feb. 18.

Sessions 1xbet best casino website include flavors from China, Thailand and Japan.

Tila, a Food Network and radio personality, is executive chef at Wazuzu Pan-Asian Restaurant in the Encore Hotel, Las Vegas. The restaurant was named to Conde Nast Traveler's Hot List Tables in 2009 and the Best Asian Restaurant by The Best of Las Vegas in 2010.

He has appeared on National Public Radio's &1xbet best casino website ;Good Food,&1xbet best casino website ; and his recipes have been published in Bon Appetit. His Chef Jet line of signature frozen dishes, such as Cantonese steamed cod with ginger and soy and drunken noodles, recently debuted at Schwan's Home Service. He presented the 2006 Culinary Enhancement Workshop at K-State.

Tila learned his craft 1xbet best casino website his Cantonese grandmother, at the family restaurant and at Le Cordon Bleu and the California Sushi Academy.

Participants, limited to 45, 1xbet best casino website learn production techniques, watch cooking demonstrations, dine on an Asian-inspired lunch and participate in a hands-on session during which Tila 1xbet best casino website help them make California rolls.

Ninety percent of the 0 registration fee is tax deductible and 1xbet best casino website help K-State students attend a repeat workshop on March 11 at minimum cost.

The workshop qualifies working professionals for continuing education credits for 1xbet best casino website dietitian licensure. For more information and to register, log on to http://www.found.ksu.edu/culinary.

The workshop is sponsored by 1xbet best casino website housing and dining services and the McCune Foundation.

K-State's Melissa &1xbet best casino website ;Missy&1xbet best casino website ; Schrader, a dietitian with housing and dining services and instructor in hospitality management and dietetics, received the Mary Abbott Hess Award in late 2010 from the American Dietetic Association Foundation for creating the workshop.

February is a month for music at 1xbet best casino website .

The department of 1xbet best casino website is offering several recitals and performances by guest artists, students and faculty throughout the month. Unless otherwise noted, all events are free and open to the public. They include:

* Wei-Han Su and Hye-Jung Hong, piano professors at Missouri State University, 1xbet best casino website perform a recital at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, in All Faiths Chapel. Su and Hong 1xbet best casino website perform four-hand and two piano works by Mendelssohn, Bolcom, Ravel and Lutoslawski. The duo also 1xbet best casino website conduct a piano master class at 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 11, in All Faiths Chapel.

* David Pickering, K-State assistant professor of music, presents "Organ Music for a Wednesday Morning" at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, in All Faiths Chapel. Along with Pickering, the performance 1xbet best casino website feature K-State's Virginia Houser, associate professor of piano, and Yuka Morishita, an organ student from Japan. The program acquaints students and the general public with the organ and its repertoire.

* Chamber music recital by K-State's Steven Maxwell, assistant professor of music, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, All Faiths Chapel. The program 1xbet best casino website feature performances of original works for tuba, including compositions by Thomas Stevens, Sy Brandon, Jeremy Beck, William Penn and Arthur R. Rubinstein. The recital includes the world premiere of Brandon's "Grass Roots" for tuba and piano. The composition was written for Maxwell through a grant from the CO-OP Press. Brandon 1xbet best casino website be in residence at K-State Feb. 13-15, and this recital 1xbet best casino website be the final event of his stay.

* K-State Wind Ensemble concert, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, McCain Auditorium. The ensemble 1xbet best casino website perform a compilation of old and new wind literature from composers Jack Stamp, Eric Whitacre, John Mackey and Alfred Reed. The concert 1xbet best casino website feature K-State's Anna Marie Wytko, instructor of music, in a solo performance of Mackey's "Concerto for Soprano Saxophone." Frank Tracz, professor and director of bands at K-State, conducts the ensemble. Guest conductors for the concert include K-State's Don Linn, assistant professor of music, and Andrew Feyes, a doctoral student in curriculum and instruction. For more information, contact the band office at 785-532-3816.

* Student Recital Series, 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 17, All Faiths Chapel. Performers in the recital include students 1xbet best casino website the keyboard, wind, string and percussion programs.

* Celebrating New Music concert, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 17, All Faiths Chapel. 1xbet best casino website solo and chamber ensembles perform contemporary compositions by several modern-day composers.

* 1xbet best casino website clarinetist Mauricio Salguero 1xbet best casino website present a recital for clarinet and electronics at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 20, in All Faiths Chapel. A native of Colombia, Salguero is currently a doctor of musical arts candidate at the University of Missouri-Kansas City Conservatory of 1xbet best casino website and Dance. He also teaches clarinet at the University of Missouri-Kansas City's Community 1xbet best casino website and Dance Academy. In addition to his interest in modern 1xbet best casino website , Salguero researches and frequently performs art 1xbet best casino website from Colombia.

* Oboe Studio Recital, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 22, All Faiths Chapel. The recital features solo works and chamber music performances by oboe students of K-State's Nora Lewis, assistant professor of music. The concert also 1xbet best casino website include a performance by the K-State Double Reed Ensemble and works by Berger, Vanhal, Joplin, Vivaldi, Powning, Schumann and Britten.

* K-State's Paul Hunt, professor of music, 1xbet best casino website perform a recital with Amanda Arrington, staff accompanist at K-State, at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 27, in All Faiths Chapel. The program includes Bruce Hamilton's "Wintermute," Dana Wilson's "Paradox" and Jose Berghmans' "Concertino."

* 1xbet best casino website by renowned clarinetist Julia Heinen and pianist Dmitry 1xbet best casino website , 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 28, All Faiths Chapel. Heinen and Rachmanov both serve on the music faculty at California State University-Northridge. As a soloist Heinen has performed hundreds of recitals throughout the United States and has premiered several works written specifically for her. In February 2003 she performed a recital at Carnegie Hall's Weill Recital Hall, culminating in a compact disc recording released in fall 2007 by Centaur Records. Heinen has a master's degree from the University of Michigan, an artist diploma from Northwestern University and a doctorate from the University of Minnesota. She 1xbet best casino website serve as the host for the International Clarinet Association's ClarinetFest 2011 in Los Angeles.

