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Lauren W. Ritterbush and Brad Logan published &1xbet best casino website ;No Thread of Evidence -- White Rock, Western Oneota and the Kansa: Comments on 'A Return to Glen Elder' by James O. Marshall,&1xbet best casino website ; The Kansas Anthropologist, Vol. 30.

Nancy Morrow exhibited her work in &1xbet best casino website ;Insatiable: Our Rapacious Appetite For More,&1xbet best casino website ; Kniznick Gallery,Brandeis University, Jan. 25-March 15, Waltham, Mass.

Morrow also exhibited her work in &1xbet best casino website ;A Woman's Work is Never Done,&1xbet best casino website ; A.I.R. Gallery, curated by Susanne Altmann, Jan 5-30, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Kevin Blake published &1xbet best casino website ;Review of 'Historical Atlas of the American West' by Derek Hayes,&1xbet best casino website ; Montana: The Magazine of Western History, Vol. 60, No. 4.

Melinda Daniels and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;The River Discontinuum: Beavers (Castor Canadensis) and Baseline Conditions for Restoration of Forested Headwaters,&1xbet best casino website ; Bioscience, Vol. 60, No. 11.

Daniels and colleagues presented &1xbet best casino website ;Fish Community Response to Habitat Alteration: Impacts of Sand Dredging in the Kansas River,&1xbet best casino website ; 71st Midwest Fisheries and Wildlife Conference, Dec. 12-15, Minneapolis, Minn.

Kendra K. McLauchlan and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Topographic and Ungulate Regulation of Soil Carbon Turnover in a Temperate Grassland Ecosystem,&1xbet best casino website ; Global Change Biology, Vol. 17.

Douglas Goodin, Charles Martin and colleague published &1xbet best casino website ;Landuse Change in Upper Kansas River Floodplain: Following the 1993 Flood,&1xbet best casino website ; Natural Hazards, Vol. 55.

Shawn Hutchinson, colleague and student published &1xbet best casino website ;Designing a Local-Scale Microsimulation of Lesser Grain Borer Population Dynamics and Movements,&1xbet best casino website ; chapter 10, GIS Applications in Agriculture, Volume Three: Invasive Species, S. Clay, ed., CRC Press: Boca Raton, Fla.

Stacy Hutchinson, Shawn Hutchinson and student presented &1xbet best casino website ;Rapid Soil Erosion Assessment Modeling for Predicting Gully Locations on Military Training Lands,&1xbet best casino website ; Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, Nov. 30-Dec. 4, Washington, D.C.

Richard Marston and colleagues published &1xbet best casino website ;Watershed Morphology of Highland and Mountain Ecoregions in Eastern Oklahoma,&1xbet best casino website ; The Professional Geographer, Vol. 63, No. 1.

Marston has completed his 12th year as co-editor-in-chief of the Elsevier journal, Geomorphology.

Lisa M.B. Harrington presented &1xbet best casino website ;Sustainability, Stakeholders and Moving Forward,&1xbet best casino website ; University of North Carolina-Greensboro department of geography, Dec. 2.

Harrington presented &1xbet best casino website ;Conceptions of Sustainability,&1xbet best casino website ; University of Alabama department of geography, Jan. 11.

Harrington has been appointed to the scientific board of the Annals of the University of Oradea Geography Series.

Marcellus Caldas has been appointed to the editorial board of The Professional Geographer.

Caldas was appointed editor of the newsletter of the Conference of Latin-Americanist Geographers.

Leo Lo presented &1xbet best casino website ;Perspectives from a New Professional: My Experience as an ALA Emerging Leader,&1xbet best casino website ; Library Leadership and Management Association Leadership Development seminar, American Library Association Midwinter Conference, Jan. 7-11, San Diego, Calif.

Joseph M. Craine, biology; Kendra K. McLauchlan, geography; and colleague published &1xbet best casino website ;Widespread Coupling Between the Rate and Temperature Sensitivity of Organic Matter Decay,&1xbet best casino website ; Nature Geoscience, Vol. 3.

The following faculty members presented at the Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Jan. 20-21, Wichita:

Melinda Daniels, geography, and student, &1xbet best casino website ;Influence of Grazing Treatments on Stream Geomorphology in the Flint Hills.&1xbet best casino website ;

Craig Paukert, biology; Daniels, geography; and students; &1xbet best casino website ;Influence of Sand Dredging on Fish Communities in the Kansas River.&1xbet best casino website ;

Walter K. Dodds, biology; Daniels, geography; and students; &1xbet best casino website ;Effects of Bison and Prescribed Fire on Prairie Stream Sediments.&1xbet best casino website ;

Shawn Hutchinson, geography; Stacy Hutchinson, geography; and colleagues, &1xbet best casino website ;Monitoring Military Training and Sustainability at Fort Riley, Kansas, in Real- or Near-Real Time Using Geospatial Techniques and Automated Sensor Deployments.&1xbet best casino website ;

Donald Saucier, colleagues and students presented &1xbet best casino website ;The Effects of Rejecting False Feedback on Mood and Prejudice Toward Outgroup and Ingroup Members&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Honor, Aggression and Masculinity as Predictors of Men's Sport Perceptions and Experiences&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Examining The Relationships Between Religiosity and Sexual Prejudice in Helping Scenarios&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Re-Examining the Form and Function of Superstition&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Rape Myth Consistent Information and Gender Differences in Rape Victim Perceptions: A Meta-Analysis&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Outgroup Homogeneity Effects in Perceiving Individuals with Disabilities&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Spanning the Political Divide: Why Are Liberals and Conservatives Prejudiced Toward Different Groups?&1xbet best casino website ;; &1xbet best casino website ;Effects of Exposure to Anti-Gay Humor on Individuals' Tolerance of Discrimination&1xbet best casino website ;; and &1xbet best casino website ;Flying Without Wings: Re-Examining Individual Differences in Imaginative Involvement&1xbet best casino website ;; annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Jan. 27-29, San Antonio, Texas.

Jerry Jaax presented &1xbet best casino website ;Agricultural Infrastructure Challenges,&1xbet best casino website ; International Biosafety and Biocontainment Symposium-Animal Production and Protection: Challenges, Risks and Best Practices, Feb. 6-9, Baltimore, Md.

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