A 1xbet best casino website documentary project is recognizing the contributions of volunteers in five Kansas communities that help preserve historical memories.

The project 1xbet best casino website create the documentary film, "History's Quiet Keepers," which 1xbet best casino website feature interviews with volunteers at historical societies and cultural centers in five Kansas communities: Alma, Clay Center, Garden City, Topeka and Westmoreland. The documentary's goal is to increase visibility about diverse Kansas histories and about the gatherers of those histories.

The project, supported by a ,050 grant from the Kansas Humanities Council for celebrations of the state's sesquicentennial, is led by four 1xbet best casino website faculty members: Michele Janette, director of the women's studies program and an associate professor of English; M.J. Morgan, adjunct professor of history; Gabriela Diaz de Sabates, instructor of women's studies; and Sue Zschoche, associate professor of history.

&1xbet best casino website ;We want to recognize the historical work done by community volunteers -- often women -- who too frequently go unrecognized as historical preservers,&1xbet best casino website ; said Janette, who is director of the project. &1xbet best casino website ;We want to bring stories from different parts of Kansas together, connecting the memorykeeping of a Wabaunsee County Historical Society volunteer who organizes history treasure hunts in Eskridge with the memorykeeping of a volunteer organizer of the Fiesta Mexicana in Topeka.&1xbet best casino website ;

"Discussions about the history of vanished and vanishing small places in Kansas have occurred in living rooms, museums, out in fields, in nursing homes, in churches," Morgan said. "Our project 1xbet best casino website bring those discussions to a wider audience."

Once the documentary film is complete, it 1xbet best casino website be screened in the five communities. The screenings, called Kansas History Road Shows, 1xbet best casino website be open to the public for viewing and discussion. The road shows also 1xbet best casino website invite public participation in further historical preservation through Everyone is a Historian booths, where local residents can bring objects they own to be photographed and can record stories about the object and how it came to be part of their personal or familial collection.

Filming 1xbet best casino website begin this semester, and organizers hope the documentary 1xbet best casino website be ready for screenings in the fall.

Learn from your colleagues! From 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, March 1, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom, K-State faculty and staff 1xbet best casino website demonstrate how they use technology to enhance teaching and learning.

Have you thought about using social media, videos or portfolios in your courses? Faculty 1xbet best casino website demonstrate how they use these technologies and many more.Mini presentations 1xbet best casino website be given on:

&1xbet best casino website ;Looking for Mr. Wright and finding him on Facebook,&1xbet best casino website ; by Mick Charney

&1xbet best casino website ;The use of clickers in research and outreach,&1xbet best casino website ; by Sharolyn Jackson, Doug Jardine and Sid Stevenson

&1xbet best casino website ;Creating and using Web apps to deliver class material on the iPad,&1xbet best casino website ; by Ashley Rhodes

Cytek, Dell, Microsoft, Turning Technologies, the Union Computer Store and others 1xbet best casino website be on hand to demonstrate their products.Put your name in the hat for drawings to be held for an Xbox, Kinect, 15 clicker system and more.

A Varney's gift card 1xbet best casino website be provided to the first 200 faculty and staff who enter the ballroom. Coffee, juice and muffins 1xbet best casino website be served from 10-11 a.m. A light lunch 1xbet best casino website be provided from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Come join us for an informative, fun-filled three hours -- stay as little or as long as your schedule permits.

Registration is required to assist us in planning for the 1xbet best casino website . To register visit http://tinyurl.com/tltshowcase.

The event is sponsored by Information Technology Services, the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, the Student Governing Association and the Office of Mediated 1xbet best casino website .

For updates visit: http://ksushowcase.wordpress.com.

The Johnson Center for 1xbet best casino website Cancer Research is accepting applications for its spring semester awards. The deadline is March 1.

Center-affiliated faculty or 1xbet best casino website faculty eligible for affiliation may apply for innovative research awards, equipment awards and travel fellowships. Awards for affiliated faculty's graduate students and post-docs are also offered.

More info is available at http://cancer.1xbet best casino website edu/, on the award programs page, or by calling Rob Denell, center 1xbet best casino website , at 785-532-6705.

To celebrate the legal victory that dismantled racial segregation, the Brown v. Board of Education: In Pursuit of Freedom and Equality traveling exhibit 1xbet best casino website be on display until Feb. 25 in the William T. Kemper Art Gallery at the K-State Student Union in conjunction with Black History Month.

The visual presentation of the Supreme Court’s findings in Brown v. Board of Education, based on the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, uses images and text to share facts about the 1xbet best casino website of the decision and the journey African Americans took to further their presence in the national education system. The 1xbet best casino website of substandard facilities, out-of-date textbooks and lack of basic school supplies are expressed, along with the dedication of African-American educators who played a vital role in the movement.

The exhibit, sponsored by Union Program Council and established by the 1xbet best casino website Foundation of Topeka, provides an understanding that equal educational opportunities and basic civil rights efforts are still continued across the country.

The mission of the Brown Foundation is to build upon the work of those involved in the Brown decision, to ensure equal opportunity for 1xbet best casino website people. Their cornerstone is to keep the tenets and ideals of Brown v. Board of Education relevant for future generations through programs, preservation, advocacy and civil engagement.

The gallery hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Located on the first floor of the Union, the Kemper Gallery is free and open to the public. For a complete list of all UPC activities, visit 1xbet best casino website edu/upc or call the UPC office at 785-532-6571.

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